Fasting on the water

Fasting is one of the most extreme ways of influencing the body, including in order to lose weight. Moreover, hunger from the point of view of medicine is even just a strong restriction of the energy value of food per day. These are the so-called "fasting days" (up to 800 kilocalories per day or less). Sometimes fasting is a necessary measure - before or after surgery or procedures. Various methods of recovery also sometimes contain recommendations for fasting. Remember that you must carefully prepare your body for such a diet. There are diseases in which you cannot severely limit yourself in nutrition. So, for example, diabetes mellitus, gastritis, peptic ulcer, cholecystitis can provoke complications during fasting. To identify contraindications to fasting, consult a specialist. Special,if you intend to stick to the diet for more than one day. It is also important that after a period of hunger, you should start eating again gradually. The time interval for water fasting depends on your goals and well-being. Usually the maximum period is 14 days. For beginners, a one-day water fast will suffice, which should be repeated several times a month.
Fasting on the water
A person can do without water for only a few days, while without food - often more than a month. The water fasting technique involves a complete rejection of food. The liquid is not limited, but you can only drink clean water. Thus, the intake of nutrients is reduced to zero. The body is forced to spend its own reserves. In the first hours of hunger, glycogen is consumed - this substance, which is the main reserve of energy. Glycogen molecules are made from blood sugar and accumulate mainly in the muscles and liver. Under conditions of hunger, glycogen under the influence of enzymes is again converted into glucose and enters the bloodstream. The liver usually accumulates 100-120 grams of glycogen; muscles can contain up to 1% of muscle mass. After the entire volume of glycogen is exhausted, the body begins to use adipose tissue. It is then that the process of losing weight begins. Lipids of adipose tissue are processed in the liver to glucose and ketone bodies. Both are used as energy. Lipid breakdown products must leave the body, as they are toxic in large doses. Therefore, the more water you drink during water starvation, the faster the blood is purified and the better your health.
Results of fasting on water

The reasons for water fasting can be different. Accordingly, people's expectations differ. Someone wants to lose weight, someone wants to feel vigor and a surge of strength, someone also hopes to defeat the disease or reduce the amount of necessary medicines. In relation to body weight, fasting is not the most effective method of losing weight. On average, it takes up to 2-4 days to lose 1 kilogram. In addition, losing weight against the background of such a strong restriction of calories, a person negatively affects the metabolism, tunes the body to a "lean" type of metabolism. That is, losing weight, you risk in the future to quickly return the kilograms and even add relative to the original weight. In the end, it turns out that not a single extra piece will go unnoticed for the figure. However, adherents of fasting on water in the reviews emphasize,that it is necessary to constantly adhere to a correct lifestyle and a healthy diet. Surely, after water starvation, it is easier to switch to the nutrition system that suits you. Water fasting can also result in poor health, exacerbation of chronic diseases, sleep disturbances and headaches. This may be due to both violation of the rules of fasting (use of tea, coffee instead of water), and with the individual characteristics of the body.and with the individual characteristics of the organism.and with the individual characteristics of the organism.
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