Osteopathy for children

Osteopathy for children and adults is a method that allows, with the help of a soft and precise action of the doctor's hands, to correct the disturbed position of organs, thereby creating favorable conditions for their restoration by the body's own forces. The second name for osteopathy is manual therapy. This method is effective when the disease is caused by displacement of organs (most often prolapse as a result of age-related or traumatic sprain), osteochondrosis, and congestion in the bloodstream. By the way, a significant part of chronic diseases are caused by these very reasons.
The indications for the use of osteopathy for children are even wider than for adults. Displacement of organs in this case is, of course, not caused by age-related changes, but by trauma, congenital structural anomaly, or formed under the influence of an unhealthy lifestyle. For example, the epidemic of scoliosis that has swept over modern schoolchildren is caused by prolonged sitting in the wrong position, first at the school desk, then at home at the computer, and the lack of the necessary physical activity for the muscles that form the muscular frame of the back. Osteopathy in the treatment of scoliosis is one of the most effective methods, along with physiotherapy exercises and massage, which, however, is also part of osteopathic treatment.
Osteopathy for young children is the method of choice in the treatment of pathologies such as dysplasia of the hip joints, fracture of the clavicle of a newborn as a result of rapid labor, congenital encephalopathy, congenital neurological disorders, and dyskinesias of the digestive system. When a baby is born as a result of complicated childbirth (birth trauma of varying severity), it is highly desirable to use early manual therapy methods to prevent pathologies. Osteopathy for children is used as one of the main methods in the complex treatment of infantile cerebral palsy.

The advantages of the method, which make osteopathy for children truly irreplaceable, are painlessness, no drug load on the body, stimulation of the body's own defenses. The safety of manual therapy is such that it can be used in babies of the first day of birth, 15-17 hours after childbirth. Many experts believe that such early use of osteopathy gives the best results in birth trauma, as it allows you to eliminate the compression of vital organs as quickly as possible. At the same time, pathological processes do not have time to develop and gain a foothold. Of course, the use of osteopathy for children requires a highly qualified specialist.
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