10 Tips On How Not To Get Drunk

10 Tips On How Not To Get Drunk
10 Tips On How Not To Get Drunk

10 tips on how not to get drunk

New Year, wedding, birthday, corporate party - a Russian will always have a reason to drink. How to maintain a sobriety of mind so that the next day it will not be excruciatingly painful when restoring memory and the chain of events? Don't drink a lot, and it's best not to drink. This is understandable, but not always doable. Therefore, we offer several recipes that will help in such cases.

How not to get drunk from alcoholic beverages: important tips
How not to get drunk from alcoholic beverages: important tips

Source: depositphotos.com

Why does a person get drunk? Everything is explained by the effect of ethyl alcohol on the blood and blood vessels. Special enzymes that the liver produces are opposed to this effect: alcohol dehydrogenase converts ethanol into acetaldehyde, and then aldehyde dehydrogenase oxidizes it to acetic acid. At the same time, acetaldehyde is much more toxic than ethyl alcohol, and it is he who causes a hangover - a severe poisoning of the body.

Different people get drunk at different speeds and hangovers pass with varying degrees of intensity, but there are still general patterns. For example, men need more alcohol to get drunk than women, and people with less body weight get drunk faster than large people. This does not apply to overweight people with abundant body fat: they just get drunk quickly.

So, if a hectic feast cannot be avoided, there are some simple tricks that will help you stay on your feet and control yourself.

Tip 1. Do not drink on an empty stomach

Even if you are extremely hungry and want to make up for lost time right on the holiday, eat something before going out. Never start drinking on an empty stomach: intoxication will overtake suddenly, much faster than you expect. "Lucky from one glass" - this is what happens if a hungry person drinks alcohol. Contrary to popular men's opinion ("What about 100 g before dinner?"), Alcohol does not improve digestion, but only enhances the production of gastric juice. So in the end you can eat much more than you want. If you do not eat, then the body will begin to produce faster insulin, and the blood sugar level will drop sharply. This is fraught with very poor health.

Before the meal, if your stomach allows, eat a sandwich with butter, a small amount of fatty foods, and if you can, drink a raw egg.

Tip 2. Take adsorbents

Surprisingly, these affordable and completely safe medicines, sold in any pharmacy, are still not widely used at feasts. Meanwhile, they will definitely save you from a severe hangover and weaken the effects of alcohol. The cheapest and most well-known adsorbent is activated carbon (dose - 1 tablet per 10 kg of human weight). Lignin-based drugs - "Lignosorb", "Liferan", "Polyphepan" are considered more modern. It is necessary to drink adsorbents in advance, a couple of hours before the start of the holiday, and the next morning it is worth repeating the procedure.

Tip 3. Enzymes come to the rescue

They will help the body to cope not only with alcohol, but also with a fair amount of food. There are so many tasty things on the table! To facilitate digestion, take "Creon" ("Mezim Forte", "Abomin", "Pancreatin", "Wobenzym") an hour before the meal.

Tip 4. Stock up on B vitamins

When alcohol is broken down, a lot of vitamins of this group are consumed, and vitamin B6 also stimulates the activity of the liver, which breaks down ethyl alcohol. If you do not want to feel exhausted and unable to concentrate in the morning, take a complex of vitamins containing B6, for example, "Pician", "Milgamma", "B-complex", "Neurogamma", "Neuromultivitis" a few hours before libation.

Tip 5. Eat hot food, as well as vegetables and fruits containing vitamin C

Hot is usually served on holidays. Do not neglect this in any way. Meat dishes will slow down the absorption of alcohol, and a lemon or orange will give the body a supply of vitamin C. Salads with herbs are also very useful in this regard. Do not forget to make up for the loss of vitamin C in the morning after a meal - for example, by taking ascorbic acid.

Tip 6. Don't drink carbonated drinks, even non-alcoholic ones

"How many times have the world been told …", but each one steps on this rake once. Everyone knows the instant feeling of euphoria and fun from champagne, as well as their own amazement in the morning - how could you get drunk from this light drink? The thing is that the “effervescence” enhances the absorption of alcohol. Never drink alcohol with soda, even mineral water, otherwise you risk being quite surprised at the consequences. But lemon, apple or grape juice is quite suitable for accompanying a meal.

Tip 7. Do not mix alcoholic drinks

On this occasion, you can hear different statements, for example, that you can increase the degree, but you cannot lower it. In fact, people perceive the combination of alcoholic drinks differently, but in the case of a long feast, you do not need to mix anything. Drink the drink you started with, with the exception of champagne, otherwise the holiday will end quickly for you.

How effective is the rule of raising the degree during a feast?
How effective is the rule of raising the degree during a feast?

Source: depositphotos.com

Tip 8. Skip the toast

Or just take a sip of the drink. Favorite expression of all leading holidays - "Between the first and second break is short", as well as between the second and third, third and fourth … Even the most prepared organism will fail if a large amount of alcohol is suddenly fed into it. You need to drink measuredly, otherwise you will not have time to feel the moment when you should stop drinking.

Tip 9. Don't smoke

And don't breathe cigarette smoke. In practice, it is after taking a fair amount of alcohol that even non-smokers decide to indulge in a cigarette, and then another one. Nicotine constricts blood vessels, so a hangover after drinking and smoking all evening will be much harsher than if you were just drinking.

Tip 10. Move

To control your condition, you need to move. Dance more often, take part in competitions, move from one part of the room to another. However, be careful with the healing power of fresh air: sudden changes in temperature can make the condition worse. Therefore, you should not go alone from a stuffy room into the cold in order to quickly sober up.

We hope, thanks to these tips, your holiday will not leave excruciating pain behind it - both literally and figuratively.

Drinking alcohol in Russia and the world

Infographics - Drinking alcohol in Russia and the world
Infographics - Drinking alcohol in Russia and the world

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Maria Kulkes
Maria Kulkes

Maria Kulkes Medical journalist About the author

Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, specialty "General Medicine".

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