Depression - Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, How To Get Out Of This State

Depression - Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, How To Get Out Of This State
Depression - Symptoms, Causes, Treatment, How To Get Out Of This State


Depression is a condition characterized by mental disorders
Depression is a condition characterized by mental disorders

Depression is a serious painful condition in which mental (depression, inhibited thinking) and physical (decreased general tone, slow movement, sleep and digestion disorders) manifest themselves.

Depression symptoms

The main symptoms of depression are:

  • Depressed, depressed and dreary mood;
  • Loss of interest in those activities and things that previously brought satisfaction;
  • Loss of energy, due to which there is increased fatigue and decreased activity.

There are also additional signs that often accompany the main signs of depression. People who have them are prone to:

  • Decreased concentration and concentration;
  • Low self-esteem and lack of self-confidence;
  • Thoughts about their own guilt in something and self-accusation;
  • A pessimistic and gloomy vision of the future;
  • Thoughts and actions associated with self-harm and suicide;
  • Sleep disorders (insomnia), difficulty falling asleep, or waking up early;
  • Appetite disorders - often refuse to eat and lose weight;
  • Sexual dysfunction;
  • Lethargy and excessive fussiness;
  • An increased feeling of depression in the morning and a decrease in these experiences in the evening.

If these symptoms are observed every day for two weeks, then this speaks of depression, as a disease that must be treated.

Depression treatment

Pyrazidol is one of the drugs used to treat depression
Pyrazidol is one of the drugs used to treat depression

In the treatment of depression and related disorders, complex therapy is needed. Treatment of depression with medication (antidepressants) and psychotherapy is considered very effective. Together with drug treatment for depression, it is considered effective to use vitamins, lithium salts, tranquilizers, hormones, antipsychotics, antioxidants and medications that improve the metabolism of brain cells. Electroconvulsive and dietary therapy, deprivation, light therapy, and herbal therapy are also used to treat depression.

To begin with, it is very important to determine the exact condition and correct treatment with the help of diagnostics, since depression can be of different types and have a variety of causes. To do this, you should definitely contact a psychiatrist or psychotherapist. The sooner depression treatment is started, the better the results and prognosis will be.

How to get out of depression?

The question: "How to get out of depression?" both the patients themselves and their relatives and friends are asked. To get out of depression, you can:

  • Plan activities that will give pleasure and instill self-confidence;
  • Do not focus on bad and self-blaming thoughts, but resist pessimism;
  • Analyze current life problems and stressors;
  • Focus on incremental small steps that will make you feel better
  • Play sports and other activities that will improve your mood;

During depressive states, in no case should you make important decisions: dissolve a marriage or leave a job.

Once your symptoms improve, decide what to do if your symptoms of depression recur.

A popular method of preventing and treating depression is to consume half a teaspoon of pollen three times a day 30 minutes before meals. It can be taken with honey, jam, or butter. To treat depression, you should consume 30 grams of pollen, for prevention - 20 grams. It is also useful to use pollen in case of nervous exhaustion.

Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin), which is abundant in the liver, kidneys, brewer's yeast, milk and eggs, also helps well.

You should immediately consult a doctor if, despite all these actions, depression does not go away, psychotic disorders or the risk of suicide appear.

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The information is generalized and provided for informational purposes only. At the first sign of illness, see your doctor. Self-medication is hazardous to health!
