Diet For Arthritis - Types, Features, Menus For Various Types Of Disease

Diet For Arthritis - Types, Features, Menus For Various Types Of Disease
Diet For Arthritis - Types, Features, Menus For Various Types Of Disease

Diet for arthritis

Features of the diet for arthritis
Features of the diet for arthritis

Diet for arthritis aims to eliminate foods that negatively affect the joints, and includes the use of large amounts of vitamins and minerals.

Features of the diet for arthritis

Medical research has found that eating well for various types of arthritis and avoiding certain foods can significantly improve joint health.

During the period of dieting with arthritis, a balanced diet is necessary, which should include several groups of basic foods:

  • fresh and baked fruits and vegetables;
  • Rye bread;
  • grain crops;
  • low fat dairy products;
  • dietary meat of rabbit, chicken and turkey;
  • fish.

During a diet for arthritis, it is necessary to limit the use of fatty foods and flour products, as well as exclude salt and seasonings.

The right foods should be high in calcium, vitamins, magnesium, and zinc. The diet for rheumatoid arthritis should include skim milk and fermented milk products, as well as plenty of fruits and vegetables.

A balanced diet for arthritis should be rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids from the Omega 3 group and have an anti-inflammatory effect. An important component is gamma-linolenic acid, which is found in black currants, gullet and evening primrose. Eating these foods regularly can significantly reduce arthritis symptoms.

Reactive arthritis occurs after a severe infectious or inflammatory disease that causes the destruction of bone structures. The diet for reactive arthritis should include foods with a lot of fiber and trace elements that strengthen the body after an infection.

Rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis often occur in people who are prone to being overweight. As a result of the disease, the stress on the joints and the lower part of the spine increases. Losing weight and strengthening your joints requires a proper diet and exercise program. A diet for rheumatoid arthritis involves reducing the consumption of sugar and salt, fatty foods and baked goods, but saturating the body with fish oil, vitamins A and D, zinc, magnesium and calcium.

The main menu for various types of arthritis

The correct diet for arthritis involves drinking a lot of fluids daily (2 to 3 liters). It is necessary to drink green tea, kvass, jelly, rosehip broth and compotes. Coffee, cocoa, carbonated and alcoholic drinks are excluded from the diet.

A diet for reactive arthritis should include highly medicinal foods such as lemon, pumpkin, squash, broccoli, carrots, onions, garlic, and herbs. The use of pickled and canned foods should be limited to a minimum.

An effective diet for psoriatic arthritis requires strict adherence to all recommendations. This diet includes buckwheat and oatmeal, rice, fish, boiled chicken, baked vegetables, turkey, rabbit, cottage cheese and low-fat cheeses. Limit the consumption of eggplants, legumes and mushrooms.

While dieting with psoriatic arthritis, it must be borne in mind that purines, which are found in lettuce, sorrel, spinach and radishes, are harmful. Smoked meats, salted fish and offal have a negative effect on the joints.

During the diet for rheumatoid arthritis, it is necessary to limit the use of honey, chocolate, lard and puff pastry. High-calorie foods should be eaten very rarely. Ready meals should contain a minimum amount of fat and salt.

Diet for gouty arthritis

Of all types of arthritis, the gouty type of the disease is the most dependent on the food system. Foods eaten directly affect the formation of gouty bumps and the deposition of salts.

When dieting for gouty arthritis, you need to eat foods that are a natural source of vitamins, such as walnuts, hazelnuts, sunflower seeds, spinach, almonds, soy sauce, cottonseed oil.

Features of the diet menu for arthritis
Features of the diet menu for arthritis

The diet for gouty arthritis requires the elimination of offal, alcoholic beverages, legumes and seafood from the diet. Also, the use of red meat and other foods with a high content of arachidonic acid is contraindicated.

With gouty arthritis, you need to limit the use of the following foods:

  • with concentrated sugar content (flour products, chocolate, potatoes, pasta);
  • foods that promote the release of uric acid (alcohol, red meat, offal, legumes);
  • foods high in vitamin A, which can cause gout attacks (cod liver, butter, keta caviar, sour cream, cream, etc.).

In severe stages of the disease, the diet for arthritis should be regular. Nutritionists recommend periodically (within 5 days) to cleanse the body with the use of fresh juices, to which you can add celery and dill.

Fasting days should be carried out several times a month, the diet of which should include fruits, vegetables and almond milk. A diet for various forms of arthritis involves not only a balanced diet, but also regular non-intense physical activity, relaxing treatments and massage.

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