Educational games at 3-4 years old
Over the age of three, children love to play on their own, with adults, as well as with other children. It is advisable to use the gameplay for the all-round development of the baby. Educational games at 3-4 years old involve the obligatory participation of older relatives. For such activities, home conditions, a street in good weather, and kindergarten premises are well suited.
For 3-4 years old, educational games should not be very long in time, absolutely safe and always interesting for children. Such games are primarily aimed at improving imagination, memory, speech development, creativity, and practical skills.
Educational games at 3-4 years old for mental abilities

The intelligence of a child at a young age is manifested in the formation of logical thinking, correct speech, imagination. Educational games at the age of three and in older children contribute to a harmonious increase in mental abilities. The potential of intelligence is provided not only by genetic characteristics, but also by the effects of the environment. Educational games at 3-4 years old will help to cope with the task of improving logic, speech, memory.
Speech development begins in infancy. In the first months babbling appears, then the baby learns to pronounce syllables, simple words, speak in sentences. At 3 years of age, the level of speech development for each child is individual. Someone has a good vocabulary and speaks in complex sentences. And someone prefers to explain themselves without words. Only constant communication with the child can ensure the successful and rapid development of speech. By participating in conversations, listening to monologues and dialogues of adults, the child learns a lot of useful information, remembers, repeats.
For 3-4 years old, educational games will also help parents. To begin with, try to learn funny poems from children's reading books with your baby. Try to emotionally color the text of the verse, use facial expressions, gestures, intonation. Special vocabulary educational games in 3-4 years will help to increase vocabulary. You can try to play in a group. If there are several children, their interest in the game will increase due to the presence of a competitive moment. Ask the children to name more words per letter or five objects from the same group (vegetables, fruits, animals, cities). Express your admiration to all successful participants in the game, encourage them with small prizes.
When alone with your child, discuss with him the names of different things, ask about their color, size, shape. Encourage your child to talk on the phone every day. This can be talking to imaginary characters on a toy phone or real calls to older relatives. Such an educational game at 3-4 years old will be entertaining for a child. In addition, you will delight the baby's grandmother. Talking on the phone is different from meeting in person. All information comes from the speaker in the form of words, intonations, but non-verbal methods of interaction are minimal. Facial expressions, gestures for such a conversation are insignificant.
Educational games at the age of three can already be aimed at improving logical thinking. Logic is the genetic quality of the human mind. But abilities can and should be developed from childhood. A person who knows how to think logically has a chance for greater success in modern society. Accordingly, it is desirable for parents to pay significant attention to this aspect of games.
To organize interesting games, select images of animals, buildings, cars, vegetables, berries. Encourage your kid to compose groups of objects according to a certain criterion, find pairs of images, remove unnecessary pictures. Classic mosaics, various puzzles, children's dominoes, loto contribute to the formation of the foundations of logical thinking.
Educational games at 3-4 years old should also contribute to the formation of memory for names, faces, dates, words. Visual memory is developed with the help of children's picture books. The child needs to examine the image, and then restore the image from memory. The adult can ask support questions in the form of small partial reminders.
How to acquire the first skills of reading, oral counting
Start your acquaintance with letters and syllables with a children's magnetic alphabet or a set of special blocks. Now on sale are musical toys that sound the alphabet by keys. Such a modern alphabet can also become part of an educational game in 3-4 years. Learn letters and sounds with your child gradually. In just a few weeks, your child will have mastered the alphabet and will be ready to learn reading skills. Make the simplest words out of cubes. Let the child try to write his name, "mom", "dad" with letters from the magnetic alphabet. Composing words in musical toys with the alphabet can also be fun.
For 3-4 years old, educational games involve mastering basic knowledge of mathematics. Gienesh logic blocks and their analogs may suit you. It is worth starting to study the shape and features of geometric shapes through applique, pencil drawing, coloring. Verbal counting skills are not available to all children of this age. Introduce your child to the basics with visual examples. Count apples, cubes, furnishings.
Acquaintance with accounts can become an educational game in 3-4 years. Show your child clearly what the words "minus", "plus", "multiply", "divide" mean. Of course, do not rush the baby too much. Children are individual and have different rates of mastering the material. Your kid will definitely master reading, verbal counting, and other similar skills. At this stage, the most important thing is that the child wants to learn and does not lose interest in reading and mathematics.
Fine motor skills and educational games at 3-4 years old

Literate parents are well aware of the importance of fine motor skills. The relationship between fine motor skills and intelligence is obvious. To improve the situation, turn to educational games for 3-4 years. The progression of fine motor skills of the hands will be accompanied by an improvement in speech, logic, and intellectual abilities. Only children with normal motor skills master the elementary school curriculum successfully.
Games can have a significant impact on your ability to make precise movements. Construction, origami, applique, modeling from plasticine, with regular use, are considered one of the most effective means. Educational games for fine motor skills at 3-4 years old are more popular with girls. Find play sets that are age-appropriate for children.
Educational games at age three and physical activity
The child must develop harmoniously. Physical activity contributes to the maintenance and promotion of health. For 3-4 years old, educational games can be based on the use of a bicycle, home horizontal bar, wall bars. Children love outdoor games.
Encourage children's outdoor activities: catch-up, ball games, swing. Do not leave your child for a long time in front of a computer screen, TV. Even educational programs and games over the Internet will not be useful if you use them for more than 30 minutes a day.
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