Diet Of Doctors - Menu For 14 Days, Results, Contraindications, Reviews

Diet Of Doctors - Menu For 14 Days, Results, Contraindications, Reviews
Diet Of Doctors - Menu For 14 Days, Results, Contraindications, Reviews

Diet of doctors

It is generally accepted that the diet of doctors was developed by doctors for patients with severe forms of obesity. The expected result of the diet of physicians is an alternative to surgery.

Reviews about the diet of doctors

The doctors' diet is prescribed for people with severe obesity
The doctors' diet is prescribed for people with severe obesity

It can be unsafe for your health to prescribe your own doctors' diet. It is most reasonable to observe it under the supervision of a specialist, and even better - in a hospital setting. There are two types of diet for doctors - 14 days and 7 days. According to reviews, the diet of doctors helps to lose 10 to 13 kg.

Diet of doctors 14 days: menu

In order to achieve the result, the diet of doctors is characterized by low calorie content and high rigor.

On the first day, one and a half liters of still mineral water should be divided into six doses.

During the second day, they drink eight hundred milliliters of skim milk, and before going to bed, they are allowed to eat one apple.

The third day of the doctors' diet is similar to the first.

On the fourth day, in three to four doses, one liter of fresh vegetable salad is eaten: cabbage, carrots and herbs are seasoned with one tablespoon of vegetable oil. In addition, you are allowed to drink two glasses of water or unsweetened tea.

The menu of the fifth day of the medical diet corresponds to the second day.

The first breakfast on the sixth day consists of a boiled egg and half a cup of tea. For the second breakfast, they drink a vegetable broth. For lunch, they eat one hundred grams of boiled meat with a side dish of one hundred grams of canned green peas. For afternoon tea, dinner and before going to bed, eat one apple each.

During the seventh day, they drink half a liter of milk and kefir, eat one hundred grams of cottage cheese. One glass of tea is allowed before bed.

The eighth day of the doctors' diet, like the first, consists of one and a half liters of still mineral water divided into six doses.

During the ninth day, one liter of low-fat milk is drunk, and one apple is eaten before bed.

The tenth day is the same as the first.

The diet of the eleventh day consists of vegetable salad - celery, parsley and dill are seasoned with one tablespoon of vegetable oil and a pinch of salt - as well as two glasses of water or unsweetened tea.

The twelfth day of the doctors' diet corresponds to the ninth.

Throughout the thirteenth day, it is allowed to drink non-carbonated water, breakfast consists of a boiled egg and half a cup of tea, and lunch of one hundred grams of low-fat cottage cheese.

On the fourteenth day, as well as on the first, they drink still water - one and a half liters for six meals.

The duration of the doctors' diet can be limited to the first seven days. Regardless of the course chosen, during the entire period of the diet, it is required to additionally take multivitamin preparations. A repeated course of the doctors' diet is permissible no earlier than two months later.

Nutrition at the end of the doctors' diet

After leaving the diet, doctors should refrain from eating high-calorie foods, and the energy value of the diet should be increased gradually.

The doctors' diet lasts 14 days, but sometimes it is reduced to 7 days
The doctors' diet lasts 14 days, but sometimes it is reduced to 7 days

As with other rigid, low-calorie diets, maintaining weight is particularly difficult. If the patient has not been able to withstand the doctors' diet, even an increase in body weight is possible.

Diet of doctors - contraindications

Obviously, the diet of doctors has a number of medical contraindications. These include some chronic systemic diseases that reduce the overall tone of the body, food allergies and individual food intolerances, as well as blood diseases, in particular anemia.

When observing the diet of doctors outside the hospital, especially when performing certain physical activities or without interrupting professional activities, it is necessary to especially observe the sleep and rest regime.

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