Favorable Climate In The Children's Room

Favorable Climate In The Children's Room
Favorable Climate In The Children's Room

Favorable climate in the children's room

Favorable climate in the children's room
Favorable climate in the children's room

The importance of the climate in the nursery can hardly be overestimated, especially for the premises for small children, who spend there, with a few exceptions, all day. But even if a child has grown up, goes to kindergarten, to school and at the same time attends additional classes, he still spends at least eight night hours every day in the nursery, which is already a lot. The task of the parents is to create such conditions in the children's room so that they are comfortable and optimal for maintaining health.

The climate in the nursery is determined by three factors: the availability of fresh air supply, maintaining the optimum temperature and humidity. The comfort temperature for a child is the same as for an adult - 21-23 ° C. From school physics lessons, we remember that cold air goes down, and hot air goes up, and this must be taken into account, especially in winter. Children are small, and therefore they are closer to the floor. At this level, the temperature may differ from that measured at the "adult" level by 1-3 ° C. Therefore, if you want to know if your baby is comfortable enough, measure the temperature where he spends the most time - at the level of the crib for babies, and at the level of the lower third of the room for older children, from one to five years old.

The optimum humidity of the premises for children is in the range of 50-70%. Dry air leads to drying out of the mucous membranes and an increase in their vulnerability, and a too humid climate in the nursery will contribute to overheating of the child and the development of a fungus in the room, which is very dangerous to health. It should be remembered that in winter the air in the room is always drier, and therefore you can humidify it either by hanging wet linen on the radiators, or by placing one or two open containers of water next to them. You can use special steam generators for this, but it should be borne in mind that abuse of them can lead to undesirable consequences, mainly in the form of the development of the same fungus under the wallpaper, in the joints of furniture and other secluded places. If you live in a humid climate, there is no need to use steam generators to humidify the air.

Favorable climate in the children's room
Favorable climate in the children's room

One of the most important factors, without taking into account which the optimal climate in the nursery is unattainable, is the flow of fresh air. To do this, in the warm season, it is better to keep the window open constantly, and in the cold season - every 2 hours to air the nursery for 10-15 minutes, while it is desirable that the baby leaves the room for the duration of the airing, to avoid temperature changes. If an air conditioner is installed in the nursery, remember that air conditioners only maintain the temperature regime, not providing fresh air. A closed air cycle is created in the room, with a constant circulation of the same air, which is gradually depleted in oxygen and filled with carbon dioxide. Therefore, the presence of an air conditioner does not exclude ventilation, but, on the contrary, makes it even more necessary.

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