How Easy It Is To Wake Up In The Morning

How Easy It Is To Wake Up In The Morning
How Easy It Is To Wake Up In The Morning

How easy it is to wake up in the morning

Easy to wake up in the morning
Easy to wake up in the morning

If you manage to wake up easily in the morning, then you are lucky and belong to a happy minority. Most people, at least those of modern Western civilization, rarely succeed on weekdays. The main reason is that the rhythm of modern life does not contribute to the development of a constant daily routine. We live at a crazy pace, we are constantly running somewhere, doing something, we do not have time, and the first thing we sacrifice for the sake of this lifestyle is a normal, full-fledged sleep. Remember the last time you managed to wake up easily? If you had to think about it to fulfill this request, then the following information will be of interest to you.

At first glance, the problem is simple. To wake up easily, you just need to get enough sleep. The catch is that you can't get enough sleep in the allotted time. The well-known figure of eight hours is an average figure, in fact, six hours are enough for one person to get a good night's sleep, and ten is barely enough for another. In addition to individual characteristics, the time required for rest depends on age - everyone knows that the need for sleep in old age is lower than in young; and also from the season. In winter, nature falls asleep, daylight decreases, and a person, obeying the natural biological rhythm, notices that in order to easily wake up in the morning, he needs more time than in summer, at least one hour.

Therefore, you need to start by figuring out how much sleep your body needs, and adjusting your daily routine so that the need for sleep is fully satisfied. However, this is not enough. In order for sleep to be full and restorative, it must come at the same time, that is, it is necessary to live in a certain mode. This is very important, because everything in nature obeys rhythms, and the human body obeys them. It is not too important what exactly this rhythm will be, only two points are important - compliance with physiological needs and constancy. When a person falls asleep at the same time, his body spends the time allotted to him for rest as productively as possible. Of course, there is no need to live by the minute, however, in order to wake up easily by the alarm clock, not from time to time, but every day,you need to go to bed at the same time every day, plus or minus half an hour.

Easy to wake up in the morning
Easy to wake up in the morning

Train yourself to get up in a good mood, surround your morning with all sorts of amenities - your favorite music, invigorating shower, the aroma of freshly brewed coffee. Make it a habit not to leave your bedroom and kitchen uncleaned in the evening so that their appearance does not spoil your morning mood. Last but not least, resist the temptation to sleep "five more minutes" after the alarm rings. You still won't be able to get enough sleep during this time, and the irritation from two persistent calls is exactly twice as much as from one.

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