Doctor Immunologist - Reviews, Reception, Consultation

Doctor Immunologist - Reviews, Reception, Consultation
Doctor Immunologist - Reviews, Reception, Consultation


Immunology is a branch of medical science that studies immunity, pathologies, and the functioning of the immune system. This science explains the main mechanisms for the preservation of biological individuality and the constancy of the internal environment of the organism. Over the century of the existence of science, immunologists have solved a large number of problems, and also made a number of important discoveries. So, in 1976, Edward Jenner developed a method of artificial immunization against smallpox. In 1800, Louis Pasteur developed the basic principles for the creation of vaccines against anthrax and rabies. In 1887, Ilya Mechnik discovered the phenomenon of phagocytosis. He also formulated the phagocytic (cellular) theory of immunity. In 1900, Karl Landsteiner identified the main human blood groups. Over the past one hundred and ten years, immunologists have received the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine eighteen times. Thanks to doctors, immunologists, organ transplantation and blood transfusion are possible, there are vaccines against poliomyelitis, diphtheria, tuberculosis and other serious diseases. The priority goals of immunology include the treatment of AIDS, the development of vaccines against various diseases, and assistance to people suffering from autoimmune diseases and allergies.

Immunologist - a doctor who treats and diagnoses diseases resulting from a violation of the immune system
Immunologist - a doctor who treats and diagnoses diseases resulting from a violation of the immune system

When is an immunologist's consultation necessary?

Immunologist - a doctor who treats and diagnoses diseases resulting from a violation of the immune system. An immunologist examines the lymph nodes, immune system, lymphatic vessels.

The immunologist treats various allergic reactions, as well as immunodeficiency conditions, which are divided into primary and secondary. Primary immunodeficiencies are caused by genetic factors. As a result of a genetic failure due to the absence of certain protective elements (proteins, antibodies, receptors), the human body loses its ability to fight certain types of infections. Autoimmune diseases are also classified as primary immunodeficiencies. People with primary immunodeficiency often have infectious diseases of the mucous membranes, skin, respiratory tract, parasitic infections, anemia, and even tumors. Prolonged infections against the background of secondary immunodeficiency can arise from vitamin deficiency, acute infectious diseases, radiation, helminthic invasions, smoking, burns and blood loss, treatment with drugs that suppress the immune system.

You should sign up for a consultation with an immunologist for year-round allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis, bronchial asthma, chronic obstructive bronchitis, food allergies, food intolerances, the so-called asthmatic triad - asthma, rhinosinusitis and intolerance to analgesics. Based on the reviews, the immunologist is able to distinguish hereditary immunodeficiency from acquired and timely determine the genetic cause of immunodeficiency. Consulting an immunologist is necessary for chronic itching of the skin, dermatitis, drug reactions, insect and animal bites, toxic-allergic reactions, dermatitis, pustular skin diseases, chronic recurrent herpes infection, lymphadenitis and chronic fatigue syndrome. An important point in the treatment of these diseases is the elimination of the negative impact,which provoked their occurrence.

The procedure for receiving an immunologist

On the eve of receiving an immunologist, it is necessary to take a blood test for HIV, do a general blood test, and also undergo an immunological blood test.

Judging by the reviews, the immunologist at the beginning of the consultation interviews the patient in detail to find out data on allergic reactions and hereditary pathologies, conducts an initial examination and gets acquainted with the anamnesis. Based on the results of the examination, the immunologist can prescribe an analysis of humoral immunity, a study of cellular immunity, an examination for viral and infectious diseases, an allergological study, an analysis for parasites, as well as an examination for autoimmune diseases.

Based on the reviews, the immunologist usually schedules the course of treatment for a very long period and uses various drugs and methods. An immunologist selects medicines after receiving the results of an immunogram - an indicator of the state of the immune system, determined by a blood test. It shows how the body's immune system resists viruses. An immunogram is a kind of control that indicates a weak link in the immune system.

At the reception, the immunologist identifies a weak link in the human body and takes all necessary measures to restore the body's barrier functions. He prescribes the intake of various immunostimulating agents, health-improving physical activities, dieting, and body cleansing.

The immunologist also provides advice on the patient's subsequent lifestyle.

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