The rudd belongs to the fish of the carp family. It lives in lakes and rivers that flow into the Baltic, Caspian, North, Black and Aral seas.
The nutritional value |
Portion of Rudd 100 g |
Amount per serving |
Calories 100 Calories from Fat 27 |
% Daily value * |
Total Fat 3 g 5% |
Cholesterol 0 mg 0% |
Sodium 100 mg 4% |
Potassium 335 mg 10% |
Total Carbohydrates 0 g 0% |
Dietary fiber 0 g 0% |
Proteins 18.3 g 37% |
Iron 2% |
Calcium 4% |
Magnesium 9% |
Phosphorus 24% |
Zinc 5% |
* Calculation for a daily diet of 2000 kcal |
The ratio of BJU in the product

Source: How to burn 100 kcal?
Walking | 25 minutes |
Jogging | 11 minutes |
Swimming | 8 minutes |
A bike | 14 minutes |
Aerobics | 20 minutes. |
Household chores | 33 minutes |
The rudd has a very beautiful appearance. Its body is covered with small shiny scales of a yellowish-golden color. The fins are crimson or bright red in color. In appearance, the rudd resembles a roach and differs from the latter in a higher body and orange eyes. In nature, sometimes there are hybrids of these two species of fish. They are characterized by the presence of signs of both types.
The length of the rudd reaches 20 - 50 cm, and its weight ranges from 350.0 g to 2 kg.
Rudd usually lives in bodies of water with numerous aquatic plants. She prefers to stay in depth and in the thickness of vegetation, avoiding going into open areas.
Rudd properties
The meat of the rudd has a delicate and peculiar taste. Its fat content is low, only 3%. Therefore, this fish can be eaten without fear of gaining extra pounds by those who care about the slimness of their figure.
100.0 g of rudd pulp contains 18.5 g of complete protein. Unlike meat protein, it is absorbed by the human body almost completely. In this regard, nutritionists recommend including rudd dishes in the diet of children, the elderly, as well as patients with chronic diseases.
Rudd is also rich in chromium, phosphorus and vitamin PP. The phosphorus contained in it is not only necessary for the synthesis of ATP molecules, but also contributes to better absorption of calcium.
In summer, the meat of the rudd becomes bitter, so at this time of the year it is not hunted and is not eaten.
The calorie content of 100.0 g of rudd is 100.5 kcal.
Application of rudd
Because of the peculiar taste, not everyone likes the meat of rudd. However, with proper preparation, the taste of dishes made from this fish is significantly improved, and sometimes people cannot even guess what type of fish they are made from. It takes a lot of work to feed your loved ones, a truly delicious rudd.
Most often, the most delicate fish cakes are prepared from it. Fish should be cleaned, gutted and rinsed thoroughly under running water. Then the meat is separated from the bones and twisted twice through a meat grinder with onions, bacon and white bread soaked in milk. Add a raw chicken egg to the resulting minced meat, salt and pepper it to taste. Form cutlets and fry them on both sides in heated vegetable oil. Cook a strong fish broth from the remaining fins and bones. Put the finished cutlets in a saucepan, pour hot broth, close the lid and simmer over very low heat for 20 - 30 minutes.
Rudd is practically not used for cooking fish soup, because the fat content in it is minimal. But the fried rudd has an excellent taste. Before frying, pieces of fish should be washed in a very strong solution of table salt, which allows you to get rid of the specific smell of rudd, which is why many people refuse to eat this healthy product.

Rudd goes very well with almost all vegetables. Therefore, fish and vegetable stew is often prepared from it. To do this, pieces of rudd are stewed in a pan with finely chopped tomatoes, bell peppers, olives and mushrooms. Before serving, finely chopped egg and herbs, as well as olive oil are added to the stew. Salt and pepper the stew at the very end of cooking. Served on the table cold.
Rudd stewed not with vegetables, but in milk turns out to be no less tasty. For a side dish, you can serve mashed potatoes or boiled green peas.
In shops you can often see salted rudd. It is great as a beer snack.
Interesting Facts
In New Zealand and Canada, rudd is considered a harmful fish, because it displaces local valuable fish species from water bodies.
Fishermen know perfectly well that the rudd bites perfectly on artificial lures of bright yellow color, but simply ignores the rest.
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