Diet For 4 Days - Features, Diet

Diet For 4 Days - Features, Diet
Diet For 4 Days - Features, Diet

Diet for 4 days

Diet for 4 days is a quick way to correct your figure
Diet for 4 days is a quick way to correct your figure

In the life of every woman there are times when you need to lose weight quickly (before a beach vacation, a corporate party or other event, or just when you bought a new stunning dress in a store and you just need to lose a couple of kilograms so that it fits perfectly). In such cases, women, as a rule, almost completely limit themselves to food and, one might say, simply bring themselves to exhaustion in the gym. And there is nothing surprising in the fact that this does not give any result - time is running out. But how do you get rid of those hateful few pounds in a couple of days? In this case, the following diets for 4 days are perfect.

Basic rules for losing weight

Why is it so difficult to lose weight in such a short time? The fact is that while following a strict diet, we experience a feeling of hunger, which our body perceives as stress (oh, hunger times have come). As a result, this leads to the fact that the body turns on the mechanism of minimum energy consumption and maximum saving "in reserve", which significantly slows down the metabolism. This is the body's natural response to hunger. And what does he care about the fact that you want to lose weight? Therefore, as a rule, very strict diets for 3-4 days either do not bring results at all, or lead to the fact that after them we begin to gain weight intensively, which, by the way, is much more difficult to lose later.

Therefore, so that while dieting for 3-4 days your metabolism does not slow down, it is recommended to follow two rules:

  • Have breakfast without fail. All nutritionists agree that people who do not eat breakfast have a slow metabolism until the next meal. This is due to the fact that during sleep, all processes in the body slow down. And breakfast just helps wake him up and make him work.
  • Don't force yourself to be hungry throughout the day. One of the determinants of hunger is blood glucose. After a meal, blood glucose levels rise, leading to a feeling of fullness. But our body can be deceived a little. For example, you can have a couple of cups of strong coffee or tea instead of lunch or dinner. These drinks contain caffeine, which helps to release glucose from the glycogen stores stored in the liver.

How to lose weight in 4 days? Physical training is indispensable

For fast and effective weight loss, intense physical activity is essential. It contributes to the fact that energy consumption begins to prevail over its intake into the body throughout the day. Aerobics is considered especially effective: brisk walking, jogging, dancing at a fast pace, swimming, exercise on a stationary bike or treadmill, cycling, etc.

A day after intense physical training, fat burning processes reach their peak, and the body begins to replenish the calories spent on training due to internal fat reserves. It is at this point that it is worth significantly limiting oneself in nutrition, as this will lead to the fact that adipose tissue will begin to be intensively consumed.

It is worth learning how to correctly combine physical training with eating restrictions so as not to feel hungry. For this purpose, 4-day diets are perfect, which will help you achieve amazing results.

How to lose weight in 4 days? Effective diet

  • On the first day, you should not limit yourself in nutrition, but overeating is also undesirable. Eat as usual. About an hour should be set aside for intense physical activity. Pay special attention to working on problem areas, as fat quickly leaves those areas where muscles work harder. After class, you should not overeat, but starving is also not recommended. Try to move a lot during the day.
  • On the second day, we eat again as usual. Despite the fact that the muscles ache after yesterday's classes, we go to the gym (for jogging, dancing, etc.) The workout should last at least an hour.
  • On the third day, we begin to limit ourselves to food. You should not change your lifestyle and it is also advisable to continue the training (the effect will be better), however, it is not recommended to overload yourself, otherwise muscle swelling may develop (muscles will increase in volume due to the accumulation of fluid). Breakfast should be hearty (but not full of belly), and lunch and dinner can be replaced with strong tea or coffee (without sugar and milk). If you feel hungry throughout the day, drink tea or coffee.
  • On the fourth day, you must also have a hearty breakfast, and instead of lunch and dinner, drink coffee or tea.

Please note that this diet is designed for 3-4 days, no more! Otherwise, you threaten to ruin your stomach. In addition, this diet for 4 days is contraindicated for people with problems with the cardiovascular system.

How to lose weight in 4 days? Fast diet

Tea or coffee - the best lunch and dinner diet for 4 days
Tea or coffee - the best lunch and dinner diet for 4 days

The 4-day fast diet is quite effective, but it shouldn't get too carried away. It can be observed a maximum of 2-3 times a year. And in order to avoid rapid weight gain at the end of the diet, you should not immediately pounce on all prohibited foods, they should be introduced into the diet gradually.

So, a fast diet for 4 days:

  • The first day is preparatory. Throughout the day, the body must adjust to food restrictions and reduce its needs. It is allowed to eat various vegetables (except for corn and potatoes), fruits (except for grapes and bananas), dietary meat (lean fish, turkey or boiled chicken). Pay special attention to citrus fruits and green vegetables, which are especially beneficial for weight loss.
  • On the second day, you can only eat vegetables raw, baked or steamed.
  • The third day is fruity. You can eat any fresh fruit (except grapes and bananas).
  • On the fourth day, you need to leave the diet. Food can be consumed the same as on the first day.

While following this diet for 4 days, it is recommended to consume about 2-2.5 liters of liquid per day. You can drink water without gas, low-fat kefir, green tea. It is recommended to drink a glass of low-fat kefir before meals, as this promotes quick satiety.

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