Olestezin: A Gentle Natural Treatment For Hemorrhoids

Olestezin: A Gentle Natural Treatment For Hemorrhoids
Olestezin: A Gentle Natural Treatment For Hemorrhoids

Olestezin: a gentle natural treatment for hemorrhoids

People try not to pronounce the word "hemorrhoids" in its true meaning. This is one of those diseases that is not accepted to discuss even with the closest.

Hemorrhoids are varicose enlargement of the hemorrhoidal veins of the rectum, accompanied by symptoms such as discomfort, soreness, itching, prolapse of hemorrhoids, bleeding. In addition to unpleasant and humiliating sensations, this disease is dangerous due to numerous complications in the form of infringement of hemorrhoids, thrombosis, anemia, etc.

Risk factors for developing hemorrhoids
Risk factors for developing hemorrhoids

Proctologists believe that 80% of people sooner or later face the manifestation of this disease.

  • heredity, congenital weakness of the connective tissue, which is the skeleton of the veins;
  • constipation;
  • food addictions (a diet poor in vegetables and fruits; spicy foods; excessive consumption of tea and coffee);
  • professional activities associated with heavy physical exertion, standing or sedentary work;
  • some sports: horse riding, cycling, motorcycle riding, weightlifting;
  • pregnancy and childbirth;
  • non-compliance with hygiene rules;
  • unconventional sex.

Now there are many modern methods of treating hemorrhoids: these are minimally invasive surgical methods (infrared coagulation, cryotherapy, ligation of nodes, electrocoagulation) and a number of widespread surgical interventions. However, in acute hemorrhoids and in the early stages of the disease, the patient needs conservative treatment. Its main goal is to relieve pain and inflammation, to normalize blood circulation in the rectal area.

This is exactly the effect of rectal suppositories Olestenzin ®, of the pharmaceutical company Altayvitaminy. With hemorrhoids, doctors always try to prescribe drugs in the form of rectal suppositories - this ensures a long-term mild local action and ease of use.

Olestenzin - rectal suppositories for the treatment of hemorrhoids
Olestenzin - rectal suppositories for the treatment of hemorrhoids

The uniqueness of Olestenzin ® lies in the fact that it is a combined preparation containing plant and chemically synthesized medicinal components. The main active ingredient of the drug is a natural concentrate of sea buckthorn oil, which increases its biological activity and enhances the therapeutic effect. Sea buckthorn oil stimulates regeneration processes in the mucous membrane, accelerates the healing of cracks in the anus. In addition, the sea buckthorn oil concentrate helps to restore the elasticity of the capillaries and has a hemostatic effect.

Anesthesin, which is part of the drug, quickly relieves pain, eliminates itching, and reduces the feeling of discomfort. Etazole sodium, having antibacterial activity, provides anti-inflammatory effect.

Clinical trials candles OLESTENZIN ® conducted at the Research Institute of traditional therapies Federal Health Ministry, after which it was recommended for clinical use in acute and chronic hemorrhoids, proctitis, anal fissures, and in the recovery period after various operations on the rectum.

The composition of Olestenzin
The composition of Olestenzin

Due to the mild, gentle action of the components, Olestenzin ® suppositories can be used in pregnant and lactating women.

The safety of Olestenzin ® allows pharmacists to recommend and dispense it even without a prescription.

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