Inexpensive and effective suppositories for the treatment of hemorrhoids
The content of the article:
- How to choose the right suppository for hemorrhoids
- Suppositories for external and internal hemorrhoids
- Types of rectal suppositories for hemorrhoids
- Features of the use of rectal suppositories
- The best candles for hemorrhoids
- Contraindications
The list below contains the names of inexpensive and effective suppositories for hemorrhoids.
Betiol and Anusol - the basis is made up of two active components: belladonna leaf extract (belladonna) and ichtammol (ichthyol). Belladonna extract reduces GI muscle tone while improving sphincter tone. Ichtammol has an antiseptic and disinfectant effect. Thanks to this combination, suppositories stimulate regenerative processes in tissues, improve venous blood flow, and have a bactericidal and anesthetic effect. Anusole, in addition to the extract of belladonna and ichtammol, also contains zinc sulfate, tibromophenolate and bismuth oxide - powerful anti-inflammatory drugs. These effective suppositories for hemorrhoids are used for exacerbations.
Ultraproct - contain fluocortolone hexonate, fluocortolone pivalate and cinchocaine hydrochloride, which reduce inflammation and pain, have antihistamines and antipruritic effects. Suppositories contribute to the rapid healing of anal fissures.

Suppositories Relief Ultra promote the speedy healing of damaged tissues
Relief - one of the most inexpensive and effective suppositories for hemorrhoids. The remedy is used to treat exacerbations of hemorrhoids, helping to relieve inflammation in a few days of use. The base is shark liver oil and phenylephrine hydrochloride. Shark liver oil prevents clogging of veins, helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels and accelerate healing of the affected area, relieves inflammation, soothes pain and itching. Phenylephrine causes narrowing of blood vessels and is effective in bleeding. In addition to these two main substances, the preparation contains other antibacterial and decongestant components. Relief suppositories are produced in several types: Relief Advance - contain benzocaine, are effective for intense pain syndrome, Relief Ultra - help with acute inflammation, can accelerate the healing of erosions and cracks in the anus.
Hepatrombin G - contain the anticoagulant heparin, which prevents blood clotting and the formation of blood clots, prednisolone, which has anti-inflammatory, anti-exudative and anti-allergic effects, as well as polydocanol, which causes vasoconstriction and contributes to pain relief.
Proctosan - the active substances contained in the preparation, make it possible to use it in both acute and chronic forms of hemorrhoids. Lidocaine has an anesthetic effect, helps to get rid of itching and burning. Bismuth subgallate and titanium dioxide have an astringent, drying effect, are used to stop bleeding, and contribute to the formation of a protective film over damaged tissue. Bufexamak provides a pronounced anti-inflammatory effect due to inhibition of prostaglandin synthesis.
Natalsid - the therapeutic effect is provided by sodium alginate, which is obtained from the extract of brown algae (kelp). It promotes rapid and effective regeneration of damaged areas, relief of pain and spasm of the sphincter, has a hemostatic, healing effect. Another component is alginic acid. Once in the rectum, it swells and gently envelops the walls of the hemorrhoidal veins. In addition, it increases the secretion of immunoglobulins and enhances local immunity.
Aurobin - contains triclosan (antimicrobial action), lidocaine (pain relief), prednisolone (anti-inflammatory action) and a derivative of pantothenic acid - dexpanthenol (moisturizing and treatment of damaged mucosal areas). The combination of these components eliminates inflammation, soothes itching and burning, reduces soreness and bleeding, and promotes healing of cracks and erosions.

Suppositories Hepazolone contain anti-inflammatory, analgesic and blood circulation-improving active ingredients
Hepazolone - a pronounced anti-inflammatory and anesthetic effect of the drug is due to a three-component composition. Prednisolone eliminates inflammation, itching, swelling and pain, sodium heparin normalizes blood flow, is used to dissolve and reduce nodes, lidocaine has anesthetic, relaxing and antipruritic effects.
Procto-Glivenol - activate microcirculation, reduce blood stasis in hemorrhoidal veins. The active ingredient tribenoside acts as an anti-inflammatory, angioprotective, decongestant and venotonic agent. Lidocaine blocks pain impulses. By reducing inflammation and eliminating pain, it helps to normalize the stool.
Olestezin - due to the contained sea buckthorn oil, candles have healing, anti-inflammatory properties. Vitamin K promotes blood clotting, anesthesin relieves pain, and sulfaetidol has a bacteriostatic and bactericidal effect.
How to choose the right suppository for hemorrhoids
How to choose the most effective and inexpensive suppositories for the treatment of hemorrhoids? The answer to this question depends on the stage of development of the disease and its form. With timely diagnosis and complex therapy, you can be cured in a conservative way. Indications for medical treatment of hemorrhoids are: the initial stages of chronic hemorrhoids, acute hemorrhoids, pre- and postoperative therapy.
The treatment complex for hemorrhoids includes drug therapy, adherence to the regime and rules of dietary nutrition, the implementation of special physical exercises and the improvement of the lifestyle in general (rejection of bad habits, the fight against physical inactivity, etc.).
An important aspect of therapy is the correct choice of agents for general and local treatment: suppositories, creams or ointments of local antihemorrhoidal and symptomatic action, drugs for general and systemic purposes.
Suppositories for external and internal hemorrhoids
Different drugs and procedures are prescribed depending on the form of the disease. External hemorrhoids are a collection of hemorrhoids in the form of cavernous vascular plexuses located outside and around the anus. For external hemorrhoids, ointments are generally used, although suppositories can also be helpful as adjunctive therapy. They help improve local blood circulation, helping to eliminate blood stagnation, relieve muscle spasm.
With internal hemorrhoids, hemorrhoids are located inside the anus, under the rectal mucosa. The combined (mixed) form is characterized by the presence of both internal and external hemorrhoids.
With the internal form of hemorrhoids, rectal suppositories are the main form of drugs for local therapy. The use of rectal suppositories for internal hemorrhoids allows you to get a quick effect and maximum therapeutic effect, the active substance is delivered directly to the site of inflammation. Suppositories cause a minimum of side effects, are easy to use. Correctly selected, they help eliminate pain, bleeding, accelerate the healing of damaged tissues, activate blood supply in the perianal region, reduce the risk of thrombosis, and prevent further proliferation of nodes. Good suppositories for hemorrhoids help relieve congestion in the venous plexuses, reduce the severity of local inflammation, and promote tissue regeneration.

Suppositories Natalsid eliminate inflammation and enhance tissue regeneration
Types of rectal suppositories for hemorrhoids
Suppositories for the treatment of hemorrhoids are distinguished by their composition, which determines the severity, duration and nature of the pharmacological effect. They can be based on different active substances or combinations thereof.
The characteristic symptoms of hemorrhoids are stabbing pain, burning and itching in the anus, bloating, heaviness during bowel movement, inflammation in the hemorrhoids and surrounding tissues, perianal edema, the appearance of blood during bowel movements, enlargement and prolapse of hemorrhoids. Depending on what symptoms accompany the development of hemorrhoids, candles are selected.
Rectal suppositories are of the following types:
- anti-inflammatory and antibacterial - thanks to the components they contain, they help to displace pathogenic microflora, accelerate the processes of cell and tissue regeneration, and heal cracks;
- pain relievers - the anesthetic or antispasmodic ingredients of these suppositories relieve pain, have a relaxing effect, and contribute to a comfortable emptying of the rectum;
- hemostatic - used to prevent and stop bleeding, hemostatic agents are added to their composition;
- venotonic - drugs with an angioprotective effect, containing venotonics and venoprotectors, which stimulate blood vessels, improve their elasticity, increase blood flow to the rectal area;
- anticoagulant suppositories - eliminate venous stasis, reduce blood viscosity, inhibit the process of thrombus formation.
Features of the use of rectal suppositories
When using rectal suppositories, certain rules must be followed.
- Keep suppositories in the refrigerator. Storage temperature - from 2 to 8 ° С. In the case of prolonged storage at room temperature, the drugs lose their therapeutic effect.
- For a single appointment, the suppository is administered at bedtime, after bowel movements and after performing hygiene procedures. In case of constipation, you can give a cleansing enema. If the drug is supposed to be used twice, suppositories are administered in the morning and evening.
- The candle should be unpacked just before insertion to avoid contamination and softening. The drug is administered lying on the left side, slightly bending the knees, avoiding injury to the mucous membrane of the nails. The use of medical gloves or disposable rubber fingertips can facilitate the procedure.
- The candle should not sink too deep.
- After the introduction of the suppository, it is recommended to roll over on your stomach and lie in this position for about 30 minutes. Hold the candle in the anus until it is completely dissolved.
The best candles for hemorrhoids
How to choose which candles to use in a particular case? The choice of suppositories depends not only on the form, but also on the stage of the disease. In case of loss of nodes and acute bleeding, it is worth using the most powerful means, and in the initial stages it is worth giving preference to softer and safer suppositories. But when choosing remedies for the treatment of hemorrhoids of any stage, it is worth listening not to patient reviews, but to the recommendations of the attending physician, since therapy should be selected individually, taking into account all factors and concomitant diseases. For pregnant women, it will be helpful to consult with the obstetrician-gynecologist who monitors the pregnancy before using any suppositories.

Suppositories Procto-glivenol eliminate inflammation, relieve pain and swelling, and have a softening effect
Despite the safety and effectiveness of drugs in the form of rectal suppositories, they cannot be used uncontrollably. Each type has contraindications, depending on what active ingredients are contained in the composition. It is necessary to inform the doctor who prescribes the suppositories about the presence of any diseases, and carefully read the instructions before using the suppositories. The most common diseases and conditions in which the use of rectal suppositories may be contraindicated:
- hypertonic disease;
- diabetes;
- angle-closure glaucoma;
- paraproctitis;
- infectious diseases: tuberculosis, syphilis, as well as fungal, viral, bacterial skin lesions in the anus;
- tachyarrhythmia;
- decreased blood clotting;
- individual hypersensitivity to the components of suppositories.
For men, prostatitis and other inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system, as well as benign prostatic hyperplasia, may be a contraindication.
Some suppositories are contraindicated during pregnancy and lactation. The list of approved remedies for pregnancy also depends on the trimester. In the first trimester of pregnancy, it is possible to use the following suppositories with sea buckthorn, glycerin, calendula, ichthyol, Viburkol, Natalsid. From the beginning of the second trimester, it is usually allowed to use suppositories Aurobin, Relief Ultra, Procto-Glivenol, Hepatrombin G. It is not recommended to choose suppositories and ointments on your own, since it is necessary, in addition to the gestational age, to take into account a number of additional factors.
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Anna Kozlova Medical journalist About the author
Education: Rostov State Medical University, specialty "General Medicine".
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