Smoker's Bronchitis: Symptoms And Treatment In Adults, Microbial Code 10

Smoker's Bronchitis: Symptoms And Treatment In Adults, Microbial Code 10
Smoker's Bronchitis: Symptoms And Treatment In Adults, Microbial Code 10

Smoker's bronchitis: symptoms, causes and risk factors, treatment

The content of the article:

  1. How is bronchitis caused by smoking
  2. Causes and risk factors
  3. Treatment of smoker's bronchitis
  4. Video

The presence of certain symptoms of a smoker's bronchitis depends on a number of endogenous and exogenous factors. So, for example, in patients who live in an ecologically safe area, signs of the disease may appear later, and the disease itself will have a more favorable course than in patients from industrial cities.

It is important to start treatment when the first symptoms develop (usually coughing and / or difficulty breathing in the morning). In the absence of adequate therapy, smoker's bronchitis can turn into chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, pulmonary emphysema, pneumosclerosis, bronchiectasis, he is dangerous with the likelihood of respiratory and heart failure, arterial hypertension.

A necessary condition for the successful treatment of a smoker's bronchitis is smoking cessation, otherwise the treatment does not make sense
A necessary condition for the successful treatment of a smoker's bronchitis is smoking cessation, otherwise the treatment does not make sense

A necessary condition for the successful treatment of a smoker's bronchitis is smoking cessation, otherwise the treatment does not make sense

In about 90% of cases, this disease develops in adult patients with a long smoking history. Most often, the disease is diagnosed in males who started smoking at an early age.

How is bronchitis caused by smoking

For a long time, pathology can be asymptomatic. In the course of the disease, three main stages are distinguished, which, however, can not be distinguished in every case.

Stage 1 is characterized by attacks of hacking cough with the release of viscous sputum in the morning. Sputum often has a brownish tint. It can contain impurities of pus and blood, in this case it acquires a yellow-green or pink (rusty) color. Even with moderate exercise, shortness of breath occurs. Acute respiratory viral infections in such patients occur more often, last longer, and are accompanied by a severe cough.

At stage 2 of bronchitis, which has developed due to smoking, inspiratory dyspnea, even with minor physical exertion, is accompanied by an increased heartbeat (especially when inhaling cold air), in some cases, a light-headed state is noted. With the progression of the pathological process, the patient develops a cough at any time of the day. The disease worsens in winter and in the off-season. With an exacerbation, increased sweating appears, the general condition worsens, and the body temperature rises.

Stage 3 of the disease is characterized by the appearance of severe shortness of breath with minimal exertion. The patient complains of difficulty breathing in a horizontal position of the body, persistent cough (and / or coughing) with sputum production. During auscultation, dry and moist wheezing, shortened asthmatic breathing are heard.

The inflammatory process involves the bronchi of small, medium and large caliber. Against the background of bronchial obstruction, there is a decrease in the level of blood oxygenation, a violation of its gas composition. Constant hypoxia becomes the cause of the development of emotional lability, dizziness, daytime sleepiness, weakness, lethargy, loss of memory and attention.

With the transition of pathology into chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, patients develop wheezing, headache, shortness of breath with difficulty in exhaling.

ICD-10 code for chronic bronchitis, depending on the degree of bronchial damage - J40, J41, J42. The code for chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is J44.

Causes and risk factors

The reason for the development of the disease is the negative effect of the constituents of the cigarette on the mucous membrane of the bronchi with their regular long-term inhalation. Gaseous components irritate the bronchial mucosa. In addition, the tar contained in cigarettes is deposited on the surface of the mucous membrane and inside the alveoli. The temperature of the inhaled tobacco smoke is 40-60 ° C, which leads to a slight but permanent burn of the mucous membranes of the respiratory tract and also contributes to the development of pathology.

As a result of an adverse effect, functional and morphological changes occur in the epithelium of the bronchi, there is a decrease in the motor activity of the ciliated epithelium, an increase in the production of mucus with an increase in its viscosity. Often, a secondary viral or bacterial infection is attached, which contributes to the progression of the disease.

The likelihood of the onset of the disease is in direct proportion to the patient's age, the number of cigarettes smoked per day and the total smoking history. Bronchitis caused by smoking develops gradually. Severe symptoms usually appear with a smoking experience of 15-20 years, but for some people this may happen earlier - within a few months after the start of regular use of tobacco products.

It is noteworthy that the risk of developing the disease is high not only with active, but also with passive smoking.

Risk factors include a history of frequent colds, reduced immunity, the presence of industrial hazards, the impact on the body of adverse environmental factors, chronic fatigue, unhealthy diet, passive lifestyle, alcohol abuse.

Treatment of smoker's bronchitis

If suspicious signs are found, you should consult a doctor who will conduct an examination and determine how to treat the disease.

To make a diagnosis, the data obtained during the collection of complaints and anamnesis, physical diagnostics, X-ray examination, bronchoscopy, laboratory tests (general and biochemical blood tests, sputum examination, etc.) are used.

Differential diagnosis is carried out with asthmatic bronchitis, bronchiolitis obliterans, pneumonia, tuberculosis, acute stenosing laryngotracheitis.

The answer to the question of whether it is possible to smoke with bronchitis is unequivocal - smoking with bronchitis (any of its forms) is strictly contraindicated, so the first thing that doctors recommend to a patient with bronchitis is to quit smoking. Otherwise, bronchitis treatment will not be successful. In the initial stages of the disease, after quitting smoking, all symptoms can involution without the use of medications.

If you quit smoking, the symptoms of the disease can go away on their own
If you quit smoking, the symptoms of the disease can go away on their own

If you quit smoking, the symptoms of the disease can go away on their own.

In the treatment of smoker's bronchitis, as a rule, bronchodilators (drugs that relieve bronchospasm), mucolytics, expectorants, anti-inflammatory drugs are used. Antibiotics are prescribed if necessary. Any medicines and folk remedies should be used only under the supervision of the attending physician.

Physiotherapeutic techniques are effective: therapeutic massage, inhalation, stay in a salt cave. In some cases, medical bronchoscopy (lavage) is used.

In addition to basic home treatment, folk remedies can be used. An infusion of a mixture of wild rosemary herb, licorice root, thyme or St. John's wort is used, you can use a decoction of dandelion flowers and thyme herbs.

Patients are shown an abundant drinking regimen. It is useful to drink chamomile tea, rosehip infusion, tea with lemon. It is recommended to add honey to drinks. A balanced, easily digestible food is recommended. The diet should contain fresh vegetables, fruits, dairy products.

Breathing exercises, daily walks in the fresh air are useful for patients with bronchitis.


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Anna Aksenova
Anna Aksenova

Anna Aksenova Medical journalist About the author

Education: 2004-2007 "First Kiev Medical College" specialty "Laboratory Diagnostics".

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