Slimming cucumbers
In modern dietetics, cucumbers for weight loss are an important component of many diets, fasting days and nutrition systems, due to their low calorie content.

Cucumbers are a vegetable crop (false berry), 95-98% water, contain a minimum amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates. They are rich in provitamin A (carotene), B vitamins, vitamin C, PP and complex organic compounds that the body needs for normal metabolism. Cucumbers also contain potassium, iodine compounds and fiber, which helps to improve intestinal motility and eliminate excess cholesterol.
It is believed that cucumbers contain the so-called "structured" or "living" water, which is able to have a healing effect on the body, optimizing the work of all organs and systems. And cucumber juice, according to nutritionist Paul Brega, dissolves the poisons accumulating in the body and promotes their elimination, since it is a fairly strong diuretic.
One medium-sized cucumber contains (from the daily value):
- 20% - liquids;
- 26% potassium;
- 14% vitamin C;
- 6% - plant fibers.
It is best to use cucumbers for weight loss during their natural ripening season, when they are grown outdoors in natural conditions. Small, crunchy, hard fruits with undeveloped seeds, necessarily with a peel, should be eaten, since it is in it that all the vitamins and minerals of the fruit are concentrated.
Calories in cucumbers
The number of calories in cucumbers depends on whether they are grown in a greenhouse or in the open field, they are used fresh, lightly salted or salted.
Calories - Fresh Cucumber 100g:
- Ground cucumbers contain 14-15 kcal. (0.1 g fat, 0.8 g protein, 2.5 g carbohydrates);
- Greenhouse cucumbers contain 10 kcal. (0.1 g fat, 0.7 g protein, 1.8 g carbohydrates).
Lightly salted cucumbers, calories 12-13 kcal. (1.5 fats, 0.6 proteins, 1.5 carbohydrates).
The calorie content of pickled cucumbers is 13 kcal. (0.1 fats, 0.8 proteins, 1.7 carbohydrates).
This is an average data, the actual values of calories and the amount of proteins-fats-carbohydrates may slightly differ, depending on the variety of cucumbers, soil composition, climatic zone and weather conditions during the growing period in the open field.
Cucumbers for weight loss, diet
It is recommended to use cucumbers for weight loss in a diet to lose weight, normalize metabolism, cleanse the intestines of toxins, improve skin condition and general well-being. Fresh cucumbers contain few calories, therefore, using cucumbers for weight loss in a diet, it is guaranteed that you will not need to experience malnutrition. Food volumes will be sufficient, and their nutritional value will be minimal.

In addition to cucumbers, the following foods are allowed in the diet:
- Low-fat meat (veal, beef), chicken;
- Fish and seafood;
- Eggs;
- From cereals - rice;
- Vegetables other than potatoes
- Fermented milk products - cottage cheese, kefir, yogurt;
- Various greens,
- Fruits other than bananas, nuts, seeds;
- Small amounts of wholemeal or bran bread.
An approximate diet menu using cucumbers for weight loss for one day:
- Breakfast - curd-cucumber mixture, a slice of rye bread, green tea without sugar;
- Second breakfast - a small grapefruit, a handful of peanuts, walnuts or any other nuts;
- Lunch - okroshka with fresh cucumbers or cucumber-kefir cold soup, boiled veal or chicken, green tea without sugar;
- Afternoon snack - salad of cucumbers, lettuce and feta cheese;
- Dinner - vegetable salad with boiled eggs and cucumbers, seasoned with olive oil, kefir or yogurt, steamed fish, green tea without sugar or a glass of kefir.
The further menu for the day can be made taking into account the foods allowed in the diet and personal preferences. Most of the nutrients are contained in the skin of a cucumber, so it is best not to peel it off when preparing meals.
If necessary and in the absence of medical contraindications, you can arrange fasting days on cucumbers. Divide one and a half kilograms of fresh cucumbers into 5 meals and eat during the day, preferably not to salt. If it is difficult to sustain all day only on cucumbers, it is allowed to include in the diet 100 g of lean boiled meat, 100 g of low-fat cottage cheese or 2 hard-boiled eggs.
Another option for using cucumbers for weight loss is to simply increase their number in the daily menu, trying to eat one fresh cucumber without salt before each meal. This will help to reduce free space in the stomach, reducing the amount eaten, and will accelerate the absorption of animal proteins, due to the presence of special enzymes in cucumbers. It is also advisable to consume only fresh cucumbers and clean drinking water after 18-19 hours.
Lightly salted and pickled cucumbers for weight loss
Despite the low calorie content of pickled cucumbers, they are not recommended for use in weight loss diets due to the high content of salts that retain water in the body, reducing the rate of metabolic processes.
Pickled cucumbers have a high content of fiber, which helps to cleanse the gastrointestinal tract, antioxidants necessary for binding free radicals, beneficial bacteria that inhibit pathogenic intestinal microflora, lactic acid, which reduces the amount of cholesterol in the blood, normalizes blood pressure and improves blood circulation. Therefore, out of season, when it is not possible to eat fresh cucumbers, it is allowed to include pickled cucumbers in the menu in reasonable quantities.
Lightly salted cucumbers, the calorie content of which is also low, while the amount of salt in them is insignificant, and vitamins and nutrients are practically preserved, can be used in diets for weight loss, but not more than 100-200 g per day.
Pickled and lightly salted cucumbers for weight loss are categorically not recommended to be included in the menu for diseases of the liver, pancreas, kidneys, and stomach.
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