Volnushka Mushrooms - Salted, Fried, False

Volnushka Mushrooms - Salted, Fried, False
Volnushka Mushrooms - Salted, Fried, False


Volnushki are mushrooms from the milky genus, russula family, of the agaric order.


Volnushki, like all lactarius, are lamellar mushrooms. The plates are light or pinkish, often spaced, thin. The cap of the wave mushroom has a diameter of 4 to 15 cm. The shape of the cap is distinguished by a depressed middle and a curved edge. The leg of the wave is loose, hollow inside. Fruiting bodies contain caustic milky juice, which has a light color. Basically, waves begin to appear in July and grow until early October. In the middle of summer, these mushrooms are found in small quantities. But in August and September, a lot of them appear at once. They grow in groups, form witch rings. Waves are typical for Eurasia. In our country, these mushrooms are found in Siberia, the Far East, and in the European part. Mushrooms grow in coniferous and mixed forests, in meadows and moderately grassy edges. The main condition for their growth is the presence of tree roots in the soil. Most well the waves exist together with the birch. These fungi are mycorrhizal forming agents for these trees. This means that a special relationship is formed between the roots of the birch and the mycelium of the wave mushroom - a mutually beneficial symbiosis. The greatest yields of this type of mushroom are usually harvested in rainy warm weather. Among the people, mushrooms are deservedly popular. Their taste is considered pleasant. Connoisseurs note that the taste qualities of the volushka are still inferior to the mushroom, but they are quite comparable to the milk mushroom. Some minus is the slight bitterness of the cooked wave. The nutritional value of this mushroom is high. It is rich in proteins, vitamins, trace elements. These fungi are mycorrhizal forming agents for these trees. This means that a special relationship is formed between the roots of the birch and the mycelium of the wave mushroom - a mutually beneficial symbiosis. The greatest yields of this type of mushroom are usually harvested in rainy warm weather. Among the people, mushrooms are deservedly popular. Their taste is considered pleasant. Connoisseurs note that the taste qualities of the volushka are still inferior to the mushroom, but they are quite comparable to the milk mushroom. Some minus is the slight bitterness of the cooked wave. The nutritional value of this mushroom is high. It is rich in proteins, vitamins, trace elements. These fungi are mycorrhizal organisms for these trees. This means that a special relationship is formed between the roots of the birch and the mycelium of the wave mushroom - a mutually beneficial symbiosis. The highest yields of this type of mushroom are usually harvested in rainy warm weather. Among the people, mushrooms are deservedly popular. Their taste is considered pleasant. Connoisseurs point out that the taste of the volushka is still inferior to the mushroom, but it is quite comparable to the milk mushroom. Some minus is the slight bitterness of the cooked wave. The nutritional value of this mushroom is high. It is rich in proteins, vitamins, trace elements. The greatest yields of this type of mushroom are usually harvested in rainy warm weather. Among the people, mushrooms are deservedly popular. Their taste is considered pleasant. Connoisseurs note that the taste qualities of the volushka are still inferior to the mushroom, but they are quite comparable to the milk mushroom. Some minus is the slight bitterness of the cooked wave. The nutritional value of this mushroom is high. It is rich in proteins, vitamins, trace elements. The greatest yields of this type of mushroom are usually harvested in rainy warm weather. Among the people, mushrooms are deservedly popular. Their taste is considered pleasant. Connoisseurs note that the taste qualities of the volushka are still inferior to the mushroom, but they are quite comparable to the milk mushroom. Some minus is the slight bitterness of the cooked wave. The nutritional value of this mushroom is high. It is rich in proteins, vitamins, trace elements.

Pink and white waves

There are two subspecies of waves: pink and white. Pink mushrooms are larger. The hat has a beautiful light pink color with concentric stripes. The leg is 5-6 cm long. The salty waves lose their beautiful shade and become gray-white.

The white subspecies is smaller. Its cap does not exceed 10 cm in diameter. The color of the mushroom is off-white, the leg is up to 4 cm long.

Poisoning by waves

Volnushki are considered conditionally edible mushrooms. This means they cannot be eaten without careful cooking. Volushka mushrooms contain bitter and corrosive substances that cause food disturbances. Already two hours after eating an untreated wave, nausea, diarrhea, pain syndrome develop. The malaise can last up to 48 hours. The severity of the condition depends on individual sensitivity, the amount of mushrooms eaten, and the presence of diseases of the digestive system. Volushkoy poisoning is an acute inflammation of the intestinal and stomach mucosa. Treatment in such a situation consists in adhering to bed rest, drinking plenty of fluids, and restricting food for 1-2 days. Astringents and adsorbents may be prescribed. It is very easy to prevent wavelet poisoning. It is necessary to boil the collected mushrooms for 15 minutes in a sufficient amount of water. The broth should be poured out. After this treatment, caustic resinous substances are completely removed from the fungi, which means that they become safe. Now they can be cooked: fry, salt, pickle.

False waves

As such, false waves do not exist. Only an inexperienced mushroom picker can confuse a volushka with any poisonous species. Sometimes conditionally edible violins and smooths are taken for waves. These mushrooms also belong to the genus of the lactarius and require special culinary processing. The white mushroom subspecies can be mistakenly called a false wave.

Salty waves

The process of salting the waves is laborious. For the preparation of salted mushrooms, choose young, strong, wormhole-free waves. They must be rinsed well beforehand. First, the waves are soaked, changing the water 2-3 times during the day. Then they should be boiled for 15 minutes in salted water with spices (allspice, cloves, currant leaves). Next, the mushrooms are placed in a colander and thoroughly washed with running water. Then the waves must be dried. While the mushrooms are drying, chop the herbs, garlic. Next, salt is poured into a sterile container on the bottom and mushrooms are spread in layers, salt, allspice (3-4 pieces), herbs are added to each layer. Layers should be stacked tightly. Top of the wave must be filled with vegetable oil. The salting is ready. It is better to try the waves no earlier than in a week. Salty waves will acquire the best taste in 40-50 days. It is especially recommended to serve them with potato dishes.

Salty waves
Salty waves

Fried waves

Although they are traditionally used salty, they can be fried. Try to cook fried waves with sour cream sauce for the second. This will require mushrooms, onions, garlic, parsley, carrots, salt, pepper, sour cream. The mushrooms are sorted out, cleaned and washed. Then they are boiled in salted water for 30 minutes. Next, the mushrooms must be thrown into a colander. Onions and garlic are fried in a pan. Add chopped mushrooms to them and fry everything together for 10 minutes. Then add grated carrots, parsley, salt, pepper. Put sour cream in a pan and fry the dish for another 3-5 minutes.

There are other recipes for fried waves. So, sometimes it is suggested to fry pre-salted mushrooms.

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