How many calories are spent

Any human activity, including sleep, requires the expenditure of a certain amount of calories (energy) that enter the body with food. Weight directly depends on how many calories a person spends per day and how much of them enters his body with food. Based on this, we can draw the following conclusion:
- If a person consumes more calories than he spends in a day, his weight grows rapidly;
- If the ratio of the intake and expenditure of calories is the same, the person's weight stands still;
- If calories are expended per day more than they are supplied with food, a person begins to lose weight.
The excess calories not spent during the day gradually turn into fat deposits on the internal organs, as well as fat folds in the abdomen and thighs, which very soon become visible to the naked eye. This is why many are interested in how many calories are spent on performing various activities.
If you want to lose weight, a person needs to calculate how many calories are spent per day, and how many of them come from food. It is also important to consider the rate of calorie intake from food, which is different for people of different ages and genders. This rate is calculated using the following formula:
- For women aged 18 to 30 - 240 x (0.062 x weight + 2.036);
- For men aged 18 to 30 - 240 x (0.063 x weight + 2.9);
- For women aged 31 to 60 years - 240 x (0.034 x weight + 3.54);
- For men aged 31 to 60 years - 240 x (0.05 x weight + 3.65);
- For women over the age of 61 - 240 x (0.04 x weight + 2.75);
- For men over the age of 61 - 240 x (0.05 x weight + 2.46).
The result obtained must be multiplied by CFA (coefficient of physical activity), which with low activity is 1.1, with moderate activity - 1.3, and with high activity - 1.5.
To calculate the real amount of calories consumed with food, a person needs to keep a food diary throughout the week, which records each meal (in grams) and water (in milliliters), details the main actions (going to work, cleaning the house), and weight is noted daily. Thus, by the end of the week, you can analyze how many calories are spent on average per day, which foods affect weight gain or loss, and whether the principles of good nutrition are being followed.
How many calories a person spends per day
In order to calculate how many calories in general a person spends per day, you need to know how many calories are spent on each type of activity.
During sleep, a person spends on average 60-70 kcal per hour, but such a successful loss of energy occurs only under the following conditions:
- Sleep lasts at least 8 hours;
- The person has not experienced stress during the day and goes to bed in a relaxed state;
- It should not be hot during sleep, the room should be well ventilated;
- No carbohydrates or fats were consumed immediately before bed.
While working, how many calories are spent in an 8-hour day depends on the nature of the profession, namely:
- Office workers (secretaries, administrators, programmers, etc.) - 550 kcal;
- Service and education workers (teachers, shop consultants, etc.) - 1050 kcal;
- Workers with moderately hard physical work (bus drivers, machine operators, etc.) - 1500 kcal;
- Heavy physical workers (loaders, athletes, excavators, etc.) - 2050 kcal.
How many calories are burned when walking depends on the speed of the walk. So, if a person walks at a slow pace, then for an hour of such a walk, the body will spend 190 kcal, and during a brisk walk - 300 kcal. All calculations of how many calories are spent when walking are approximate, since the person's weight must also be taken into account. The more a person weighs, the more calories he will spend on walking, and vice versa.
On average, with a weight of 80 kg, a person spends the following amount of energy per hour on various activities:
- Rest in the lying position - 69 kcal;
- Reading aloud - 90 kcal;
- Housework - 120-250 kcal;
- Jogging - 380 kcal;
- Skiing - 420 kcal;
- Taking a shower (10 min) - 40 kcal;
- Swimming - 200-420 kcal;
- Cycling - 220-450 kcal;
- Skating or rollerblading - 200-620 kcal;
- Beach Volleyball - 298 calories
- Dancing - 359 kcal;
- Jumping rope - 359 kcal.
During a meal, how many calories are spent depends on the time of day. So, during breakfast, the body spends 60 kcal, lunch - 85 kcal, and dinner - 60 kcal.
How many calories are spent doing daily activities
During routine household chores, the human body still actively spends energy as it does when playing sports. How many calories a day the average housewife spends depends on the work she does. Scientists have calculated that for half an hour of housework, the following amount of energy is spent on average, depending on the type of activity:
- Dust wiping - 80 kcal;
- Washing windows or mirrors - 280 kcal;
- Change of linen on the bed - 35 kcal;
- Washing dishes - 50 kcal;
- Plumbing cleaning - 275 kcal;
- Washing the floor - 130 kcal;
- Floor cleaning (vacuum cleaner) - 205 kcal;
How to calculate how many calories are spent walking Floor cleaning (with a broom) - 108 kcal;
- Rearrangement of furniture - 223 kcal;
- Ironing while standing - 70 kcal, sitting - 40 kcal;
- Cooking - 75 kcal;
- Hand wash - 110 kcal.
Working in a vegetable garden or front garden also has a positive effect on the loss of extra calories. Watering the beds contributes to the waste of 160 kcal per hour, digging the beds - 180 kcal, pruning trees - 178 kcal, planting seedlings - 150 kcal, weeding - 170 calories, fertilizing - 200 calories, harvesting leaves - 150 kcal, harvesting - 180 kcal.
During the day, a person spends energy every minute to perform various actions. How many calories are spent in total per day is quite difficult to calculate, since it is necessary to take into account each action performed. If you want to lose weight, the most important thing is to spend more calories per day than to consume energy with food. To do this, it is enough to calculate the daily calorie intake from food, make entries in a food diary and lead an active lifestyle.
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