Diet 7 Kg - Basic Principles, Sample Menu, Efficiency

Diet 7 Kg - Basic Principles, Sample Menu, Efficiency
Diet 7 Kg - Basic Principles, Sample Menu, Efficiency

Diet 7 kg

What woman has never been on a diet at least once in her life? Agree, there are not many of them. Yes, recently men have also been trying to keep up, and are striving with all their might to get rid of the surplus mass. And everyone wants to lose weight quickly and effectively. However, in most cases, trying to lose extra pounds in record time, a person does not think how harmful such a sharp weight loss can be. Quickly lost pounds also reappear quickly after stopping the diet. This is at its best. In the worst case, the arrow of the scales will show another plus 2-3 kg. Why it happens?

Diet minus 7 kg in 7 days
Diet minus 7 kg in 7 days

The reason is that after the end of the diet, the body compensatory tries to replenish nutrients, and plus save up a reserve in case of repeated "hunger". That is why it is worth choosing a type of diet that will not harm the body, but at the same time will be quite effective. An example of such a diet would be a diet minus 7 kg in 7 days. This diet will effectively restore slimness. Of its advantages, it is worth noting that when observing it, a person often does not experience a painful feeling of hunger, because the volume of consumed products is not critically small. An additional advantage of the 7 kg diet is its simplicity and low cost. All the components included in the diet minus 7 kg are inexpensive and thus available to most.

The main component of this diet is 1% kefir, to which one new product is added daily. There is no strict sequence of food intake on a daily basis in the 7 kg diet. You can alternate foods throughout the week in the order you want. You can still lose weight with a 7 kg diet.

It is worth noting that this diet, unlike many others, not only does not cause intestinal disruption, but, on the contrary, contributes to its normalization and improves the microflora.

Experts advise, before going on a 7 kg diet, observe fasting days for 5-7 days for a short period.

Approximate diet menu 7 kg

1 day. ½ liter of kefir and 400 g of baked potatoes. Many may be confused by the presence of potatoes in the diet. However, this is a very smart move. The consumption of this carbohydrate-rich product allows you to slowly "enter" the diet and allow the body to adapt to a decrease in food calorie intake.

2nd day. ½ liter of kefir and 400 g of 1% or generally fat-free cottage cheese. From that day on, the body begins to extract energy from its own resources as compensation, i.e. simply put, the fat starts to burn. At the same time, the cottage cheese included in the diet is a source of protein and, importantly, calcium.

Kefir is the main ingredient in the 7 kg diet
Kefir is the main ingredient in the 7 kg diet

3rd day. ½ liter of kefir and 400 g of fruit. Exception fruits are worth paying attention to: grapes and bananas. These fruits are high in fruit sugar! On this day, thanks to fruits, the body will receive the necessary vitamins, as well as fiber, which will have a beneficial effect on the intestines.

On one of the three “fruit” days of the 7 kg diet, instead of fresh fruit, you can eat dried fruit, but not all day.

4th day. ½ liter of kefir and 400 g of unsalted boiled chicken breast. The day will enrich the diet with vital protein, which is necessary for the body's regeneration processes.

Day 5. ½ liter of kefir and 400 g of fresh fruit. Despite the fact that the sequence of days can be combined, you should not put 2 days in a row with fruits. Better to choose a different combination.

6th day. ½ liter of kefir and 1.5 liters of pure non-carbonated mineral water. The choice of mineral water should be made taking into account the existing diseases. The right choice will allow you to remove toxins and toxins from the body on this day.

7 day. ½ liter of kefir and 400 g of fruit. The diet stipulates that the fruit should be the last day.

All food, according to the minus 7 kg diet, scheduled for intake on a given day, should be evenly distributed. The desired frequency of admission is 6 times a day. The interval is 2 hours. Food should be taken from 8.00 to 18.00.

After leaving the 7 kg diet, you should not immediately pounce on food. It is necessary to gradually expand the diet, avoiding the use of a large amount of flour, sweet, fatty foods and after a diet of 5-7 kg, the extra will go away.

Do not be afraid that after completing the 7 kg diet, you can gain 0.5-1 kg. This is normal, but indicates that you may be expanding your diet too quickly.

With a diet, losing 7 kg is very easy. It is enough to heed our advice!

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