Atomic diet
Proteins, fats and carbohydrates are substances that form the basis of nutrition. The absence of any of these elements in the diet negatively affects the body, which is why it is so important to choose a balanced diet that includes the use of all these groups of nutrients. Such diets, as a rule, not only help you lose weight, but also do not harm your health.
One of the diets that allow you to lose weight using protein-carbohydrate alternation is the "Atomic Diet". According to its creators, the "Atomic Diet" can speed up metabolism and activate the process of burning fat. On the first day of the diet, only foods with a high protein content are allowed - due to their low calorie content, the body is forced to burn fat, while maintaining muscle. The next day's menu consists mainly of foods rich in carbohydrates: vegetables, cereals, fruits. They improve bowel function, provide energy and compensate for the lack of vitamins and minerals. Then the days alternate. Thus, the "Atomic Diet" makes it possible to effectively reduce weight without compromising health.
The portions of the Atomic Diet are unlimited, as are the number of meals, but overeating is not recommended, especially on carbohydrate days.
To lose weight faster, you need to give up late dinner - at least three hours should elapse between going to bed and the last meal of the day.
If you follow all the rules for the first week of the Atomic Diet, you can lose from 3 to 6 kg (depending on the initial weight).

Advantages of the "Atomic Diet"
The "atomic diet" is effective - you can easily say goodbye to a lot of kilograms. This diet is well planned, its main ideas are confirmed by experts.
During the "Atomic Diet" you do not have to starve: you can eat as much as you want, and when you want.
The diet is balanced and can replace the usual diet. The wide range of foods allowed during the diet allows you to create a varied menu.
Disadvantages and contraindications of the "Atomic diet"
Because the Atomic Diet involves high protein intake, it is not recommended for people with kidney problems. In any case, before starting the diet, you should consult with a specialist.
What foods are allowed?
On protein days, the following are allowed:
- various types of meat (chicken, turkey, beef, veal, rabbit), sausages;
- fish, seafood;
- dairy products with low fat content - kefir, skim milk, fermented baked milk, cottage cheese, low-fat cheese.
On carbohydrate days, you can eat vegetables (except potatoes), steamed, boiled, baked or fried, as well as fruits and cereals. In the first week of the diet on these days, it is prescribed to eat only vegetables and fruits, and cereals are included in the menu from the second week. Freshly squeezed vegetable and fruit juices are allowed. Olive oil is allowed in small quantities (for dressing salads).
Non-carbonated mineral water, tea and coffee are also allowed.
What foods are prohibited?
All products that are not included in the previous paragraph are prohibited. Losing weight should especially avoid eating potatoes, flour products and sugar.
The Atomic Diet Menu
The lack of a strict menu in the Atomic Diet allows you to cook by combining permitted foods. Below is an indicative menu for the protein and carbohydrate days of the first week.
Protein day |
Breakfast: coffee with milk, soft-boiled eggs, cheese, yogurt. Lunch: chicken fillet or a slice of beef without breading. Dinner: cottage cheese or kefir, fish. |
Carbohydrate Day |
Breakfast: salad with olive oil, lemon juice; apple, grape or orange. Lunch: vegetable soup (lean borscht or cabbage soup), vegetable stew with beans, vegetable or fruit juice. Afternoon snack: banana, lecho. Dinner: vinaigrette, vegetable juice. |
Useful Tips
Tip 1. Although the diet permits the use of any meat, it is better to prefer lean varieties, which do not include pork.
Tip 2. On carbohydrate days, it is not easy to gain the amount of calories that is necessary for the normal functioning of the body, so the portions should be larger than on protein days, and meals more often.
Advice 3. On protein days, it is advisable to stop eating meat at night, replacing it with seafood, fish or dairy products, since meat takes a long time to digest and contributes to a feeling of heaviness in the stomach.
Diet characteristic | final grade |
Duration: 1 week or more |
4.5 out of 5 A balanced and effective diet based on the principle of protein-carbohydrate alternation. Thanks to the large selection of products and the absence of restrictions on the volume of portions, the feeling of hunger is not threatened with it. |
Recommended frequency: any | |
Weight loss rate: | |
Safety: | |
Variety of products: |
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