Nutritionist is a doctor who deals with the issues of rational nutrition, including medical nutrition. As a rule, the appointment is carried out by a nutritionist in hospital or sanatorium-resort institutions.

A dietitian doctor selects a diet, helps the patient to choose the right food, physiologically balanced, healthy and comfortable for life. Convenience is an important factor, since only then it becomes possible to adhere to the principles of a selected healthy diet not for a certain period of time, but throughout life. Therefore, dietitian advice should be selected taking into account the rhythm of life, habits, and taste preferences of the patient. In addition, the diet, selected by the nutritionist, should provide a feeling of fullness and keep the patient healthy.
A competent nutritionist will always take into account the patient's health. According to nutritionists, even small deviations in the patient's health, detected exclusively by testing, are the reason for making changes in nutrition.
But knowledge alone is not enough, it must be applied in practice. The nutritionist is responsible for changing the patient's attitude to food. When, according to the advice of a nutritionist, a patient who previously thoughtlessly consumes junk food begins to turn into a gourmet who first evaluates, chooses and only then eats, then we can say that healthy eating has become the patient's norm. As a rule, such a process takes several months and is often associated with certain difficulties in the work of a nutritionist. After all, you can change habits only when the new is much more interesting and pleasant than the old, and brings positive results. Therefore, a nutritionist, according to reviews, should also be able to solve psychological problems, namely:
- How can you learn to enjoy life without food?
- Where to get the desire and strength to change yourself?
- What will a person get as a result of the changes?
In addition, a dietitian physician must provide ongoing support to patients. After all, when there is someone to discuss pressing problems with, to whom to show the achieved results, it is much easier to change. After all, people often lack competent support in any undertakings.
What diseases does a nutritionist deal with?
- Disorders of the digestive system (heartburn, belching, discomfort and heaviness in the abdomen, bloating, bitterness in the mouth, stool disorders, etc.);
- Headaches, migraines;
- Weight deficiency;
- Joint pain, arterial hypertension;
- Skin rashes (seborrheic, acne, allergic), itching;
- Increased blood cholesterol levels;
- Allergic pharyngitis, conjunctivitis, rhinitis. Vasomotor rhinitis;
- Increased fatigue, drowsiness, emotional instability, decreased performance.
When should you see a dietitian?
- High blood sugar (above 5.6 mmol / L on an empty stomach);
- Obesity (waist for men is more than 102 centimeters, and for women - more than 88 centimeters);
- Low blood levels of high density lipoproteins (below 1.3 mmol / L in women and 1 mmol / L in men);
- High content of triglycerides in the blood (above 1.7 mmol / l);
- High blood pressure (above 130/85 mm Hg).
At the appointment, the dietitian may ask the patient to do the following tests:
- "Biochemistry" and "expanded" blood, determination of thyroid-stimulating hormone, general urinalysis, and other tests that will help exclude "good reasons" for excessive weight;
- "Metabolic syndrome", in which the metabolism of carbohydrates changes and blood pressure rises against the background of excess weight (blood pressure is above 130/85 mm Hg, blood sugar is above 5.6 mmol / l).
- Allergic screening food panel Ig E.
Also, at the reception, a nutritionist can conduct an ultrasound examination of the abdominal cavity, which will give him an idea of the work of the bladder, digestive organs and pancreas. This study plays an important role, since, according to nutritionists, the vast majority of complications of emergency diets are associated precisely with latent diseases of these organs.
Nutritional advice
- You should eat often, about every three hours, but in small portions. However, you should not go to extremes, namely, constantly snack on cookies and sandwiches;
- The last meal should not be later than 6 pm;
- Food should be eaten slowly, chewing it thoroughly;
- It is good to drink water with meals. So, for example, half an hour before a meal, you can drink a glass of water, and start eating with soup;
- It is better to eat lean meat, cooked by boiling, baking or steaming;
- Eat less high-calorie, high-fat foods;
- Remember the "hidden" fats;
- Part of animal proteins can be replaced with vegetable ones, since they have a lower calorie content;
- You should never visit supermarkets without first having a meal.
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