Raynaud's syndrome

All functional systems of the human body can suffer from various diseases. The blood supply system is no exception. A large number of pathological conditions are known that can disrupt the process of feeding organs and tissues. Among them there are quite rare ailments, for example, Raynaud's syndrome. As a rule, it is a complication of a number of diseases, but it often occurs on its own. Clinical manifestations are due to capillary spasm.
Raynaud's disease and syndrome
Circulatory disorders can be triggered by various pathological processes in the body. Often it develops against the background of other diseases, which are primarily aimed at the main therapeutic measures. However, capillary spasm can be an independent disease and Raynaud's syndrome. What is the difference between these concepts?
The "causeless" occurrence of vascular spasms in the extremities without pronounced pathology in other organs and systems speaks of an increased excitability of the nervous system. This feature of the body leads to a sharp imbalance between the stimulus and the reaction of the vessels to it. Of course, a short-term spasm of capillaries as a defensive reaction, for example, to the effects of cold, periodically occurs in any person. The pathology is an increase in the strength and duration of the spasm in response to a slight decrease in temperature.
The presence of other diseases may somewhat diminish the importance of problems such as impaired blood flow in the fingers and toes. As a result of the lack of adequate therapy, Raynaud's syndrome develops. This is a condition in which the symptoms and effects of capillary spasm become quite noticeable. They begin to negatively affect well-being along with the manifestations of the underlying ailment.
Raynaud's syndrome, causes
Any pathology of the body has a certain basis and immediately affects the state of health. In Raynaud's syndrome, several factors are responsible for the underlying condition. A number of them determine the development of the disease, already directly against the background of which capillary spasms occur. These can be endocrine disorders such as diabetes or thyroid problems. Also, degenerative changes in the spine often become the "primary source".
The result is a failure of the autonomic nervous system, which leads to an increase in its excitability. As a result, the body responds with a strong reaction in the form of a spasm of capillaries even to a minor irritant. Temperature fluctuations, as well as emotional experiences, both positive and negative, can play the role of a catalyst for the pathological process.
Raynaud's syndrome is caused not only by a violation of the innervation of peripheral vessels. One of the reasons for the development of a pathological reaction of the body is the weakness of the capillary walls. Such a combination of negative factors also causes such serious consequences as irreversible trophic changes in the fingers of the extremities.
Raynaud's syndrome, symptoms
Violation of blood circulation in the capillaries is always quite pronounced.
It is characterized by a constant feeling of coldness in the hands and feet, which does not depend on the ambient temperature. Usually the limbs are affected symmetrically, and the chin, tip of the nose, and earlobes may also suffer. In Raynaud's syndrome, symptoms of peripheral vascular spasm are superimposed on the manifestations of the underlying disease.
An paroxysmal course of the disease is noted. Aggravation begins with a sharp narrowing of peripheral vessels, which is manifested by pallor and chilliness of the fingers. After a while, the skin turns blue, and there is severe pain in the fingers. Gradually, the capillaries expand, the limbs warm up and acquire a red tint. Periodically repeated attacks lead to a decrease in the sensitivity of the fingertips, damage to the skin, the appearance of trophic ulcers.
Raynaud's syndrome, which tends to have symptoms alongside those of another disease, is often difficult to diagnose. Important criteria in this situation are such indicators as the symmetry of the lesion of the limbs, the resistance and strength of the spasm, as well as its recurrence.
Raynaud's syndrome, treatment
Violation of peripheral circulation can cause serious consequences. In connection with constantly occurring vascular spasms, the quality of life is significantly deteriorating. Violation of tissue trophism often leads to gangrene of the fingers, which implies amputation. With Raynaud's syndrome, treatment should be comprehensive, it is carried out almost all life.

Eliminating or limiting contact with factors that contribute to vasospasm is of great importance for alleviating the course of the disease. This is the effect of cold and humidity on the skin, as well as smoking, various stresses. In the presence of occupational hazards, you should think about changing jobs.
Treatment of Raynaud's syndrome involves the use of drugs of different pharmacological groups, as well as physiotherapy and massage. The complex of medical measures is aimed not only at improving blood flow in the limbs, but also at the cause of the underlying disease.
Although treatment with folk remedies is not a panacea for Raynaud's syndrome, some advice can be used in conjunction with drug therapy. First of all, this is the use of baths with essential oils of coniferous trees and the use of herbal infusions.
The spasm of the smallest vessels can have a negative impact on health. To maintain health, it is necessary to seek medical help in time and follow all the doctor's prescriptions. It is important to remember that with Raynaud's syndrome, treatment with folk remedies is not capable of replacing drug therapy.
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The information is generalized and provided for informational purposes only. At the first sign of illness, see your doctor. Self-medication is hazardous to health!