Balanced Diet For A Year For Weight Loss - Features, Menu

Balanced Diet For A Year For Weight Loss - Features, Menu
Balanced Diet For A Year For Weight Loss - Features, Menu

Diet for a year

The diet for the year consists of a comprehensive balanced diet aimed at losing weight and cleansing the body. This diet should be followed for 12 months, each of which has a special type of menu.

Features of the diet for the year

On a yearly diet, you need to consume protein, such as legumes
On a yearly diet, you need to consume protein, such as legumes

Modern diets are aimed at quickly eliminating excess weight, but, often, after exhausting fasting, the work of various body systems deteriorates, and the weight can return to its original indicator. Therefore, many nutritionists recommend developing an individual diet for the year.

With the right choice of diet, excess fluid is eliminated from the body, fats are broken down and toxins are removed, metabolism and the work of the digestive system are normalized. A diet for a year helps people with significant overweight not only regain harmony, but also improve health and strengthen the body.

A balanced diet for weight loss should be based on a special nutritional regimen that includes vitamins, trace elements, fiber and organic acids. The daily calorie intake should correspond to the body's needs for nutrients for energy expenditure. As a result, you can lose 15-20 kg in 1 year and unleash the body's potential, strengthen immunity and improve muscle tone.

Proper planning of a balanced diet for weight loss

Before starting to follow the diet for a year, you must carefully plan the diet for each month and calculate the required calorie content. The main menu for the year should include the following nutrients:

  • proteins that are found in dairy products, legumes and grains, raisins and nuts;
  • amino acids (liver, chicken, fish, eggs, cottage cheese, yogurt, beans, banana);
  • vitamins - B12 (yeast, dairy products), D (fish, parsley, mushrooms), C (lemon, orange, broccoli, rose hips, cabbage, pepper), etc.;
  • iron (raisins, lentils, spinach, eggs, lettuce, plums);
  • calcium (fish, fish oil, beans, dried fruits, sesame seeds, herbs).

In order to lose weight 1 year before normal weight, it is necessary to correctly alternate and combine products. The most correct would be a split type meal, which should include various dishes with plant combinations. Bean and lentil dishes, as well as soups with grains and lots of greens, can help replenish energy. Fruits and vegetables with a high vitamin content should be the basis of the daily menu.

The correct diet for the year includes main and fasting days, and also consists of food groups that must be consumed by month.

Diet menu for the year

The main diet menu for the year should be calculated for each month. Confectionery, semi-finished products, seasonings, canned foods with chemical additives, alcoholic and carbonated drinks should be completely removed from the diet. Products should be eaten fresh, boiled and stewed. Smoked and pickled foods can be consumed 5-10 times a year at 3, 7, 9 and 11 months.

The diet menu for the year must contain fish
The diet menu for the year must contain fish

A balanced diet for weight loss is a daily 5-time fractional meals with the obligatory use of the following products:

  • daily alternation of boiled eggs and cottage cheese;
  • chicken fillet 100 grams;
  • boiled fish 150 grams;
  • 2 slices of rye bread;
  • a glass of fat-free fermented milk product;
  • unlimited vegetables and herbs;
  • fruits (apple, kiwi, banana, grapefruit, orange, plum);
  • nuts and dried fruits;
  • an abundant amount of liquid (still mineral water, green tea, compote).

In every second month of the year, it is necessary to increase the amount of fluid consumed to 2 liters per day. You should also consume 2 cups of frozen or fresh berries, a handful of nuts, seafood, cereals, honey and rice daily at 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 and 12 months.

Proper diet and exercise should be inextricably linked. Daily physical activity will significantly strengthen the body, improve the condition of the skin and normalize the psycho-emotional state.

The summer diet menu for the year should be supplemented with plenty of fresh vegetables and fruits. Some protein foods can be replaced with vinaigrette, vegetable stews, green salads, olives, nuts and berries.

If you follow a diet, salads must be seasoned with olive oil or lemon juice, and rye bread can only be eaten in the morning.

In order to gradually lose weight in 1 year, compliance with all recommendations on the diet and diet is required. The diet should be tailored according to the patient's condition and medical conditions. If there are disorders in the functioning of the digestive system, the amount of fresh fruits and vegetables should be reduced, but vegetable broth and cottage cheese should be consumed daily.

Additional components of the diet for the year

Diet food for a year should be combined with additional means of losing weight and strengthening the body. Several times a week you need to take herbal slimming baths, swim, walk in the fresh air and run in the morning. In order to get rid of excess subcutaneous deposits and sagging skin, you can use anti-cellulite creams, massagers and wraps.

Diet and exercise are the main ingredients for proper weight loss without stress for the body and exhaustion. Daily exercise should be an aerobic type and should stretch and strengthen your abs, hips, and glutes. Weekly physical activity should be increased, and once a month, an intense training day, hike or bike ride should be scheduled.

Massages and physiotherapy treatments are additional components of weight loss.

If you follow a diet for a year, you should constantly monitor your weight, record the results of losing weight, keep a journal about physical activity and sports.

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