Fasting - Methods, Basic Principles

Fasting - Methods, Basic Principles
Fasting - Methods, Basic Principles


Therapeutic fasting is one of the treatments for many diseases
Therapeutic fasting is one of the treatments for many diseases

Fasting is a method of alternative medicine and consists in a complete voluntary refusal from food, and in some cases from water, followed by dietary meals for several days.

Depending on the method, fasting can be complete (it is allowed to use water), absolute (food and water are prohibited) and combined (two days without water, two days with water). The timing of fasting depends on its type, namely:

  • Absolute - 1-2 days;
  • Combined - 3-7 days;
  • Full - up to 40 days.

Fasting method according to Ohanyan

The Ohanian fasting technique includes mandatory cleansing. Fasting begins with an evening cleansing procedure - taking a saline laxative solution (Epsom salt), which is washed down with a decoction of herbs with lemon juice and honey. Against the background of erosive gastritis and stomach ulcers, the solution is replaced with castor oil or a decoction of senna herb.

After taking a laxative, lie down without a pillow with a heating pad on the liver area (right side) for one hour. In the morning, using an enema, you need to carry out cleansing procedures using Esmarch's rubber mug.

Fasting according to Ohanyan lasts from 7 to 10-15 days. During it, you can only drink:

  • Decoctions of herbs with honey. The herbal collection consists of mint, lemon balm, oregano, plantain, coltsfoot, thyme, yarrow, chamomile, knotweed, horsetail, nettle, sage, motherwort, valerian root and calendula flowers, which are mixed in equal volumes;
  • Fresh juices from viburnum, lemon, cherry, pomegranate, dogwood or currant.

Reception of juice and decoctions can be alternated. You can also add a few teaspoons of fresh sour juice to the decoctions. For cleansing, you must drink at least three liters of broth and up to three glasses of juice daily. Cleansing enemas should be repeated daily during fasting.

Fasting can be accompanied by vomiting and nausea. If nausea occurs, you need to flush the stomach, for which they drink about a liter of warm boiled water with two teaspoons of soda and induce vomiting.

After the end of fasting, you need to start eating very carefully. In the first four days, only mashed or soft fresh fruits are shown - tangerines, apples, oranges, watermelons, melons. On these days, you need to drink up to three glasses of broths and juices. After that, you can add fresh grated vegetable salads to the diet.

Fasting method according to Nikolaev

One of the classic methods of fasting is the system developed by Nikolayev, which has a number of features.

The duration of the fasting technique according to Nikolaev averages 20-21 days, with a possible increase up to 40 days. This feature takes place because this system requires a clinical hospital, where, for a number of reasons, a longer period of fasting is unacceptable.

Constant observation of doctors and being in an environment of like-minded people helps not only to avoid complications that arise during fasting, but also to take more seriously, understand and accept treatment.

The entire period of fasting is accompanied by a number of procedures that enhance its therapeutic effect, namely:

  • Daily bowel cleansing with enemas;
  • Massages and self-massage;
  • Various water treatments;
  • Physiotherapy.

At all stages of fasting, the use of rosehip decoction is allowed, and daily long walks in the fresh air are also important.

The method of fasting according to Nikolaev allows, even with medium terms, to achieve positive results in the treatment of a number of diseases and to lose 12-18% of the initial weight in weight.

Before starting treatment, each patient undergoes a series of examinations (various tests), and must also psychologically tune in to fasting, after which, through a personal interview with a doctor, depending on age and based on the indications received, the fasting period is determined. After that, physical preparation of the body begins - for several days at lunchtime, a dose of bitter salt is used to cleanse the intestines.

Every morning the patient, despite the complete absence of food, begins with an enema cleaning of the intestines. This procedure is necessary, since, starting from the moment the body switches to endogenous nutrition, spontaneous secretion occurs, which leads to the assimilation of its own resources by the body and their processing into feces, similar to the original feces in infants. After the enema, it is time for taking a bath, and the patient is given a pressing massage, after which breakfast comes, during which rosehip infusions are taken.

After breakfast - time for half an hour of rest and walks on fresh rest, during which patients perform a complex of breathing exercises. Then comes lunch, during which the patients take the same rosehip infusion, plain water or a little Borjomi. The amount of water consumed per day ranges from 1.5 to 2 liters, but its amount is not limited.

Fasting method according to Brouss

Vegetable juices are essential ingredients during the Brouss fast
Vegetable juices are essential ingredients during the Brouss fast

This technique was developed by the Austrian naturopathic physician Rudolf Breuss for the treatment of a number of incurable diseases, including cancer.

The Breuss fasting period lasts 42 days, during which up to half a liter of freshly squeezed carrot, potato, beetroot or celery juice and infusions based on sage, kidney tea or geranium are consumed daily.

Every morning begins with 125 ml of cold kidney tea, after an hour you need to drink 125 ml of warm infusion of sage, lemon balm, St. John's wort and peppermint. After another 40-60 minutes, you need to drink, rinsing your mouth well, a sip of freshly squeezed juice, and after 7 minutes another sip. During the first half of the day, if desired, you can drink from 10 to 15 sips of juice. At lunchtime, you need to take 125 ml of cold kidney tea again, and in the afternoon, a little more juice and a cup of geranium infusion are allowed in small sips.

If fasting on juices and infusions is difficult to tolerate, according to the Breuss fasting method, it is allowed to use onion soup prepared according to a certain recipe, for the preparation of which a medium-sized onion with husk must be finely chopped and fried in vegetable oil until golden brown. Ready onions are added to half a liter of cold water with any vegetable broth and cooked until the onions are completely boiled. After cooking, the soup is strained from onions and consumed along with juices and infusions. After 42 days, a way out of hunger begins - first with semi-liquid food without salt, after which the usual food is gradually introduced into the diet.

Stoleshnikov's starvation

Stoleshnikov's fasting method is based on the facts of the Bible, namely, the fasting of Moses described in the Old Testament. During the entire period of fasting according to Stoleshnikov, the use of well, mineral or spring water in any amount is allowed. The duration of this fasting technique is determined by the patient independently, but it should be more than two days, since in the first two days the body uses its own supply of glucose.

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