Hiberix - Instructions For Use, Reviews, Indications

Hiberix - Instructions For Use, Reviews, Indications
Hiberix - Instructions For Use, Reviews, Indications


Instructions for use:

  1. 1. Composition
  2. 2. Description
  3. 3. Indications for use
  4. 4. Contraindications
  5. 5. Dosage and instructions for use
  6. 6. Adverse reactions
  7. 7. Interaction with other drugs
  8. 8. Special instructions
  9. 9. Storage conditions

Hiberix Composition

Dose of Hiberix
Dose of Hiberix

1 dose of Hiberix contains 10 μg of the capsular polysaccharide isolated from the Hib 20, 752 strain, containing about 30 μg of toxoid. As auxiliary substances are used: lactose - 10.08 mg per dose. Solvent: sodium chloride solution 0.9% - 0.5 ml per dose.


Hiberix is a vaccine against Haemophilus influenzae (B), available in the form of a powder or a mass of white or gray-white color.

Indications for use

Hiberix is used for the prevention of hemophilic b infections in children from the age of 6 weeks to 5 years. Hiberix has no prophylactic effect on other types of Haemophilus influenzae and bacterial meningitis of other etiology.


Individual intolerance to the components of the vaccine, including tetanus toxoid. Manifestation of allergic reactions to previously administered Haemophilus influenzae vaccines (B).

In acute diseases - infectious and non-infectious, as well as in chronic diseases in the acute stage, it is permissible to vaccinate at least a month after recovery. In case of respiratory, intestinal and other infections occurring in a mild form, vaccination is permissible, provided that the body temperature is normalized.

Patients with HIV infection are allowed to use Hiberix.

Hiberix dosage and instructions for use

Ages 6 weeks to 6 months: The vaccine consists of three repetitions at intervals of 1, or 1.5, or 2 months. Different countries have adopted different vaccination schemes. The revaccination is carried out once in the second year of life. It is recommended to combine the Hiberix vaccination with vaccination against whooping cough, polio, tetanus and diphtheria.

Ages 6 months to one year: The vaccination consists of two repetitions with an interval of 1 month. Revaccination is done once in the second year of life. It is permissible to combine Hiberix vaccination with vaccination against whooping cough, poliomyelitis, tetanus, rubella, diphtheria, mumps and measles.

Age from 1 to 5 years: a single vaccination is done, the vaccine is administered intramuscularly. Patients with pathologies of the blood coagulation system are injected subcutaneously.

Before using Hiberix, you should carefully inspect the solvent attached to it for the presence of foreign particles, or a change in appearance. If physical particles or discoloration are detected, the solution cannot be used.

Before using Hiberix, the solution included in the kit is added to the vial with the vaccine at the rate of 0.5 ml per 1 dose. The drug is mixed by shaking. Usually less than 1 minute is sufficient for complete dissolution of the lyophilisate. After dissolution, the drug looks like a colorless transparent liquid. If, after stirring, undissolved particles are found in the preparation, or the color does not correspond to that described, such a preparation cannot be used. After opening the bottle, the drug should be used within one working day. Leftovers must be disposed of.

Adverse reactions

Hiberix packaging
Hiberix packaging

After the introduction of the Hiberix vaccine, reviews from doctors show the possibility of minor redness, swelling and soreness at the injection site, usually no more than within 48 hours.

It is also possible manifestation within 48 hours: fever, loss of appetite, anxiety, vomiting, diarrhea. Similar reactions were also recorded during simultaneous vaccination with different vaccines.

According to reviews, Hiberix can cause other body reactions to vaccination, such as:

• allergic reactions (anaphylactoid and anaphylactic), angioedema;

• hypotonic-hyporeactive episode, fainting, convulsions (with and without fever), drowsiness;

• apnea;

• swelling of the limb at the injection site, local induration;

• urticaria, rash.

Interaction with other drugs

The introduction of Hiberiks with other vaccines is acceptable. Patients receiving immunosuppressive therapy may not receive the desired immune response.

special instructions

Due to the likelihood of anaphylactic reactions in rare cases, after vaccination, the patient should remain under the supervision of doctors for at least 30 minutes. Intravenous administration of Hiberix is strictly prohibited!

After the Hiberix vaccination in premature infants, the instructions recommend monitoring their respiratory functions for 48-62 hours.

Storage conditions

The shelf life of the Hiberix vaccine substance is 3 years. The expired drug must be disposed of. The vaccine is stored at a temperature of 2 - 8 ° C in a place protected from light. The drug must not be frozen. Keep the vaccine out of the reach of children.

Information about the drug is generalized, provided for informational purposes only and does not replace the official instructions. Self-medication is hazardous to health!
