Split Hair Ends - What To Do?

Split Hair Ends - What To Do?
Split Hair Ends - What To Do?

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Split hair ends - what to do?

Split ends of hair - what to do?
Split ends of hair - what to do?

Split ends of hair cause a lot of trouble for their owners. Hair, like other appendages of the skin, nails is an indicator of the health of the body as a whole and the correct metabolism. Weak hair, falling out or split ends indicate that something in the body is not going quite as it should.

First of all, you need to review your diet and water intake. Exclude from the diet that which does not benefit your health and does not contribute to beauty in any way: junk food (fast food and various snacks: chips, crackers soaked in flavors, industrial confectionery, etc.). Increase the proportion of fresh vegetables and fruits in your diet, and try to consume them more raw, especially in season.

Split ends can be an indicator of chronic dehydration. The required amount of water drunk per day is calculated according to the formula 25 ml of water per 1 kg of body weight. Once you adjust your diet and your body is no longer deficient in essential nutrients, the chances are high that split ends will be a thing of the past for you.

Taking proper care of your hair will help it recover more quickly. To eliminate split ends of the hair, various cosmetic masks are used, which are based on natural vegetable oil. The oil forms a thin protective film on the hair, preventing it from being damaged by aggressive chemical components of shampoos, gels, foams and varnishes, as well as protecting it from the adverse effects of environmental factors. The simplest type of mask for split ends is to apply burdock or olive oil to the hair and rub into the scalp. Any other natural oil, such as grape seed oil, will do.

With split ends, hot haircut is effective
With split ends, hot haircut is effective

After half an hour, such a mask is washed off with ordinary shampoo, using warm, but not hot water. If you have split ends of your hair, be aware that you cannot rub wet hair with all your might with a towel, but you should gently and gently blot it. You can dry such hair with a not too hot hairdryer, turning it on to the "cold" mode.

With split ends, a haircut with hot scissors can help, with this type of haircut the hair is "sealed" in the place of contact with the scissors. This type of haircut will help your hair look more neat, but it is unlikely to completely solve the problem, since the hair can be chopped at a fairly large distance from the end.

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