By-products: Myths And Reality

By-products: Myths And Reality
By-products: Myths And Reality

By-products: myths and reality

By-products (liver) are the edible internal organs of farm animals and birds. They have long been used for food, are part of the favorite dishes of different peoples of the world. Despite this, many treat the liver with a fair amount of suspicion, preferring not to include it in their diet. In fact, offal is quite worthy of its place on your table.

Today we will discuss the most common myths about offal.

Myths and truths about offal
Myths and truths about offal


By-products are heavy food with no health benefits

This is not true. Most types of liver are rich in substances necessary for the normal functioning of the body. By-products contain healthy proteins and fats, vitamins and minerals. It is not for nothing that the liver, tongue and kidneys are recommended for people who have suffered severe injuries and infectious diseases to quickly recuperate. Beef liver is indispensable for anemia, iron deficiency anemia and a number of other pathologies associated with metabolic disorders.

Some varieties of liver are more digestible than meat. Their digestion does not entail a strong load on the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Meals made from beef liver, kidney, udder, heart, or lung are lower in calories than other meats.

By-products are food for the poor

In our country, such a delusion has existed since the times when, with a total shortage of meat products, some types of liver nevertheless periodically appeared on store shelves. They cost less than pork and beef, and therefore were more affordable for people with low incomes.

At the same time, the cuisines of the peoples of the world classify liver dishes as delicacies. Vivid examples are the famous foie gras (which is made from goose or duck liver) and aspic from beef or pork tongue. Various types of liver are included in the elite varieties of sausages and other meat delicacies.

By-products are dangerous to eat during pregnancy

This is only partly true. For example, it is advisable for a future mother not to abuse beef and pork liver because of the high concentration of vitamin A in it, an excess of which can harm both the woman and the fetus. However, beef liver can help with low hemoglobin levels. In order to combat vitamin deficiencies and protein deficiency during gestation, it is recommended to regularly include in the diet beef heart and tongue, as well as chicken stomachs, heart and liver.

By eating offal, you can contract dangerous diseases

In fact, by eating by-products that have not undergone proper heat treatment, bacteria and parasites (E. coli, salmonella, staphylococcus, listeria, trichinella, as well as pathogens of mad cow disease and a number of other diseases) can be introduced into the body. However, contrary to popular belief, all these dangerous microorganisms live not only in the liver: absolutely any meat can be infected. To avoid troubles, it is necessary to purchase by-products (like any meat products) only from trusted suppliers, subject them to adequate heat treatment.

Toxins accumulate in offal

Many people think that by consuming certain types of liver, a person can be poisoned by the accumulated toxins in them. The liver and kidneys are considered especially dangerous in this sense. These organs really serve as filters that cleanse the animal's blood from decay products and toxic substances that enter its body with food and water. It is only wrong that toxins accumulate in the tissues that make up the kidneys and liver: as long as the animal is healthy, its internal organs fully retain the ability to self-purify, harmful substances do not remain in them, but are removed from the body. So the liver obtained from young cows, pigs and sheep can be eaten without fear of poisoning.

By-products are aphrodisiacs

This is a misconception: substances that stimulate sex drive do not contain offal. Apparently, the myth is a reflection of the ideas of our distant ancestors, who believed that vitality (including sexual) can pass to a person from an animal he ate, if it had well-developed sexual characteristics.

And yet, by-products indirectly have a beneficial effect on the level of sexual activity, since they contain a lot of vitamins and proteins.

Content of healthy substances in by-products

The liver is rich in iron compounds, fat-soluble vitamins (A, E and D), phosphorus, vitamins of group B. Dishes from it are useful for gastritis, blood disorders, a tendency to inflammatory diseases and colds. Chicken liver is recommended for respiratory pathology.

The kidneys contain large amounts of zinc, which are essential for the normal functioning of the urinary system. In addition, zinc compounds are involved in hair growth and help maintain healthy skin and nails.

The brain contains B vitamins and niacin, compounds of phosphorus, iodine, sodium, potassium, magnesium, calcium and iron. Brain meals should be consumed in moderation: they are high in fat (high in calories).

The heart and lungs, on the other hand, are ideal for weight watchers. They are rich in protein and iron and contain virtually no fat. Magnesium is present in beef lungs, which helps to maintain the tone of the vascular wall, stabilize the nervous system and normalize sleep.

Pork or beef tongue dishes are considered delicacies. They are delicious and nutritious. The dense muscle tissue that makes up the tongue is rich in useful proteins, vitamins, compounds of chromium, copper, iron, molybdenum, tin and other trace elements necessary for a person. Boiled tongue is recommended to be included in the menu of children, pregnant women, as well as patients with anemia, tuberculosis and heart failure. It is also suitable for those who are losing weight, since it has a low calorie content.

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Maria Kulkes
Maria Kulkes

Maria Kulkes Medical journalist About the author

Education: First Moscow State Medical University named after I. M. Sechenov, specialty "General Medicine".

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