A psychotherapist is a specialist whose treatment consists in conducting various trainings, conversations, which can take place both with one patient and in special groups. Members of such groups are usually selected individually.

The psychotherapist provides specialized assistance mainly by non-pharmacological methods. Simply put, a psychotherapist has mastered one of the areas of psychotherapy.
Both mentally healthy people and patients with a "borderline state", that is, in a state on the verge of nervous diseases (depression, neurosis, etc.), can come to an appointment with a psychotherapist. At the consultation, the psychotherapist uses special psychotechnics, the purpose of which is to help the patient and solve his problems.
What diseases are in the competence of the psychotherapist?
According to reviews, a psychotherapist can treat diseases such as insomnia, bulimia, psychosis, anorexia, neurosis, phobias and fears, alcoholism, schizophrenia, depression, panic attacks, Alzheimer's disease.
When should I make an appointment with a psychotherapist?
You need the advice of a psychotherapist if you suffer from vague fears, anxiety, appetite disorders, depression, insomnia and neurotic disorders.
If you are suffering from intense pain, physical ailment and bodily discomfort, consulting a psychotherapist is also helpful.
A therapist will be able to help you if in the near future you have experienced severe stress or grief, and the consequences of the experiences experienced negatively affect your mental and physical condition.
According to psychotherapists, many diseases are based on various stresses and stressful situations. So, the minor stresses that a person experiences every day gradually accumulate and result in an internal unconscious conflict that can easily turn into physical malaise.
A family therapist can help spouses who are unable to resolve their differences and problems on their own.
You need the help of a psychotherapist if you are unhappy with the life you are living and trying to improve it. Or you strive to be like someone else, and feel dissatisfied because you are not successful.
What are the main types of diagnostics performed by a psychotherapist?
In order to clarify the diagnosis, the psychotherapist at the reception may ask you to do an ECG, a study of visual acuity and fundus, ultrasound of the kidneys, liver, spleen, pancreas, ultrasound dopplerography of the cervical arteries, electroencephalography, transcranial dopplerography of intracranial vessels.
According to reviews, psychotherapists conduct only instrumental research methods.
Psychotherapist advice
The easiest way to relax and release tension is through relaxation. It is based on alternating tension and relaxation of muscle groups and muscles in order to achieve a state of trance.
When teaching relaxation, an important point is strong muscle tension and their complete relaxation. If you train regularly (at least every other day), then after about a month you can already master the initial relaxation skills that will help to overcome stressful situations, relieve feelings of fear and anxiety, relieve anxiety and tension.
You can do relaxation at any time convenient for you, but it is desirable that at this moment no one distracts you. There are many relaxation techniques and you can choose the one that suits you best. Remember that all diseases are from nerves!
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