A sex therapist is a specialist who treats abnormalities that cause sexual health problems.
Sexology is a relatively new science, it was singled out as a separate direction by the Ministry of Health not so long ago, in the late 90s of the XX century, and until that moment it belonged to psychiatry.
A sexologist is also a specialist in psychotherapy, neurology, endocrinology, urology and gynecology - these areas are taken into account when correcting sexual disorders. In their practice, sexologists use not only general sexology, but also sociology, sexopathology, psychoanalysis, family psychology, psychotherapy, psychosomatics, and psychological correction.
There are four areas of sexology:
- Normal. The advice of a sexologist within the framework of normal sexology is useful for those patients who do not have serious health problems from a medical point of view;
- Medical sexology (clinical) - identifies, prevents and treats abnormalities that cause problems with the sexual health of men and women;
- Ethnocultural. Ethnocultural sexologists study cultural and historical differences between the sexes;
- Criminal. Criminal sexologists, based on knowledge of sexual behavior, help in the investigation and prevention of sexual crimes.
Familism is singled out separately - within the framework of this area, sexologists deal with the relationship between a man and a woman not only as sexual partners, but also as parents.
When should you contact a sexologist?
Women need a sexologist consultation if they have congenital abnormalities of the genitals, vaginal spasms and cramps, frigidity or coldness, pain during intercourse. Also, women turn to sexologists if they are not psychologically ready for a sexual life, if certain physiological problems, which may be congenital or acquired, prevent them from forming a family, including disorders in the sexual sphere caused by hormonal imbalances.
Men should see a sexologist if there is no or decreased sexual desire, problems with ejaculation, no emission (problems with sperm output), priapism (an erection that causes pain), orgasmic ahedonia (a condition in which there is ejaculation but no orgasm), postcoital pain head, pain during masturbation. Men, just like women, suffer from abnormalities in the genital area associated with chronic diseases - for example, in men, due to chronic inflammation, an erection may accelerate or potency deteriorate.

What examinations can a sexologist prescribe?
Before starting treatment, after conducting a preliminary conversation with a couple or a man and a woman separately, the sexologist must check the state of the patients' reproductive system. For this, the following can be assigned:
- Genital ultrasound;
- spermogram;
- determination of hormone levels;
- examination of the vessels of the penis;
- rectal examination of the prostate;
- gynecological examination.
The following tests also help in diagnosis and treatment:
- general analysis of urine, blood;
- urine analysis for substances that form stones;
- blood chemistry;
- bacterial culture of blood and urine;
- blood test by PCR method;
- analysis of the secretion of the prostate;
- ejaculate analysis;
- microscopic examination of scrapings of the mucous membrane of the vagina or penis;
- linked immunosorbent assay.
Consultation with a sexologist
Despite the fact that sexual problems are widespread, the specialty of a sexologist is quite rare - not all medical institutions have such a specialist on their staff. However, the Internet provides new opportunities, and now consultation with a sexologist is available to everyone.
We present our expert - Evgeny Aleksandrovich Kulgavchuk, President of the Professional Association of Sexologists, a sexologist with seventeen years of experience. One of the most famous specialists in sexopathology, psychiatrist and psychotherapist, leading expert of most Russian radio and television programs about sex and relationships, also acts as a consultant on these issues in the largest print and online publications. He took part in the work of the Moscow Government Commission on Demographic Security. Married, father of two children. Leads and promotes a healthy lifestyle.

Evgeny Aleksandrovich is the author of courses and programs:
- “How to create and keep a family”;
- Sex and Pregnancy;
- "Sex after childbirth";
- "The crisis of family relations";
- "Honeymoon";
- "Internet addiction";
- Long-term preservation of male sexual health programs;
- Female sexuality enhancement programs.
One of the fundamental principles of scientific sexology, Evgeny Alexandrovich calls the principle of pairing, which is extremely important in the diagnosis and treatment of sexual disorders, therefore, Evgeny Alexandrovich attaches great importance to the psychological climate in the family, helping to solve the following problems:
- infidelity;
- jealousy;
- the ability to negotiate and hear each other;
- "Ambulance" with the threat of divorce;
- rehabilitation after divorce.
Sexual problems:
- family and sexual disharmony;
- sexual orientation;
- deviations in sexual behavior;
- increase and decrease in sexual desire;
- diagnosis of norm and pathology.
In addition, Evgeny Aleksandrovich also treats common sexual pathologies:
- erectile disfunction;
- syndrome of anxious expectation of sexual failure;
- accelerated ejaculation;
- anorgasmia;
- frigidity;
- vaginismus.

Evgeny Alexandrovich also provides qualified assistance in solving mental health problems:
- the quality of life;
- personality problems;
- self-esteem;
- middle age crisis;
- transitional age in adolescents;
- panic attacks, obsessions, fears.
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