Diet 2
The famous Soviet doctor M. Pevzner developed 15 diets (tables) recommended for use in the complex treatment of various diseases. The indications for diet 2 are:
- Chronic gastritis with decreased secretion;
- Acute gastritis, colitis or enteritis during the recovery period;
- Chronic inflammatory bowel diseases (enteritis, colitis), occurring without concomitant pathology of the pancreas, liver, biliary tract, as well as without gastritis with increased or normal secretion. Therefore, if you suffer from gastritis with high acidity, diet 2 is contraindicated for you. With gastroduodenitis, diet 2 can be used only if the inflammation of the duodenum is combined with gastritis with low acidity.
Main characteristics
Diet 2 has a moderate stimulating effect on the secretory cells of the digestive system, normalizes the motor activity of the gastrointestinal tract. It allows dishes of various heat treatments and degrees of grinding - baked, stewed, boiled, fried (without breading in flour or breadcrumbs and the presence of a coarse crust). Only mashed dishes are prepared from foods rich in fiber or connective tissue fibers.
Indigestible foods are prohibited, as well as those that irritate the mucous membrane of the gastrointestinal tract. Diet for gastritis involves frequent meals in small portions. In this case, the dishes should be warm.
Chemical composition of diet 2
- Fats - 90.0 - 100.0 g (at least 25% of them must be represented by vegetable oils);
- Proteins - 9 - 100.0 g (about 60% of them should be proteins of animal origin);
- Carbohydrates - 400.0 - 425.0 g;
- Sodium chloride - no more than 15.0 g.
Caloric content from 2 800 to 3 000 kcal. During the day, you should drink about one and a half liters of liquid.
Diet 2: what is allowed?
The following foods may be included in the diet 2 menu:
- Steam omelet or soft-boiled eggs;
- Milk and dairy products;
- Butter and vegetable oil;
- Dry biscuit, stale wheat bread, uncooked buns;
- Mashed or viscous cereals, puddings;
- Soups based on weak meat broth;
- Lean meat or fish boiled in a piece. Also, the diet 2 menu may include products from minced lean meat (cutlets, meatballs, steamed or fried without using breading);
- Cauliflower, carrots, beets, zucchini, pumpkin. Vegetables are best steamed or stewed. With good tolerance, green peas, tomatoes and white cabbage can be added to the diet menu for gastritis;
- Fruit and berry compotes, mousses, jellies, jelly;
- Rosehip broth, weak tea, cocoa, fruit and vegetable juices;
- Sweets, honey, sugar, jam;
- Jellied tongue, soaked herring, mild cheese, boiled liver pate, salad of boiled vegetables and fresh tomatoes, mild cheese.
Prohibited foods
- Butter bakery products;
- Fatty fish and meat;
- Canned meat and fish;
- Marinades, salting, smoking;
- Cooking fats and lard
- Horseradish, mustard, pepper;
- Ice cream and cold drinks;
- Products with cream and chocolate;
- Dates, figs, some berries (red currants, raspberries, blackberries);
- Kvass and grape juice;
- Legumes, bell peppers, mushrooms, garlic, rutabagas, cucumbers, radishes, radishes, onions.
Sample diet menu 2

Breakfast: milk oatmeal, mild cheese, soft-boiled egg and tea;
Lunch: Soup with noodles in a weak meat broth, steamed meatballs with vegetable puree, berry jelly;
Afternoon snack: rosehip broth, dry biscuit;
Dinner: boiled fish, rice pudding with berry or fruit sauce, sweet tea;
At night: milk or acidophilus.
Contraindications to diet 2
Compliance with diet 2 for chronic gastritis contributes to a fairly rapid improvement in health, and also prevents the development of exacerbations of the disease. But it should be remembered that diet 2 is indicated only for chronic gastritis with reduced secretion. In the case of gastritis with high acidity, the diet is slightly different. It also provides for mechanical sparing, but substances that enhance the secretion of hydrochloric acid by parietal cells of the gastric mucosa are excluded from the diet (diet 1 according to Pevzner).
Chronic gastritis is often combined with an inflammatory process in the duodenum. With gastroduodenitis, diet 2 is shown only if gastritis occurs with low acidity. Otherwise, Pevzner diet 1 is also recommended.
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