Diet 6 - Sample Menu, Permitted And Prohibited Foods, Recipes

Diet 6 - Sample Menu, Permitted And Prohibited Foods, Recipes
Diet 6 - Sample Menu, Permitted And Prohibited Foods, Recipes

Diet 6

Features of diet 6
Features of diet 6

Diet 6 - diet for gout, urolithiasis (with the formation of stones from uric acid - uraturia), uric acid diathesis, oxaluria, cystinuria. One of 15 therapeutic diets developed by the Soviet scientist M. Pevzner in the first half of the 20th century.

Diet 6 is recommended to normalize the exchange of purines, reduce the formation of uric acid and its salts in the body, shift the urine reaction to the alkaline side.

According to the basic chemical composition, the daily rate of Diet 6 should contain:

  • Proteins 70-90 g, 50% of animal origin, mainly dairy;
  • Fat 80-90 g, 30% vegetable;
  • Carbohydrates 350-400 g is about 80 g of sugar;
  • Table salt 7-10 g;
  • Liquid 1.5-2.0 liters, more is possible.

The daily energy value of Diet 6 is 2400-2600 kcal.

Diet 6: menu

General recommendations for Diet 6 - complete elimination of foods high in oxalic acid and purines, limiting salt intake, predominantly using alkalizing foods, and increasing the rate of fluid intake. It is necessary to reduce the amount of proteins, refractory fats and carbohydrates.

When preparing dishes for the Diet 6 menu, it is imperative to boil meat, poultry and fish, do not use broth, for other products, ordinary cooking. Fish and meat dishes are included in the Diet 6 menu 2 to 3 times a week, meat - 150 g serving, fish - 170 g.

The temperature of the meal is the usual, four meals a day, be sure to drink between meals and on an empty stomach.

It is recommended to do a fasting day once a week, using only cottage cheese, milk, kefir, fruits.

Products and dishes from them that are allowed for consumption in the Diet 6 menu:

  • Bread of any grades from bran, rye, wheat flour;
  • Fresh and pickled vegetables, salads from them;
  • First courses - all kinds of soups, borsch, cabbage soup with vegetable broths;
  • Lean meats, fish and poultry no more than 3 times a week, in any cooking, but pre-boiled;
  • A large number of various dairy products and dishes based on them;
  • In moderation, various cereals;
  • 1 egg a day, cooked in any way;
  • Any vegetables, with the exception of legumes;
  • Any berries and fruits in large quantities, including citrus fruits (both raw and made from them), prunes;
  • Milk and fruit jelly and creams;
  • Sauces only on vegetable broth;
  • Honey, jam, marshmallow, marmalade;
  • From drinks - tea, coffee, only weak (you can with milk), kefir, freshly squeezed juices, herbal tea, a decoction of wheat bran, alkaline mineral water.
Indications for diet 6
Indications for diet 6

Prohibited for use in the diet menu 6 products and dishes from them:

  • Any broths and sauces based on them - mushroom, fish, meat;
  • Canned and smoked products;
  • Frozen meat and fish;
  • Refractory and cooking fats;
  • Any soups with legumes and sorrel;
  • Mushrooms, rhubarb, spinach, sorrel, green beans and peas, cauliflower;
  • By-products - liver, tongue, kidneys;
  • Salted and smoked fish, meat, cheeses;
  • Marinades and pickles from any vegetables;
  • Cocoa, chocolate, strong coffee and tea;
  • Raspberries and cranberries;
  • Dried fruits;
  • Dried cereals. The exception is peeled rice, peeled and milled wheat;
  • Sweet pastries with powdered sugar or salted;
  • Alcoholic drinks of any strength.

In the Diet 6 menu, it is necessary to limit the use of foods that stimulate the nervous system - spices, hot snacks, strong drinks.

Sample menu Diet 6

A sample Diet 6 menu for one day should include:

  • The first breakfast is a vegetable salad with vegetable oil dressing, an egg (omelet, boiled soft-boiled or steep), carrot and apple pudding or casserole, weak tea;
  • Second breakfast - rosehip decoction;
  • Lunch - any soup with vegetable broth or dairy, dishes from boiled fish, meat or poultry in any culinary treatment alternate with vegetable dishes (potato or carrot cutlets, etc.), jelly or compote from fresh berries and fruits;
  • Afternoon snack - fresh berries or fruits (apple, orange, grapefruit);
  • Any vegetable dishes (vegetable cabbage rolls with rice, stews), dairy products, weak tea or coffee, freshly squeezed juices;
  • It is recommended to drink a decoction of wheat bran at night.

In the absence of problems of the cardiovascular system and kidneys, the approximate menu of Diet 6 recommends drinking at least 1.5-2.0 liters of water between meals.

Diet 6: recipes

Diet 6 - recipes for easy to prepare, healthy and tasty dishes.

Vegetable soup with cabbage.

Ingredients per serving: carrots 30 g, cabbage 100 g, swede 20 g, turnips 100 g, potatoes 40 g, leeks 25 g, milk 200 ml, butter 10 g, greens.

Pass the onion and roots cut into strips, potato sticks with butter, place in boiling water, cook for 10 minutes. Add cabbage, boil until tender. Add boiled milk directly to the plate and sprinkle with finely chopped herbs.

Potato cutlets.

Ingredients: potatoes 0.5 kg, butter 40 g, wheat flour 35-40 g, 2 eggs, vegetable oil 30 ml, salt.

Boil the potatoes, drain the water, add butter, knead everything. Add eggs and flour, mix thoroughly until smooth. Form meatballs or cutlets, put in a frying pan with vegetable oil, fry until golden brown.

For gout, urolithiasis and other problems of the urinary system, it is recommended to drink lingonberry tea.

Diet 6 recipe for lingonberry broth.

Pour 1 tablespoon of lingonberry leaves with 1 glass of boiling water, leave for half an hour. Take 1 tablespoon 3-4 times a day or add 1 tablespoon per glass to regular tea or compote.

You should know that over the course of almost a hundred years that have passed since M. Pevzner compiled 15 therapeutic diets (or tables), much has changed. New scientific developments and modern advances in medicine have made it possible to create pharmacological drugs that quickly and effectively fight diseases. Therefore, the decision to stick to the Diet 6 menu should be made after consulting your doctor.

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