Morning Exercises For Children

Morning Exercises For Children
Morning Exercises For Children

Morning exercises for children

Morning exercises for children - a set of physical exercises performed daily in the morning to strengthen the child's body, as well as the development and correct formation of motor skills in children.

Morning exercises for children - a way to strengthen the body
Morning exercises for children - a way to strengthen the body

The complex of morning exercises for children includes special physical exercises based on the repetition of motor actions of an arbitrary nature in a certain sequence, aimed at the development of certain muscle groups. The basis of the exercises is the load on different muscle groups regulated in terms of duration and intensity:

  • Training of large muscle groups activates metabolic processes, improves blood circulation and, therefore, nutrition of all organs and tissues;
  • Strengthening the abdominal muscles helps to improve digestion;
  • As a result of the development of the back muscles, the correct posture is formed and the muscular corset of the spine is strengthened;
  • Strengthening the main respiratory muscle - the diaphragm, abdominal and intercostal muscles, develops deep breathing, increasing the supply of oxygen to the body, which is necessary for more intense oxidative processes;
  • The rhythm of the exercises contributes to the formation of rational breathing skills, makes it possible to learn how to correlate the frequency and rhythm of breathing with movements, to regulate the duration and strength of exhalation and inhalation;
  • General developmental exercises improve reaction speed, coordination, ability to concentrate and distribute attention.

Regular performance of morning exercises for babies is one of the important components of the harmonious development of the child and the preparation of his body for future loads. Conscious execution of certain movements for adults in the required sequence improves the ability to memorize, train memory, and orientate in space, improving the functioning of the vestibular apparatus.

Morning gymnastics complex for children

The complex of morning exercises for children should be performed daily. Before classes, it is necessary to provide an influx of fresh air - to open a balcony or a window; in the warm season, outdoor activities are preferable. Children's clothing should be lightweight, not restricting movement, made of natural fabrics. You can use various objects for exercise - jump ropes, balls, hoops, flags, ribbons with rings, light dumbbells, cubes. When practicing indoors and on summer grounds with a clean surface, it is advisable to take off your shoes, this is necessary to perform exercises for the prevention of flat feet.

The child is able to assimilate any complex within two weeks, so it is recommended in two weeks to replace either the entire complex or 3-4 exercises with new ones.

Morning exercises for children should consist of three parts:

  • Warm-up part - 1-5 minutes, depending on the age group;
  • The main part - from 3 to 10 minutes;
  • Rehabilitation breathing exercises and relaxation.

The warm-up part should include the following exercises:

  • Walking - on the heels, on toes, on the outside and inside of the foot, in a squat and half-squat, backward;
  • Running, preferably on toes, jumping over obstacles or running into a hoop;
  • Jumps - on one and two legs in turn, sideways, with jumps, to the sides;
  • Exercises for training attention in movement - on command (clap), the child should go in the opposite direction or jump in place.

When doing the exercises, you should loudly and clearly count to four, while running, you can rhythmically clap your hands.

The main complex of morning exercises for children is performed in the following sequence:

  • Upper body - turns and tilts of the head, exercises for the arms and upper shoulder girdle;
  • Muscles of the back and abdomen - turns and bends;
  • Calf muscles - squats, jumps.

The exercises should be repeated according to the age group, the number of repetitions is the child's age +1. From the age of four, it is allowed to include complex exercises with a combination of movements, for example, arms to the sides, at the same time take the leg back and the like. Motivation of children under four years old is playful, it is necessary to interest and captivate children so that all the necessary exercises are performed.

Morning exercises for children - a component of harmonious development
Morning exercises for children - a component of harmonious development

The third and final part is breathing exercises and relaxation. Raise your arms up - inhale through your nose, lower your hands - exhale through your mouth. Children up to four years old can be offered to smell a beautiful imaginary flower, to spend relaxation in a playful way.

You can finish morning exercises for children with a funny short rhyme, which the children should say in chorus, for example, they stood up in order, quickly did exercises.

Using these recommendations, you can independently make up complexes of morning exercises for children, taking into account the age and level of physical and psychological preparation of the kids.

Musical morning exercises for children

When there is a technical possibility, it is imperative to carry out musical morning exercises for children. Figurative, beautiful, rhythmic and perky music arouses a keen interest in kids, positively influencing children's emotions.

In babies up to four years old, the musical accompaniment of morning exercises helps to create a playful mood, they perform exercises more willingly and harmoniously. For older children, music helps to maintain the correct rhythm and tempo, to change the nature of movements according to the change in musical works.

Performing morning exercises for babies with music is more energetic, which enhances the effect of their influence, developing in babies flexibility, endurance, agility, plasticity and a sense of rhythm more intense. From an early age, children try to move rhythmically to the music, which is associated with the physiological need of babies to move.

Correctly selected musical accompaniment increases the desire and interest in morning exercises and is an important element of aesthetic education. Music helps children to perform exercises clearly, correctly, expressively and flexibly, relieves psycho-emotional stress.

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