Urology is a branch of science that studies diseases of the genitourinary system. Urology is engaged in the development and implementation into practice of methods of treatment and prevention of pathologies of the genitourinary system.

The human genitourinary system is represented by the kidneys, bladder and genitals, as well as the prostate gland and testes in men. Urologist is a doctor specializing in the diagnosis, prevention and treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system in women and men, as well as sexually transmitted infections.
Main specializations in urology
Urology is multifaceted and divided into several small specializations. Thus, the urologist-andrologist specializes in the diagnosis, treatment and prevention of pathologies of the urinary system in men. It treats urethritis, varicocele, prostatitis, sexual disorders, prostate adenoma. The urogynecologist treats urological diseases of women - urethritis, cystitis, bartholinitis, chlamydia, postoperative complications and other diseases. Oncourologist deals with the treatment of malignant and benign tumors of the genitourinary system. Phthisiurologist specializes in the treatment of urinary tuberculosis. Children's urologist treats diseases of the genitourinary system in children. A neuro-urologist specializes in problems with emptying the bladder.
Urologist's consultation
A consultation with a urologist is usually recorded when discomfort occurs when urinating, with discharge from the urethra, redness and rashes on the genitals, with insufficient urination control or problems of urinary incontinence, as well as with chronic pain in the lower abdomen and in the lumbar region, with infertility and problems of a sexual nature.
Most often, patients with urethritis, prostatitis, pyelonephritis, cystitis, glomerulonephritis, hydronephrosis, vesiculitis, urolithiasis, mechanical injuries or neoplasms of the urogenital organs are sent to a urologist.
During the appointment, the urologist asks the patient in detail about the lifestyle, gastronomic habits, diseases of close relatives. The doctor listens carefully to the patient's complaints, and also finds out the symptoms and probable causes of the disease. Next, the doctor examines.
Most urological diseases require careful instrumental and laboratory diagnostics. To diagnose a possible pathology, a urologist may prescribe biochemical and general blood tests, urinalysis, bladder catheterization, urethral bougienage, ultrasound and cystoscopy, kidney and prostate biopsy, cystonamometry.
Urinalysis reveals an inflammatory process in the body. According to the analysis, you can find out the concentration of protein and glucose in the urine. Urine culture is prescribed to identify the nature of microorganisms that disrupt the work of the genitourinary organs. Urine cytology is performed to exclude the development of bladder cancer. A blood test also helps detect an infection in the body. The presence of inflammation or cancer of the prostate gland is signaled by an increased concentration in the blood plasma of a specific prostate antigen.
If necessary, the doctor can additionally prescribe ureteroscopy, pyeloscopy, MRI, CT, X-ray, as well as studies that help assess the quality of sperm in men.
The urologist can appoint the date of the next appointment only after the patient has passed all the diagnostic measures. During subsequent visits, the urologist makes the final diagnosis and selects a treatment regimen. To correct the problem, the doctor may use standard drug therapy or follow-up surgery.
Pediatric urologist
Pediatric and adolescent urology is a branch of medicine that studies the functional and anatomical state of the external genital organs, as well as the upper (ureter, kidneys), lower (urethra and bladder) urinary tract in girls and boys.
A pediatric urologist deals with the treatment of dysfunction of the genitourinary system, anomalies and defects of its development. It treats the ureters, kidneys, bladder, urethra, prostate, testicles, urethra, and penis.
The pediatric urologist deals with children aged from birth to eighteen years old with congenital defects, acquired diseases and all kinds of damage to the reproductive and urinary organs. The most common childhood urological diseases include vesicoureteral reflux, hydronephrosis, cyst and polycystic kidney disease, ureteral dilatation (megaureter), pyelonephritis, cystitis, bladder exstrophy, sexually transmitted infections (in adolescents). In newborns, pathology of the penis and foreskin is often noted, in children under five or six years of age - dropsy and hernia. In adolescents, a cyst of the epididymis and varicocele is quite often found.
A urologist is consulted in case of delayed sexual development, pain, difficulty urinating, rare or frequent urination, when cryptorchidism is detected, with testicular edema, with a narrowed urethra in boys.
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