How To Spend Calories: How Many Calories Are Spent Under Various Loads

How To Spend Calories: How Many Calories Are Spent Under Various Loads
How To Spend Calories: How Many Calories Are Spent Under Various Loads

How to waste calories

What is the calorie consumption when walking and running
What is the calorie consumption when walking and running

A modern person needs an average of 1,800 to 2,000 calories per day. About 50% of this energy (1000 calories) is spent on metabolic processes within the body itself, but the remaining 50% must be spent as a result of physical activity during the day. If this does not happen, the person becomes overweight. But how many calories to burn to lose weight? On average, no more than 700 calories are consumed every day at home and at work, that is, to maintain energy balance and maintain physical fitness, it is necessary to additionally spend another 300 calories per day, that is, 2000-3000 calories per week. This can be done through exercise, exercise, or normal daily business activities.

How to burn calories through exercise

The most effective way to spend calories is at the same time the most useful, because a physically active lifestyle has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, has a positive effect on metabolism, increases efficiency, helps to fight depression and stressful situations, improves overall well-being and promotes increase in life expectancy.

How to burn calories through exercise? The easiest way is to run. It helps to get in shape quickly enough, since a lot of calories are spent on a run - about 833 calories per 12 kilometers.

Another type of aerobic exercise is cycling. You can burn 530 calories by cycling 20 km. This is a great option for outdoor recreation for the whole family.

Swimming in the pool is the third most effective way to spend calories, because swimming in a crawl for an hour, you can use 500-530 calories.

Rhythmic dances performed to fiery music for about an hour will help you burn 500 calories, and thanks to calm yoga, you can spend 175 calories in 60 minutes.

Badminton, volleyball, tennis and other active games also help get rid of excess calories, and for those who have very little free time, strength training is suitable, because in just 15 minutes on the simulators, 100 calories are burned. This means that three workouts of 15-20 minutes a week are enough. In addition, after training, the body adjusts to the mode of increased calorie consumption and for some time immediately after exercise continues to lose weight.

Weight loss and calorie expenditure while walking

Hiking, along with other physical exercise, can help you lose weight and keep fit, because the calorie consumption of walking is comparable to exercising in a fitness club.

You need to start active walks gradually, especially if before that the person had a sedentary lifestyle. At first, it is enough to walk 3-4 times a week for 10-15 minutes. Gradually, it is necessary to increase this time to 30-45 minutes, and the number of walks - up to 5-6 per week. You cannot give up or postpone walking until tomorrow, since only regular exercise will help you lose weight.

To lose weight and lose weight, you need to walk quickly, since the calorie consumption when walking at a slow pace is small and amounts to 45 calories in half an hour, but if you accelerate to 5-6 km / h, then you can spend 150 calories in 30 minutes.

It is necessary to increase the pace of walking at the expense of small steps, and not large sweeping ones, while you need to work with your hands, and not just hold them at the seams. With active work with your hands, it will be easier to walk, and energy costs increase.

It is better to walk in order to lose weight in the morning, since after sleep the stores of glucose in the blood are depleted and when walking, fats from the subcutaneous tissue serve as a source of energy. In addition, a morning walk kicks off an active metabolism for the whole day.

Do not allow dehydration of the body, otherwise the process of losing weight will go slower. Before a walk, as well as immediately after it, you need to drink a glass of clean water.

Correct breathing is another tip on how to burn calories while walking. Inhale air through the nose and exhale through the mouth. If you have shortness of breath, you should slow down the pace of walking until breathing is restored.

How to burn calories through your daily activities

Doing housework, shopping, or playing with your baby can also burn calories. How to spend calories at home, in the country and in the store? Here's a list of things that require a lot of energy:

  • How to calculate how many calories to burn to lose weight
    How to calculate how many calories to burn to lose weight

    Simple cleaning - 250 kcal / hour;

  • General cleaning - 300 kcal / hour;
  • Shopping in the hypermarket - 250 kcal / hour;
  • Playing with a pet - 200 kcal / hour;
  • Active walks with a child - 400 kcal / hour;
  • Gardening work - 350 kcal / hour;
  • Cooking - 80 kcal / hour;
  • Driving a car - 50 kcal / hour;
  • Ironing - 45 kcal / hour.

How are calories spent with seemingly so simple movements? The fact is that even minor muscle contractions, holding the body in a certain position, static muscle work significantly increase energy consumption. For example, a person in a sitting position spends 30 calories per hour, and if he knits at the same time, then all 100 calories are spent, because due to the movement of the fingers, the hands are strained, and the spine is harder to keep the body in a state of balance.

Having figured out how many calories to burn in order to lose weight and how to do it correctly, it should be said that no titanic work can replace regular daily activity, because only in this way can you create a calorie deficit and get rid of body fat.

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