Lose weight in 3 weeks

Quite often, there are cases when a person wants to get rid of extra pounds in the shortest possible time. To lose weight in 3 weeks, diets are used that include low-calorie foods, the most popular and newfangled creams and pills, spending time in the sauna and bath.
However, despite the seemingly numerous "effective" ways to lose weight, experiments on your own body are not encouraging, but only entail health problems.
In fact, it is really possible to lose weight in 3 weeks. For this, the main thing is to adhere to a special diet for 3 weeks, perform certain physical exercises, and also plan the daily routine correctly. By following all these recommendations, you will finally see on the scales the figure you have been striving for for a very long time.
Expert advice on how to lose weight in 3 weeks
Many women, repeatedly asking themselves the question of how to lose weight in 3 weeks, cannot find the right answer to it. According to experts, it is quite easy to reduce body weight without adhering to too complex prohibitions. The main requirement is to eat foods that contain fewer calories than you lose throughout the day. Knowing that 1 kg of fat is equal to 7700 calories, in 7 days you can get rid of almost 1 kg. This result can be achieved by a simple method - it is necessary to reduce the daily number of calories consumed by a maximum of 1000 units.
Adhering to the simple recommendations of professionals, you can easily lose weight by 2-3 kg in 3 weeks, while not forgetting about a small reduction in your daily diet. A proper 3 week diet will also keep you healthy and free of negative consequences.
Secrets of the 21 day diet
The key to fast and safe weight loss in 3 weeks is to include in your daily menu as many foods as possible containing a low energy density, that is, the number of calories that is presented in a certain volume of the product. Very sweet desserts, chocolates, cakes carry a lot of calories, and at the same time weigh a little (they have a high energy density).
Low energy density foods include vegetables, herbs, fruits, and whole grains.
Fractional nutrition
An integral part of the 3 week diet is split meals. It consists in the even distribution of the main meals not 3 times, but 5-6 servings throughout the day. Taking long intervals between breakfast, lunch and dinner can often lead to a brutal feeling of hunger, to suppress which you can succumb to the temptation and eat some kind of sandwich or even more unhealthy food.
You will be able to lose weight in 3 weeks if you eat healthy foods often, but in small quantities. Such fractional nutrition will help to preserve all metabolic processes in your body.
Sports activities
How to lose weight in 3 weeks and get your muscles in good condition? The answer is very simple. It is necessary to exercise regularly: running, cycling, swimming or walking fast (these sports belong to the aerobic group). Such events are great for helping to get rid of extra pounds. As stated in the 21 day diet reviews, not only diet, but also constant and correct exercise will help you burn fat better.
To achieve good results from losing weight in 3 weeks, you need to engage in active sports for only 1-1.5 hours 4 or 5 times a week (however, power loads should not be weak, but moderate).
Strength training equipment
The program of how to lose weight in 3 weeks cannot do without strength training. This set of exercises is aimed at muscle growth. The build-up of muscle tissue accelerates metabolic processes in the body, and also contributes to the burning of a fairly large number of calories, even when the body is not subjected to physical exertion.
You can lose weight even faster if you do exercises with a short interval between them, thus giving a small amount of time for the body and muscles to rest. Absolutely all muscle groups (legs, arms, abs, back) should be trained. To do this, do squats, bends, push-ups, and barbell exercises.
Diet for 21 days
The 21 day diet is a special program that includes only low-calorie foods. It is completely harmless and effective, because it was compiled by professional nutritionists in England. In general, it lasts no more than 3 weeks. As the reviews on the 21 day diet show, following a properly selected menu, you can easily lose 10 kg in almost a month. The only requirement is that such a diet can be used not very often (approximately every 6 months), so as not to provoke big shocks for the body.

A 3-week diet includes several components that differ depending on the food consumed. So, 1-2 days - a diet based on milk, 3-4 days - a diet based on meat, 5-6 days - a diet based on vegetables and fruits. After 6 days, the second and third components are repeated in a certain order. Reviews of the 21 day diet show that only strong people can handle this program. In addition to it, it is recommended to take a certain group of multivitamins.
Diet menu for 21 days
1-2 days - dairy products:
- Breakfast - 200 g of milk and one small piece of bread;
- Lunch - 200 g of milk;
- Afternoon snack - 200 g of milk and a piece of bread;
- Dinner - 200 g of milk.
3-4 day - meat products:
- Breakfast - 15 g of honey, a slice of bread and butter (10 g), coffee with milk without sugar;
- Lunch - meat or fish broth with fish or meat (up to 200 g), a slice of bread, 2 tbsp. green peas;
- Afternoon snack - 15 g of honey, 200 g of milk or tea;
- Dinner - 2 eggs or 50 g of cheese, low-fat ham, fish, meat; a slice of bread and 200 g of milk.
5-6 day diet for 3 weeks - fruits and vegetables:
- Breakfast - 2 apples or oranges;
- Lunch - vegetable soup without potatoes with the addition of 1 tbsp. vegetable oil, vinaigrette with vegetable oil, 1 slice of bread;
- Afternoon snack - fruits (not bananas);
- Dinner - 0.5 tbsp. honey, tea and vegetable salad.
Diet rules for 21 days
- You should consume at least 2 liters of clean water per day;
- You can eat fish, meat or vegetables only boiled. Fried and fatty foods are strictly prohibited;
- For 1 and 2 days in the evening, 200 g of tomato juice is allowed;
- It is better to replace salt with herbs and spices;
- Dinner must be held before 7 pm;
- The bread should be dried at least a little.
For a fruit and vegetable diet, you need to use grapes, unpeeled apples, kiwis, lemons and pineapples. From vegetables you need to eat beets, garlic, red bell peppers, beans, pumpkin, onions, parsley, eggplants, carrots, jacket potatoes, asparagus, celery, cabbage.
Under a strict ban, coffee, rolls, sweet desserts, cigarettes, alcohol, drinks with gas.
It is impossible to finish the diet on day 21 abruptly. The last days should be milky.
As the reviews on the 21 day diet show, the effect of it exceeds all expectations. No wonder she won the love of fans from all over the world.
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