Slimming Activated Carbon

Active charcoal for weight loss has become quite popular in recent times. A pack of this absorbent can be purchased at any pharmacy. It is produced in the form of powder, capsules and tablets. Many important and useful functions are attributed to it. Does activated carbon help weight loss? Scientists have not yet conducted full-fledged clinical studies to obtain an answer to this question.
Does activated carbon help weight loss?
The instructions do not say anything about the use of activated carbon for weight loss. This drug helps to eliminate various toxins from the body. In the form of a powder (suspension), coal neutralizes about 60% of the poisons in the digestive tract. However, this agent is ineffective for poisoning with corrosive agents (alkalis, cleaning fluids, gasoline, boric acid, paint thinner or lithium). It is very effective for intestinal infections, poisoning. Salmonellosis and dysentery are the most common of these. Activated carbon is an affordable drug for flatulence. It is useful before ultrasound and abdominal x-rays. Charcoal binds water molecules to help with diarrhea. This absorbent absorbs water and then expels it naturally.
Medical reviews of activated charcoal for weight loss say that it accelerates the body's natural detoxification. With regular use of coal, the functionality of the liver, kidneys and adrenal glands improves. The drug slows down the development of specific cell changes that are associated with aging. It also reduces triglycerides and cholesterol harmful to the body. And this, undoubtedly, has a positive effect on the functioning of the liver, brain and heart. When taking the remedy, the rate of development and the severity of the signs of flu or cold is significantly reduced. Charcoal quickly absorbs the toxins of active bacteria and viruses, preventing their spread throughout the body.
With regular intake of pills, excess weight may slightly decrease, but only due to the removal of excess fluid from the body.
It is important to know how to drink activated charcoal for weight loss, as well as what side effects can occur with uncontrolled intake of the drug.
How to drink activated carbon for weight loss
Charcoal itself does not burn fat cells, however, when consumed, the body gets rid of them faster on its own. The porous structure of the tablets perfectly absorbs all decay products and other harmful components of the body. However, this drug binds and removes not only toxins, but also substances useful for the body.
In reviews of activated charcoal for weight loss, it is said that the drug should be taken at a dose of 0.25 mg per ten kilograms of weight (40-60 minutes before meals). The daily dose of the drug should be divided into two or three portions, since nutritionists do not recommend taking more than six or seven tablets at the same time.
After that, you need to take a break for ten days, and then resume taking the pills. Doctors do not recommend drinking activated charcoal for weight loss without a break for more than two weeks. When using this drug, one must take into account the fact that charcoal reduces the effectiveness of other drugs.
And if you combine the use of pills with other methods of losing weight, then you can really get rid of excess weight.
Contraindications to the use of activated carbon for weight loss
The use of coal will only harm the body with chronic constipation, hemorrhoids, anal fissures. Excessive use of pills very often leads to the development of vitamin deficiency. At the same time, the complexion changes for the worse, hair begins to fall out and nails break. Side symptoms from the use of coal can be diarrhea, vomiting, darkening of feces, constipation. More serious side effects can include severe allergic reactions, swelling of the face and lips, and difficulty breathing.
This remedy should not be used for ulcerative lesions of the digestive tract, intestinal bleeding, while taking other antitoxic drugs, the action of which begins immediately after absorption in the digestive tract.
Eating white charcoal for weight loss
Some women choose to use white charcoal for weight loss.
Nutritionists advise using white charcoal for weight loss for skin rashes, slagging of the intestines, bloating, and violation of bowel movements. With regular use of this remedy, the intestines will also be cleansed of various toxins and toxins.

Some reviews say that white coal for weight loss can save 80-90% of the population from extra pounds. The tool stabilizes the intestines, promotes better absorption of food.
Before losing weight, you need to make yourself a fasting day and completely refuse food. Drink plenty of water during the day and take ten white coal tablets in the evening. The tablets must first be crushed and dissolved in half a glass of water.
Charcoal is also required the next morning. And in half an hour you can make a light breakfast. For lunch, it is advisable to eat chicken broth, and for dinner - a portion of low-fat cottage cheese. You can not eat dairy products, bread, drink beer, kvass. It is advisable to switch to such a diet on weekends, then next week the volume of the abdomen will be reduced by 25-30%.
With a weight of 45-60 kg, five tablets must be taken at one time. With a body weight of up to 70 kilograms, no more than eight tablets should be taken. Ten tablets should be taken with a weight of 70 to 80 kilograms. And with a weight of 81 to 100 kilograms, you need to use 15 tablets of white coal for weight loss at one time.
With the regular use of this drug, the complexion will change for the better, skin rashes will disappear, immunity will increase, efficiency will increase, and healthy sleep will be restored.
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