Folk Remedies For Bruises, Hematomas And Bruises: The Most Effective

Folk Remedies For Bruises, Hematomas And Bruises: The Most Effective
Folk Remedies For Bruises, Hematomas And Bruises: The Most Effective

Folk remedies for bruises: effective home treatments

The content of the article:

  1. Types of hematoma and symptoms of pathology
  2. First aid for subcutaneous hematoma
  3. Folk remedies for hematoma

    1. Onion with salt
    2. Parsley
    3. Beetroot with honey
    4. Cabbage leaf
    5. Ointment for bruises and bruises
    6. Starch
    7. Arnica tincture
  4. Video

Folk remedies for bruises come to the rescue if there are no medicines at hand that will help you quickly cope with the problem. When bruised, blood vessels are damaged, and blood enters the skin, which causes hematoma to form.

Bruising is associated with damage to blood vessels
Bruising is associated with damage to blood vessels

Bruising is associated with damage to blood vessels

If you do not take action, the bruise will completely disappear only after 10-14 days (if you bruise your leg, it can last for a longer period). During this time, its color changes from black and blue to dirty yellow.

Most often bruises appear in people with sensitive skin and weak blood vessels. To cope with the problem will help not only drugs, but also methods of traditional medicine.

Types of hematoma and symptoms of pathology

Usually, symptoms of a hematoma appear almost immediately after injury. The skin at the site of injury is sharply painful. After a short period of time, the area of damage begins to swell, the tumor spreads significantly and, due to pain, restricts movement.

Patients notice internal tension in the area of the bruise and induration. Bruising in color can be different - from bright red to purple, usually the color is not uniform - the edges are darker, bluish, and inside the damaged area is red.

According to the severity, there are three forms of hematoma:

The form Description

Formed within 24 hours after injury. Is accompanied by moderate or mild pain and in most cases goes away on its own

Average Formed within 3-5 hours. It is characterized by noticeable swelling and moderate pain. To determine further treatment tactics, a doctor's examination is recommended.
Heavy Usually occurs after a serious injury and forms during the first 1–2 hours after it. It is characterized by pronounced diffuse swelling and severe pain in the area of damage. To avoid the development of serious complications, an urgent appeal to a traumatologist is required

First aid for subcutaneous hematoma

Also, to prevent bruising after a bruise, use brown laundry soap. A thin layer of soap is applied to the affected area and left for 30-40 minutes. This method will not work if the skin has been damaged.

You can reduce the likelihood of a hematoma by using exposure to cold
You can reduce the likelihood of a hematoma by using exposure to cold

You can reduce the likelihood of a hematoma by using exposure to cold

Folk remedies for hematoma

Onion with salt

This recipe will help you quickly get rid of an already formed bruise. The compress will improve blood circulation in the affected area and speed up healing. To prepare the product, a medium-sized onion is rubbed on a fine grater. A tablespoon of gruel is mixed with the same amount of table salt.

For compresses, you can use onions
For compresses, you can use onions

For compresses, you can use onions

The mixture is placed in a gauze bag and applied to the bruise for an hour. The compress can be secured with a bandage or plaster. After it is removed, the affected area is washed with warm water. The procedure is carried out twice a day until the hematoma disappears.


Parsley will help you quickly cope with the problem. Fresh leaves are chopped with a blender or cut very finely. The resulting gruel is wrapped in cheesecloth and applied to the impact site for an hour. The procedure can be repeated up to three times a day.

Chopped parsley can be applied to the site of damage
Chopped parsley can be applied to the site of damage

Chopped parsley can be applied to the site of damage.

Use the remedy until the bruise subsides. The effect of the application becomes noticeable already on the second day.

Beetroot with honey

Crushed table beets on a fine grater and squeeze the juice. A small amount of honey is added to the resulting gruel and wrapped in cloth.

For bruising, use chopped fresh beets
For bruising, use chopped fresh beets

For bruising, use chopped fresh beets

The compress is applied to the area of the bruise and fixed with a bandage or plaster. They take it off after 30-40 minutes. You can repeat the procedure in the morning and in the evening. Treatment continues for 2–5 days, during this period the bruise will disappear.

Cabbage leaf

Applying a cabbage leaf to a bruise will help quickly reduce swelling and get rid of a bruise. For a compress, you need to take a leaf from the middle of the head of cabbage and beat it off with a rolling pin or a meat hammer.

Often a cabbage leaf is applied to the site of the injury
Often a cabbage leaf is applied to the site of the injury

Often a cabbage leaf is applied to the site of the injury.

The prepared leaf is smeared with a thin layer of honey and applied to the bruise. From above it is covered with polyethylene and fixed with a bandage. This compress is left overnight. The procedure is carried out until the bruise disappears. This folk remedy allows you to cope with the problem in a week.

Ointment for bruises and bruises

An ointment, which can be quickly prepared at home, will help to quickly remove the hematoma. 100 g of natural butter is taken as a base. It is dissolved in a water bath and 10 g of beeswax are added.

At home, you can make an ointment from butter and beeswax
At home, you can make an ointment from butter and beeswax

At home, you can make an ointment from butter and beeswax.

First you need to boil a hard-boiled chicken egg and extract the yolk from it. Half of its volume is thoroughly crushed with a fork and added in small portions to hot oil with wax.

At the last stage of preparation, the ointment is filtered and poured into a glass jar. Store it tightly with a lid in the refrigerator. The ointment retains its beneficial properties throughout the year.

The product is applied to the body three times a day and rubbed in easily. In case of severe damage, the ointment is placed on the tissue and applied to the affected area. Cover with polyethylene from above and secure with a bandage. This compress is left overnight.

The advantage of the ointment is that it can be applied to damaged skin, it will accelerate healing and help to quickly get rid of not only bruises, but also wounds.


Treating bruises at home can be done quickly with starch. The powder is mixed with warm boiled water. After the product acquires the consistency of thick sour cream, it is applied to the damaged area and left for an hour. Then wash off with warm water.

For hematomas, the use of potato starch is effective
For hematomas, the use of potato starch is effective

For hematomas, the use of potato starch is effective

The procedure is repeated 3-4 times a day. The effect of starch will be noticeable the very next day. You can get rid of minor injuries in 1-2 days. It will take 3-4 days to eliminate large hematomas.

If starch is not on hand, raw potatoes can help deal with the problem. It is rubbed on a fine grater, wrapped in gauze and applied to the bruise for 30-60 minutes. Potatoes are high in starch, so they can help heal damage quickly.

Arnica tincture

Those people who often have bruises and bruises should prepare a tincture of arnica. It is a hemostatic and anti-inflammatory agent. If a lotion with tincture is applied to the damaged area, bruising can be avoided. It will also help patients whose bruises do not disappear for a long period.

Arnica tincture accelerates bruise healing
Arnica tincture accelerates bruise healing

Arnica tincture accelerates bruise healing

In order to prepare the product, 10 g of arnica flowers are poured into 100 ml of 70% ethyl alcohol and left for a week in a dark place. After that, the tincture is filtered and stored in the refrigerator. It retains its beneficial properties for two years.

In order to get rid of the bruise, a cotton pad is moistened with arnica tincture, applied to the damaged area and secured with a bandage. This compress is left overnight. The effect of its application becomes noticeable the very next day.

If the bruise reaches a large size, is located on the face in the eye area, or the skin is severely damaged, you should consult a doctor.


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Anna Kozlova
Anna Kozlova

Anna Kozlova Medical journalist About the author

Education: Rostov State Medical University, specialty "General Medicine".

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