Diet For 2 Weeks - Weight Loss, Reviews, Menu

Diet For 2 Weeks - Weight Loss, Reviews, Menu
Diet For 2 Weeks - Weight Loss, Reviews, Menu

Diet for 2 weeks

Features of the diet for 2 weeks
Features of the diet for 2 weeks

Almost everyone in life has at least once faced the need to lose weight quickly in two weeks. Imperceptibly accumulating gram after gram, extra pounds appear as if suddenly. In such situations, a 2 week diet is the right solution to the problem.

How to lose weight in two weeks

For those who want to lose weight quickly in two weeks at home, a large number of different diets are offered. Of these, you should choose the most suitable in terms of the amount of weight that you want to lose and the most comfortable for your style and lifestyle.

Classical dietetics recommends a simple, low-carb diet for 2 weeks. They are effective and safe, in two weeks you can lose weight by 3-7 kg, the lost weight is not restored for a long time. Recently developed newfangled diets are often extreme, not physiological, capable of harming the body, but such weight loss in two weeks helps to get rid of 7-12 kg. The main thing is, when switching to the usual diet after such a diet for 2 weeks, not to return the lost weight back even with an increase.

The principles of effective weight loss in two weeks

A properly selected diet for losing weight in two weeks is not only getting rid of excess weight, but also improving the body, cleaning it from toxins. Losing weight in two weeks is not difficult if you follow the following rules when choosing and eating foods:

  • Reduce fat intake as much as possible. Eliminate foods containing highly concentrated fats from the diet - butter, mayonnaise, cheese, smoked and boiled sausages, sausages, wieners;
  • Reduce carbohydrate intake. Exclude high-calorie carbohydrates - confectionery, sweets, pasta and bakery products made from fine flour. Exclude carbohydrates that contribute to fat deposition - dishes from potatoes and rice. Do not drink carbonated drinks - soft drinks, beer, champagne;
  • Categorically exclude the combination of foods containing fats with foods containing carbohydrates that promote fat deposition. Fried potatoes and fries, chips, meat and fish in batter, pastries with cream, bread and butter and any fatty food with bread;
  • Eat healthy carbohydrates and protein foods. The energy value of proteins for the body is minimal, since the costs of the body for processing protein foods are approximately equal to the amount of energy supplied with this food. Healthy, low-calorie carbohydrates provide the body with fiber, which helps to eliminate toxins;
  • The amount of food should be sufficient for saturation, but it is necessary to finish eating with a feeling of slight malnutrition. The peculiarities of our digestion are such that the feeling of satiety does not come immediately. Fresh apples and cucumbers will help fill in the missing food volume without adding extra calories;
  • Dinner 4-5 hours before bedtime. Energy consumption at night is significantly less than daily energy consumption. Energy not wasted during the active time of the day is transformed into fats during sleep;
  • Drink a glass of water in the morning on an empty stomach. The daily rate of water is two liters.
Diet menu for 2 weeks
Diet menu for 2 weeks

A diet for 2 weeks, according to reviews, will relieve 5-7 kg of excess weight if it includes the following foods:

  • Protein-rich veal, beef, chicken, lean fish, any seafood, beans and mushrooms;
  • Skimmed milk, cottage cheese and other dairy products;
  • Vegetables rich in healthy carbohydrates. Spinach, sorrel, tomatoes, cucumbers, cabbage, onions, eggplants;
  • Fruits and berries, rich in vitamins and minerals. Raspberries, cranberries, blueberries, kiwi, plums, sweet and sour apples, gooseberries, rose hips.

For guaranteed weight loss in two weeks, you should make a simple calculation of the daily calorie requirement and draw up a daily menu so that its calorie content is 200-300 calories less. Additional physical activity will also contribute to faster weight loss.

Lose weight in 2 weeks: diet

A diet with dietary restrictions will help you lose weight by 5-7 kg in 2 weeks. During the day it is allowed:

  • There are unlimited raw vegetables, natural yoghurts and cheeses with a fat content of no more than 4%, one egg and three medium green apples;
  • Drink at least two liters of water, green tea and natural coffee without sugar.

Such a diet for 2 weeks, according to reviews, subject to strict adherence, will help not only lose weight, but also cleanse the body of accumulated toxins and toxins. It should be repeated no more than once every six months.

The general recommendation for the entire period of the diet is to forget about alcohol for two weeks. It is not only an additional burden on the body undergoing stress in the diet, but also an additional appetite stimulant.

It is important not only to decide how to lose weight in two weeks, but also not to harm your health. After a diet for two weeks, you should try to consolidate the achieved result for a long time, observing the correct diet and moving more.

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