Lassara Pasta - Instructions, Application, Reviews

Lassara Pasta - Instructions, Application, Reviews
Lassara Pasta - Instructions, Application, Reviews

Lassara pasta

Instructions for use:

  1. 1. Pharmacological action
  2. 2. Release form
  3. 3. Indications for use
  4. 4. Contraindications
  5. 5. Instructions for use
  6. 6. Side effects
  7. 7. Storage conditions
Lassara pasta
Lassara pasta

Lassara paste is a combined antiseptic drug used to treat pressure ulcers and some skin diseases.

pharmachologic effect

The active substance of Lassar paste has an antiseptic, adsorbent, irritant, drying, astringent, distracting and keratolytic effect.

Like other external preparations, which include zinc oxide, Lassar paste is used as a local anti-inflammatory agent that reduces irritation and inflammation of tissues, exudation phenomena, and also forms a protective barrier against the action of various irritating factors.

Release form

Lassar paste (Salicylic-zinc paste) contains 2 g of salicylic acid, 25 g of starch and zinc oxide each and 48 g of petroleum jelly. In jars of 25 g and 50 g.

Indications for use of Lassar paste

According to the instructions, Lassar paste is used for:

  • Treatment of pressure sores;
  • Various skin diseases;
  • Skin ulcers;
  • Skin ulcers with a predominance of weeping processes;
  • Superficial wounds;
  • Pyoderma;
  • Excessive sweating;
  • Pustular diseases.

According to reviews, Lassar paste is often used in the treatment of acne, but in this case it is more effective to use it as part of a combination therapy.


According to the instructions, Lassar pasta is contraindicated for:

  • Hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • Reduced blood clotting;
  • Stomach ulcer;
  • Anemia;
  • Impaired renal excretory function;
  • Hypersensitivity to the components of the Lassar paste.

The use of Lassar paste during pregnancy and during breastfeeding is contraindicated.

Instructions for the use of Lassara paste

Before applying Lassar paste, the affected area must be washed and dried.

The drug is applied to the skin in a thin layer several times a day, if necessary, the frequency of application can be increased to 4-6 times a day. Usually the course of treatment is one month. When treating wounds, Lassar's paste should be applied to the edges of the wound; when treating burns, a bandage with paste is used.

Lassara Paste - Salicylic Zinc Paste
Lassara Paste - Salicylic Zinc Paste

Also, Lassar paste is used as a prophylaxis in infants, treating skin areas that have been in contact with wet laundry for a long time.

It is not recommended to apply Lassar paste on very wet areas of the skin, as well as in cases of excessive dryness.

Side effects

According to reviews, Lassar paste, when applied for a long time to large areas of skin, can cause:

  • Dizziness;
  • Hemorrhagic diathesis;
  • Itching;
  • Respiratory depression;
  • Redness of the skin;
  • Weakening of hearing;
  • Impaired liver and kidney function;
  • Burning;
  • Convulsions;
  • Noise in ears;
  • Skin rashes.

Storage conditions

The drug is dispensed without a prescription. The shelf life of Lassar pasta is 4.5 years.

Information about the drug is generalized, provided for informational purposes only and does not replace the official instructions. Self-medication is hazardous to health!
