Calorie content of pasta

In the modern world, pasta is one of the most popular foods. Today, there are many varieties of them. The calorie content of pasta in this case depends on the raw materials and the manufacturing method.
Boiled pasta: calorie content and composition
Pasta is made from flour and water. Depending on what kind of flour was used to make them, one or another product properties are distinguished, including the calorie content of pasta.
On the territory of the post-Soviet space, until recently, only pasta made from soft flours was distributed. The calorie content of boiled pasta of this type is about 350 kcal per 100 g. In addition, they have a high glycemic index, that is, when consumed, there are sharp jumps in blood glucose and insulin, which leads to an increase in appetite and the development of various chronic diseases.
The opposite is made from durum wheat pasta. These products are rich in coarse dietary fiber, stabilize blood sugar levels and make you feel full for a long time.
The vegetable fiber in the composition of such pasta is a natural adsorbent, helps to remove excess amounts of harmful substances and fats from the body, is a nutrient for valuable intestinal bacteria, and promotes normal digestion. Durum wheat pasta contains a large amount of vitamins B and E, minerals (iron, potassium, manganese, phosphorus) and other trace elements. In addition, the composition of proteins and carbohydrates allows them to be recommended in baby food. The calorie content of durum pasta is 213 kcal per 100 g.
It should also be noted that as part of a healthy diet, you should eat pasta made exclusively from flour and water. When it comes to colored pasta, you need to make sure that the food colors are of natural origin (beet juice, carrot juice, spinach, etc.).
Calorie content of pasta of any varieties

Vermicelli is a type of pasta. It can also be made from both soft and hard flours, which is essential for the calorie content of vermicelli. Translated from Italian, vermicelli means "worms", which exactly reflects its size and shape. The calorie content of vermicelli is approximately 337 kcal.
Spaghetti is the most famous and popular Italian pasta. Despite the rather high calorie content of spaghetti - 345 kcal per 100 g, they, as a rule, do not contribute to the appearance of excess body weight, since they do not contain fat in their composition. Of course, this rule works in cases when the dish is prepared on the basis of the manufacturer's recommendations and does not exceed the cooking time set by him. Also, more than the calorie content of spaghetti, the serving is important: vegetable sauces and olive oil are recommended for use with spaghetti. Fatty meat dishes should not be served with spaghetti.
Of course, one cannot fail to say about the naval pasta that we all love since childhood. The calorie content of naval pasta is approximately 360 kcal. Obviously, this dish cannot be called dietary, but it is sometimes acceptable to include it in the diet of people watching their own weight, subject to a number of rules.
To optimize the calorie content of naval pasta, you should take pasta from durum wheat. Minced meat is best cooked from boiled chicken breast, turkey or veal with the addition of a sufficient amount of onions. It is better to fry the minced meat in a frying pan with a ceramic coating in a little olive oil. The finished dish is seasoned with black and red hot peppers, which contribute to weight loss and sprinkled with chopped parsley; served with vegetables.
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