Climax - Everything You Need To Know

Climax - Everything You Need To Know
Climax - Everything You Need To Know

Climax - everything you need to know

Climax - everything you need to know
Climax - everything you need to know

Climax is a new stage in the life of every woman. During this period, it is very important to try to avoid complications and unnecessary worries.

What happens to the body during menopause?

During menopause, hormonal changes occur in a woman's body. As a rule, menopause occurs after 45 years. It is conventionally divided into three periods:

The first period is called premenopause and is characterized by disruptions in the menstrual cycle. Moreover, the cycle can fluctuate up and down. The number of periods is also unstable. This is due to the fact that during this period the amount of estrogen production decreases, the body's heat regulation is disturbed, from which symptoms such as "hot flashes" arise.

What does a woman feel during hot flashes?

There is a strong fever and increased sweating, then this feeling is replaced by chills. Hot flashes are often accompanied by surges in blood pressure and severe headaches. A woman's emotional mood is also extremely unstable. Great irritability arises. Any little thing can lose her temper, apathy and weakness, depression, forgetfulness and absent-mindedness appear. The concentration of attention decreases, libido decreases.

The second period of menopause is menopause. It begins a year after the last menstruation. During this period, all the symptoms of menopause become even more pronounced. Vaginal dryness occurs due to a decrease in estrogen levels, which leads to painful sensations during intercourse. The vaginal microflora changes, which can cause itching and burning, as well as the appearance of genital infections.

Many women develop new facial wrinkles during menopause as their skin becomes drier. Hair and nails become more brittle. It has already been proven that a woman can become pregnant for several years after her menstruation has ended. Therefore, if a woman is not planning a pregnancy, it is recommended to use contraceptives.

The third period is postmenopause. This period begins after menopause and does not go away until the end of life. The ovaries and uterus decrease in size. In addition, the tissue of the bladder and urethra undergoes atrophic changes. Weak pelvic floor muscles (often causes urinary incontinence in women). Metabolism changes, bones become more fragile and thinner.

The first two periods, premenopause and menopause, last four to six years in total.

Early menopause

If the climacteric syndrome manifests itself in the period from 35 to 45 years, we can talk about early menopause. It often has more severe symptoms and is more difficult for women. It can be provoked by many reasons - smoking, surgery on the internal genital organs, stress, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, excessive thinness, complications after certain infectious diseases, removal of the ovaries.

Climacteric syndrome

According to research, women are divided into three categories based on the severity of their symptoms. Most women experience mild symptoms during menopause and tolerate them easily, about 20% of women experience moderate symptoms and only 10% of women experience severe climacteric symptoms.

There are women who tolerate climacteric syndrome so easily that they don't even always notice it. Typically, this category includes women who live an active life, have any hobbies or hobbies. They often relate to the manifestations of climacteric symptoms more calmly, and it is enough for them to just take mild sedatives.

How to deal with severe climacteric syndrome?

The first thing to do in case of severe climacteric syndrome is to adjust the daily routine and work, switch to fractional meals at least four times a day.

It is necessary to limit the following foods as much as possible in your diet: smoked meats, meat, spices, as well as other foods that stimulate the nervous system (coffee, pepper, vinegar, alcohol and mustard).

Constipation is a common problem during menopause. Therefore, it is necessary to introduce foods that stimulate digestion into the diet. These are raw and cooked vegetables, which are high in fiber. In this case, salads from carrots, cabbage, beets, radishes, seasoned with vegetable oil will be invaluable. These salads are very effective in stimulating intestinal peristalsis.

Hormone replacement therapy - a method to reduce the symptoms of menopause
Hormone replacement therapy - a method to reduce the symptoms of menopause

In addition, fresh vegetable salads contain many vitamins necessary for the body, so it is important to consume them throughout the year, regardless of the season. And in winter and spring, when vegetables are no longer so rich in vitamins, you can take a vitamin-mineral complex on the recommendation of a doctor.

Brown bread can also help relieve constipation.

If it is impossible to get rid of constipation by establishing a diet, you can resort to the use of laxative salts: Karlovy Vary and magnesia. They must be taken on an empty stomach. Dissolve one teaspoon of salt in half a glass of water and drink one hour before breakfast.

And before going to bed, you can drink a glass of kefir or other fermented milk drink, eating it with prunes.

Osteoporosis and menopause

Before the onset of menopause, it is very important for a woman to prevent osteoporosis. During menopause, the level of estrogen in the body drops, which leads to increased fragility of bones and bone loss, and this is fraught with frequent fractures. Especially with osteoporosis, fractures of the bones of the forearm, spine and bone of the femoral neck are susceptible.

To avoid osteoporosis, you need to regularly consume calcium, which is found in large quantities in dairy products, nuts, green vegetables, beans, salmon and sardines. Sardines and salmon, in addition to calcium, also contain omega-3 acids, and nuts such as almonds and sesame seeds contain omega-6 acids.

Hormone replacement therapy

Often with menopause, women are prescribed hormone replacement therapy, which can reduce menopausal symptoms, increase bone mineral density, and improve the condition of nails and hair.

If there are no contraindications, then hormone replacement therapy is completely harmless for a woman, but you should not take it for more than seven years.

Contraindications to hormone replacement therapy are: thrombophlebitis, tumors, unexplained uterine bleeding, renal and hepatic failure.

In conclusion, I would like to say that not a single woman has yet been able to avoid menopause, so it is very important to accept this period calmly, not to panic and try to alleviate its symptoms as much as possible.

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