Bruises Under The Eyes Of A Child: Causes And Treatment, Photo

Bruises Under The Eyes Of A Child: Causes And Treatment, Photo
Bruises Under The Eyes Of A Child: Causes And Treatment, Photo

Bruises under the eyes of a child: causes, treatment and prevention

The content of the article:

  1. Causes of bruises under the eyes of a child

    1. Physiological causes
    2. Household reasons
    3. Bruises under the eyes as a symptom of certain diseases
    4. Anemia
  2. Which doctors should be consulted

    1. Pediatrician
    2. Allergist
  3. Treatment and prevention

    The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

  4. Video

Bruises under the eyes of a child can appear from a very young age. Their occurrence may indicate a violation of the diet, sleep and wakefulness, the development of allergies or a serious illness, but also be an individual feature of appearance.

The appearance of bruises under the eyes is not always a sign of the development of a serious pathology
The appearance of bruises under the eyes is not always a sign of the development of a serious pathology

The appearance of bruises under the eyes is not always a sign of the development of a serious pathology.

In the latter case, there is no reason for concern about the baby's health - this feature can remain with him for life or disappear with the growth of the skull bones.

If the dark circles appear suddenly, in the absence of such adverse factors as injuries or blows to the head, severe fatigue, sleep disturbances, etc., it is recommended to consult a pediatrician. During the examination and according to the results of a number of studies, the doctor will be able to establish the true cause of this phenomenon and, if necessary, select effective methods of therapy.

Causes of bruises under the eyes of a child

Physiological causes

Why do dark circles appear under the eyes? They are most common in children with deep-set eyes, fair skin and hair. Also, this phenomenon is not uncommon for owners of very thin skin.

The blood vessels close to the surface of the thin epidermis and their concentration contribute to the darkening of the lower eyelid region and its slight swelling. Usually, this trait of appearance is inherited and noted in the parents or immediate family of the baby.

Household reasons

Various negative everyday factors have a similar effect on the body, namely:

  • disturbances in sleep and wakefulness: increased nervous load, overexcitation in the evening, skipping daytime sleep in children under the age of 4 are fraught with frequent waking up in the middle of the night and lack of sleep;
  • prolonged stay in a stuffy room: this leads to insufficient oxygen supply;
  • inaccuracies in the diet: often eating fast food, carbonated drinks and sweets; lack of diet and insufficient water consumption not only disrupt metabolism, but also reduce immunity;
  • chronic overwork: increased stress and lack of adequate rest affect the physical condition of the child and his nervous system.

Bruises under the eyes as a symptom of certain diseases

The list of pathologies, one of the signs of which is blue in the area under the lower eyelid, is extensive. These include diseases of the oral cavity, cardiovascular system, thyroid gland, kidneys, liver, as well as allergies, helminthiasis and anemia.

In diseases of the excretory system, in addition to purple circles, there is swelling of the face, especially in the morning, and the formation of bags under the eyes. Darkening of a rich blue hue indicates oxygen starvation of the body due to cardiovascular diseases, red - appear due to allergies, and brown - indicate violations in the liver or thyroid gland.


One of the most common pathologies, against the background of which blue under the eyes is noted, is anemia. Due to a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood, there is a lack of oxygen, which is transported to tissues and organs. As a result, the skin of the face acquires a pale, sometimes even grayish or bluish tint, and dark circles appear under the lower eyelids.

Blue under the eyes can be a sign of decreased hemoglobin levels in the blood
Blue under the eyes can be a sign of decreased hemoglobin levels in the blood

Blue under the eyes can be a sign of decreased hemoglobin levels in the blood.

If anemia is suspected, a blood test for hemoglobin is performed, the content rate of which differs depending on the age and sex of the child, namely:

Child's age The norm of hemoglobin in girls (g / l) The norm of hemoglobin in boys (g / l)
Babies up to 15 days old 134 to 198 134 to 198
1 month 107 to 171 107 to 171
2 months 94 to 130 94 to 130
4 months 103 to 141 103 to 141
6 months 111 to 141 111 to 141
9 months 114 to 140 114 to 140
One year 113 to 141 113 to 141
2 years 110 to 140 110 to 140
3-5 years old 110 to 140 110 to 140
5-9 years old 115 to 145 115 to 145
12-14 years old 115 to 150 120 to 160
15 to 17 years old 117 to 153 117 to 166
18 years 117 to 155 132 to 173

Which doctors should be consulted


In case of sudden bruising under the eyes, it is recommended to seek help from a pediatrician. First of all, the doctor will conduct an external examination of the child and ask the parents in detail about the daily routine, nutrition and loads of the baby. If household factors are excluded, the patient will be given a referral for laboratory tests of urine, blood and feces.

If necessary, you need to contact a pediatrician and undergo appropriate examinations
If necessary, you need to contact a pediatrician and undergo appropriate examinations

If necessary, you need to contact a pediatrician and undergo appropriate examinations

Also, at this stage of diagnosis, it is recommended to conduct an ultrasound examination of the kidneys and urinary tract, since it is due to disturbances in the functioning of the urinary system that many patients develop bruises under the eyes.

In cases where abnormalities are not detected in the analyzes, and the kidneys are healthy, the cardiovascular system is examined - blood pressure is measured, an ultrasound scan and an electrocardiogram are done. If, according to the results of these studies, it is not possible to establish the cause, the patient is sent for a consultation with an allergist.


Dust, pet hair, household chemicals can be those irritants, upon contact with which a child develops allergies, and one of its symptoms is dark circles under the eyes. Through an allergy test, the doctor will be able to determine which irritant is causing such a reaction.

Treatment and prevention

Depending on the true cause of the bruising in the lower eyelid area, the optimal treatment is selected. For example, in case of helminthiasis, antihelminthic drugs and vitamins are prescribed, in cases of allergies - antihistamines, and in case of kidney damage - antibacterial and diuretic drugs.

As soon as the underlying disease is stopped, the skin under the eyes will gradually become lighter and with time will acquire a healthy shade.

The opinion of Dr. Komarovsky

For this it is important:

  • instill in children from an early age the principles of a healthy lifestyle;
  • provide adequate rest and early bedtime;
  • limit time spent at the computer;
  • spending more free time in the fresh air;
  • systematize school and general workload.
The children's room should be regularly wet cleaned
The children's room should be regularly wet cleaned

The children's room should be regularly wet cleaned

In the room in which both a small child and a teenager spends the most time, wet cleaning should be done regularly and ventilated as often as possible. Mothers need to stop using chlorine-containing detergents for cleaning, and wash bed linen and clothes only with hypoallergenic powders.

The child's diet should have a sufficient amount of fresh fruits and vegetables
The child's diet should have a sufficient amount of fresh fruits and vegetables

The child's diet should have a sufficient amount of fresh fruits and vegetables.

It is equally important to adjust the baby's nutrition and drinking regime. Preference should be given to fresh vegetables and fruits, foods high in iron (liver, seaweed, buckwheat and chicken yolk). Recommended 4-5 meals a day at regular intervals.

Sweets, fast food, chips and other unhealthy foods should be excluded from the diet. Instead of carbonated drinks, the child should drink clean drinking water, teas, compotes or fruit drinks at room temperature.


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Anna Kozlova
Anna Kozlova

Anna Kozlova Medical journalist About the author

Education: Rostov State Medical University, specialty "General Medicine".

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