Educational games for preschoolers

By playing, the child learns the world. From what games he plays, it largely depends on how he knows this world, how he will be adapted to it, how he will position himself. The purpose of educational games for preschoolers is to explain to the child the principles and mechanisms operating in this world, to give him the tools that will help him in life, to help him master important skills that will be useful later.
What should be educational games for preschoolers? First of all, they are diverse, because life is bright and multifaceted. Bright wooden blocks with letters for a three-year-old child are the same educational game as computer games for older girls, in which cooking lessons or the first steps in the world of fashion and style are taught in a fun way. Hence the second important rule - educational games for preschoolers must correspond to a certain age of the child, it is then that they will be developmental.
There are more or less universal games designed for a fairly wide age contingent of children. These games include constructors. An excellent educational game for preschoolers, for example, is the Lego constructor. Of course, it exists in several versions, including adapted for early childhood, and also differs depending on gender preferences. By the way, educational games for preschoolers can, among other things, help develop gender identity, prepare boys and girls for the role that society assigns them, and help to cope with this role.
One of the favorite types of educational games for preschoolers is puzzles, as they are now called, or puzzles, as they were previously called. Of course, it is difficult for a kid to assemble a seascape from hundreds of shades of blue and thousands of fragments, but he will undoubtedly like bright, large children's jigsaw puzzles with characters from his favorite cartoons and fairy tales, especially if he plays them with mom or dad. Games such as construction sets and puzzles develop attention, memory, manual skills, teach patience and the ability to rejoice at the result.

Parents often complain that today's children cannot be driven away from the computer. But you can use the time spent by the child near the computer, for his good, by offering interesting and educational games, of which there are many now. Of course, parents need to spend a little time first and select games according to age and task. It is desirable that these were not games like “kill a vampire in his castle”, but something like “collect the picture”, “find the excess”, “help find a way out”. Naturally, online educational games for preschoolers cannot fully satisfy the need for all games, but they should not do this, because each game has its own niche and its own tasks.
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