Latex Rings For Hemorrhoids: Reviews, Ligation Of Hemorrhoids

Latex Rings For Hemorrhoids: Reviews, Ligation Of Hemorrhoids
Latex Rings For Hemorrhoids: Reviews, Ligation Of Hemorrhoids

Latex rings for hemorrhoids: reviews, ligation of hemorrhoids, prevention of complications

The content of the article:

  1. Ligation procedure: advantages, indications, contraindications
  2. How is ligation of hemorrhoids with latex rings performed?
  3. Types of latex ligation of hemorrhoids

    1. Mechanical ligator
    2. Vacuum ligator
  4. Possible complications after hemorrhoidal ligation
  5. Prevention of complications

Reviews of latex rings for hemorrhoids are predominantly positive. Hemorrhoidal ligation, or latex ligation, is a minimally invasive method of treating advanced stages of the disease.

Latex ligation effectively replaces surgery to remove hemorrhoids at stages 2-3 of hemorrhoids
Latex ligation effectively replaces surgery to remove hemorrhoids at stages 2-3 of hemorrhoids

Latex ligation effectively replaces surgery to remove hemorrhoids at stages 2-3 of hemorrhoids

The essence of the method lies in the imposition of a latex ring on the hemorrhoid, as a result of which it ceases to receive blood supply, shrinks and disappears.

The effectiveness of removing hemorrhoids with latex rings, according to proctologists, is approximately 80%.

Ligation procedure: advantages, indications, contraindications

Usually, the ligation procedure is carried out at the second or third, less often at the fourth stage of the disease. At the initial stage, there is no need for ligation of hemorrhoids, medication is enough (ointments, gels, suppositories, pills, etc.), physiotherapy exercises and dieting are sufficient.

Latex ring ligation is a good alternative to surgery. Removal of hemorrhoids is performed on an outpatient basis, is painless (performed under local anesthesia or without it at all), takes 10-15 minutes, and practically does not require rehabilitation. The patient can immediately return to normal life.

Latex rings are usually superimposed on 1-2 nodes, therefore, in the later stages of hemorrhoids, with many hemorrhoids, the procedure is carried out in several stages, the interval between which is 2-3 weeks. This approach minimizes the risk of complications.

To avoid the development of bleeding, before starting the manipulation, drugs that affect blood clotting should be canceled (after consulting with your doctor).

Latex ligation is contraindicated in the following cases:

  • lack of a clear border between external and internal nodes in the combined form of the disease;
  • proctitis, paraproctitis;
  • anal fissures.

Ligation with latex rings is not performed immediately after myocardial infarction or stroke, in the presence of anemia, thrombocytopenia, acute infectious diseases, etc.

Recurrences of the disease after treatment of hemorrhoids with latex ligation practically do not occur.

How is ligation of hemorrhoids with latex rings performed?

Standard preparation for latex ligation includes a medical examination. In the evening before and immediately before the procedure, the intestines are emptied with an enema or laxatives. In some clinics, for this purpose, the procedure of colon hydrotherapy is used (cleansing the large intestine by repeatedly filling it with water and emptying it).

The patient is positioned on his side or on his back, pulling his legs up to the stomach. An anoscope is inserted into the rectum, a latex ring is applied to the hemorrhoid using a ligator (a tool for applying latex rings to hemorrhoids), which compresses its leg. A mechanical or vacuum ligator is used for manipulation. Latex rings stretch well, the outer side of the latex ring is 5 mm, and the inner side is 1 mm. The nutrition of the hemorrhoidal node due to the compression of the blood vessels located in the leg is disrupted, within several weeks it dies and disappears during the bowel movement.

During the procedure, a knot is isolated with a ligator, and a latex ring is applied to it
During the procedure, a knot is isolated with a ligator, and a latex ring is applied to it

During the procedure, a knot is isolated with a ligator, and a latex ring is applied to it

Types of latex ligation of hemorrhoids

Mechanical ligator

In the case of a mechanical ligator, the anoscope is inserted into the anal canal and fixed in such a way that a node is visible in its lumen. After that, a mechanical ligator with a latex ring is inserted into the anoscope, the hemorrhoid is grasped with a clamp, pulled into the head of the ligator, where a latex ring is thrown onto it in such a way as to squeeze the base of the hemorrhoid without capturing the surrounding tissues. With the help of a mechanical ligator, it is more convenient to remove internal hemorrhoids, which have clear edges and a leg.

Vacuum ligator

A vacuum ligator connected to a negative pressure suction is brought to the hemorrhoid through the anoscope and the suction is turned on. The hemorrhoid is pulled into the ligator, a latex ring is thrown onto it, after which the pressure in the head of the vacuum ligator is equalized with the external one, the device is removed. Operation with a vacuum ligator can be performed even in cases where the leg of the hemorrhoid is difficult to identify and isolate.

After ligation with latex rings of internal hemorrhoids, bed rest is not required. For an hour after the operation, the patient is under the supervision of medical personnel. If there are no abnormalities, after this time, the patient can leave the clinic.

Possible complications after hemorrhoidal ligation

The risk of complications after latex ligation of hemorrhoids is minimal. Rubber latex rings do not cause allergic reactions, there is no drug load on the body, and there is no tissue injury.

In the first days after ligation with latex rings with hemorrhoids, according to patients, there is a feeling of the presence of a foreign body in the anal canal. The appearance of minor pain sensations is possible, which is associated with pinching of the leg of the hemorrhoid and a violation of trophism in it. With severe pain on the first day or two after the procedure, the doctor may prescribe an analgesic drug. Pain after ligation of hemorrhoids with latex rings, according to patients, is more common when two or more nodes are removed at the same time. The patient is instructed that if the pain intensifies and becomes unbearable, immediate medical attention should be sought. In this case, the latex ring will be removed and relocated.

Occasionally, the latex ring may slip off. This usually happens in cases where, during the throwing, it did not completely capture the hemorrhoid.

After surgery, the patient may find a small amount of blood on toilet paper, this is normal. Abundant rectal bleeding can develop when the latex ring ruptures, if the patient does not follow the doctor's recommendations (this is especially true for the rules of defecation and general hygiene, limiting physical activity, adhering to a diet).

Another complication that can develop after ligation of external hemorrhoids is thrombosis. This happens rarely, in patients with a combined form of the disease in the absence of boundaries between the external and internal hemorrhoids. Thrombosis is manifested by severe pain, edema of the perianal tissues, and sometimes bleeding. Treatment can be both conservative and surgical, depending on the stage of thrombosis.

The accession of a secondary bacterial infection is manifested by an increase in body temperature, a general deterioration in the condition, soreness, itching, burning sensation in the anus, and difficulty in defecation.

If any complications develop after latex ligation of hemorrhoids, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Prevention of complications

In the postoperative period, the patient must avoid excessive physical exertion, regularly empty the bowels, carefully follow the rules of personal hygiene.

High fiber diet shown after latex ligation
High fiber diet shown after latex ligation

High fiber diet shown after latex ligation

On the first day after latex ligation, defecation should be avoided; for this purpose, the patient is prohibited from taking solid food for a day. In the future, it is important to follow the diet after surgery in order to achieve regular and gentle bowel movements. To do this, the diet should contain sufficient amounts of fiber-rich foods - vegetables (you should avoid those that cause increased gas formation, for example, legumes, cabbage, radish), fruits, whole grain bread, cereals.

An abundant drinking regime is shown (at least 1.5 liters of water per day), which also helps to normalize the stool. You should not eat spicy and fatty foods, alcoholic (including low-alcohol) drinks, as well as any foods that contribute to the development of constipation.

A small scar remains at the site of the fallen off hemorrhoid. In order for the wound to heal normally, and late postoperative complications do not develop, the patient is prescribed regular examinations by the attending physician for a period from several months to a year, depending on the individual characteristics of the organism.

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Anna Aksenova
Anna Aksenova

Anna Aksenova Medical journalist About the author

Education: 2004-2007 "First Kiev Medical College" specialty "Laboratory Diagnostics".

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