Fasting - Benefits, Methods, Indications, Basic Rules, Reviews

Fasting - Benefits, Methods, Indications, Basic Rules, Reviews
Fasting - Benefits, Methods, Indications, Basic Rules, Reviews

Benefits of fasting

The benefits of fasting - cleansing the body of toxins
The benefits of fasting - cleansing the body of toxins

There are constant discussions about the benefits of fasting in our time, although mankind has been practicing abstaining from food for a long time. It is well known that beneficial fasting was widespread in the days of Ancient Greece, was recommended in the writings of Avicenna, and was applied and applied in the practice of Indian yogis. Jesus Christ, as stated in the Bible, went to the desert for 40 days without food, the prophet Moses wrote the ten commandments after 40 days without food and water. Supporters of the benefits of fasting today were Paul Breg and Herbert Shelton, who published methods of healthy fasting, tested on their own experience.

The basis for a healthy life of the body is a normal metabolism. Diseases arise as a result of its excessive slagging and intoxication. The benefit of fasting is the start of the process of cleansing the systems and organs of a person from toxins and toxins accumulating in them.

The benefits of fasting are the forced expenditure of fats and ketone bodies by the body for glucose synthesis. Fasting significantly increases the production of adrenal hormones (corticosteroids), which have anti-inflammatory properties. The result of such processes, triggered by complete starvation, is getting rid of many diseases.

The benefits of fasting depend on the fasting methods chosen, the goals set, and may be as follows:

  • General cleansing;
  • Rejuvenation;
  • General health improvement;
  • Getting rid of specific diseases;
  • Weight loss or normalization.

The advantages of fasting are a fairly obvious fact, but with modern food abundance they are stubbornly ignored. Suffice it to recall that in most cases, when a person is very sick, he loses his appetite. So the body makes it clear that food in the process of recovery will only interfere with it.

Intermittent fasting

Recent scientific research has shown that intermittent fasting has the same effect as prolonged periods of calorie restriction (diet).

Short-term food deficiency in the body:

  • It activates the oxidation process, increasing the sensitivity of cell membranes to insulin. Such a complex effect gives tone to the body, blocking the aging process;
  • Reduces cholesterol levels, causing stress, increases the amount of antioxidants released by cells into the blood;
  • Releases certain hormones, including growth hormone, which promotes overall cleansing;
  • Strengthens the immune system and regenerative processes, reducing inflammation;
  • Promotes absolute liver detoxification within 8 hours of complete fasting.
The benefits of fasting are the body's use of fat
The benefits of fasting are the body's use of fat

From experience, fasting should be started with a break of 12 hours between breakfast and dinner, then this period should be gradually brought to 16-18 hours, to a maximum of 24. Complete fasting should be carried out once a day no more than once a week. Thanks to this diet, the chance to resist viral infections increases, blood sugar levels decrease, arteries are cleared of cholesterol deposits. The benefits of fasting are a significant slowdown in the aging process of the body.

Healthy fasting rules

There are three basic rules for healthy fasting:

  • 1 - The correct choice of fasting method in accordance with the state of health and previous experience of fasting;
  • 2 - Carrying out preparatory measures before the start of fasting. Cleansing procedures, gradual reduction of food intake, etc., depending on the chosen method;
  • 3 - Continuous monitoring of changes in the state of the body during starvation. Timely elimination of problems (additional cleaning of the intestines is possible) or exit from fasting in case of an obvious threat to health, due to unaccounted for diseases.

By following these guidelines, healthy fasting can also be made safe. Our body is able to retain nutrient reserves for a long time. The advantages of fasting are the use of reserve stocks with the cleansing of the body not only of their surplus, but also of toxins and toxins.

The benefits of fasting are undeniable only in combination with the subsequent healthy lifestyle, which includes proper nutrition, rejection of bad habits and moderate physical activity.

It must be remembered that any type of fasting should be started only after consulting a doctor and under his supervision.

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