Chum Salmon - Benefits, Calorie Content, Description, Nutritional Value

Chum Salmon - Benefits, Calorie Content, Description, Nutritional Value
Chum Salmon - Benefits, Calorie Content, Description, Nutritional Value


Chum salmon is popular for its large caviar and tender pink meat.

The nutritional value Serving Keta 100 g Amount per serving Calories 120 Calories from Fat 33.93 % Daily value * Total Fat 3.77 g 6% Saturate fats 0.84 g 4% Polyunsaturated. fat 0.9 g Monounsaturated. fats 1.54 g Cholesterol 74 mg 25% Sodium 50 mg 2% Potassium 429 mg 12% Total Carbohydrates 0 g 0% Dietary fiber 0 g 0% Proteins 20.14 g 40% Vitamin A 12% Vitamin B6 20% Vitamin B12 50% Niacin 35% Thiamine 5% Iron 3% Calcium 1% Magnesium 6% Phosphorus 28% Zinc 3% * Calculation for a daily diet of 2000 kcal

The ratio of BJU in the product


Source: How to burn 120 kcal?

Walking 30 minutes.
Jogging 13 minutes
Swimming 10 min.
A bike 17 minutes
Aerobics 24 minutes
Household chores 40 minutes


Chum salmon is the most common and widespread species of anadromous red fish from the Pacific salmon family. The chum salmon lives in the North Pacific Ocean, off the coast of North America, as well as in the Okhotsk and Bering Seas. In the marine period of its life, this silver-colored fish feeds on a vast water area, and after a couple of years, having reached sexual maturity, it starts spawning in the rivers of northern Primorye, the Kola Peninsula, the USA, Japan and Korea. In the river water, the fish becomes yellowish-brown, black stripes appear, and the meat becomes completely lean, flabby and faded.

In the fishery, chum salmon is very much appreciated, since it can reach one meter in length, and its weight can be up to 14 kg. Every year, the volume of its catch is inferior only to pink salmon, its main rival.

It was chum salmon that somehow saved V. K. Arsenyev, an outstanding Russian traveler, from starvation. In his book “Across the Ussuriyskiy Kray” he told the story of how their boat with provisions got into an ice jam and crashed on the rocks. It happened in November, when there was no longer a question of berries and mushrooms. Therefore, the researcher was constantly tormented by thoughts of starvation. The spawning of chum salmon was just in full swing and somehow the traveler's companion, Dersu's guide, found the parts of the fish left after the bear meal. Together with the traveler, they ate them with the words: "There is no fish and cancer is a fish".

Chum salmon is valuable due to its dietary meat, which has an amazing taste and very tasty large red caviar. However, you need to know how to cook the fish properly, as with normal frying, the meat turns out to be somewhat dry. The most delicious recipe for cooking fish is baking in foil with vegetables or frying in batter.

Chum salmon usually goes on sale in ice cream, smoked or salted form. Fresh fish produces excellent fish soup and delicious aspic. Salted chum salmon must be soaked before use, as it is often salted so that it can be stored longer. Further, salted chum salmon is served as a cold appetizer or added to salads.

A separate conversation about caviar - it is an integral part of the festive table, which has recently moved from the category of luxury to the category of quite an affordable delicacy. Chum salmon caviar differs from other varieties of caviar by its bright orange color, dense shell and large size.

Chum composition

100 g of chum salmon contains 74.2 g of water, 5.6 g of fat, 1.2 g of ash, 19 g of protein; vitamins: A, groups B, D, C, PP; macronutrients: phosphorus, sulfur, calcium, sodium, magnesium, potassium; trace elements: iodine, iron, zinc, manganese, selenium, copper, fluorine.

In addition, fish contains lecithin, omega-3 and omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids.

How many calories are in chum?

To the question: how many calories are in chum, you can answer that there are about 126.4 kcal per 100 g of product.

The benefits of chum

Due to the content of polyunsaturated fatty acids and lecithin, the benefits of chum salmon lie in its anti-atherosclerotic effect. The constant consumption of fish prevents the development of myocardial infarction and ischemic stroke. Due to the content of magnesium and potassium, the benefits of chum salmon also lie in a beneficial effect on the work of the cardiovascular system, and phosphorus and calcium have a beneficial effect on bones.

Fried chum salmon
Fried chum salmon

Vitamin B1 (thiamine) found in fish has beneficial effects on basic brain functions, including improving memory and learning ability. Also, thiamine plays an essential role in the processes of tone and growth of skeletal muscles and the activity of the digestive tract, protects against the toxic effects of nicotine and alcohol.

Chum salmon caviar contains vitamin A, which the body needs to maintain the functions of the nervous system and vision. Vitamin E improves skin condition and has an anti-toxic effect. Ascorbic acid strengthens the body's immune defenses, and vitamin D helps to improve bone health. And iron and other minerals are necessary for the correct formation of red blood cells and an increase in the level of hemoglobin in the blood.

I would also like to note that chum salmon practically has no contraindications to use, except that the individual intolerance of the body.

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