Preparing to conceive a child

It is unlikely that anyone in our time will have doubts that preparation for conceiving a child is highly desirable. Now, when people approach parenting responsibly, everyone knows that timely preventive measures can save you from very big problems in the future, and in the case when it comes to the birth of a person, they will help to avoid irreparable misfortune. It does not always happen that the pregnancy is planned, which is undoubtedly a pity. Because it is the planned pregnancy that is preferable in all respects, both from a physiological and from a psychological point of view.
Doctors say that preparation for conception should begin when you have the first thought of becoming a parent. And the sooner it happened, the better. If a person treats his health carefully and responsibly from a young age, if he adheres to a healthy lifestyle, eats right, does not lead a promiscuous sex life and does not have bad habits, then he will not need any special preparation for conception, with one exception. In the event that you know about the presence of hereditary diseases in your family and your partner's family, as well as if the woman is over 35 years old, you should contact a genetic counseling center. This measure will allow us to calculate the risks of developing genetic disorders and minimize them.
If your usual lifestyle was different from a healthy one, it is advisable that preparation for conception begins at least a year in advance. The first and most important thing to do in this case is to give up bad habits. It is especially important that the expectant mother does not have them, since the influence of her body on the formation of the unborn child is much stronger than the influence of the father's body. Quitting bad habits is not just about quitting smoking and drinking. It is also a rejection of long parties in smoky nightclubs, a rejection of a sedentary lifestyle, from wearing squeezing clothes, from carrying heavy weights.

The future father also needs to take care of his health, since he provides exactly half of the genes - the information that will be the basis of the future person. It is important that this information is of good quality. Proper nutrition, good rest, an active lifestyle - all this is equally necessary for a man. It is believed that male germ cells are less susceptible to mutations than female ones, because they are constantly renewed, unlike female ones, which are formed in a girl from birth. But in fact, it is very important in what conditions - healthy or not, sperm formation occurs. Therefore, preparation for conception must necessarily include a medical examination, in particular for the detection of hidden inflammatory processes.
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