Gymnastics qigong
Chinese gymnastics qigong is one of the oldest health-improving techniques aimed at restoring human health and gaining longevity and well-being. The practice uses healing methods that were carefully collected and passed on to their descendants more than 7 thousand years ago by the sages from China, combining both healing exercises and breathing exercises.

In the view of Chinese philosophy, the entire world in which we live is filled with Qi energy. It is present everywhere: in the air, in trees, in buildings and, of course, in a person. In the human body, Qi moves along the so-called meridians and accumulates in dantans - the energy centers of the body. The task of qigong gymnastics is to normalize the flow of Qi in the human body, increase its circulation and energize the three dantans located in the head, sternum and abdominal cavity, based on the natural mechanism of self-healing dormant in the human body.
Qigong gymnastics exercises
The basis of qigong gymnastics is physical exercises in combination with breathing exercises, carried out to harmonious, smooth, pleasant music for listening.
Chinese qigong gymnastics is aimed at harmonizing the human body on three levels: physical, emotional and intellectual. It activates the physiological functions of the body, helps cleanse the blood vessels, increase the production of sex hormones, increase immunity, and normalize metabolism.
Qigong gymnastics exercises revive the vitality of a person, and also slow down the aging process of the body. They include:
- Activities for forced tension and relaxation of the body, contributing to the concentration of internal energy;
- Exercises to keep the trunk in a certain position (help to strengthen the muscles involved in this process);
- Stretching to increase muscle elasticity and tone;
- Stretching exercises;
- "Viss" in various positions (for the prepared).
Respiratory gymnastics qigong
According to qigong masters, many of us do not breathe correctly, using less than a third of our lungs. Qigong breathing exercises expand the capabilities of the respiratory system, providing a constant exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide, improving blood circulation, helping to maintain physical fitness, calm and clear thinking. Gymnastic qigong exercises involve the obligatory combination of physical actions with deep belly breathing (diaphragm breathing).
When breathing with the diaphragm, the chest remains motionless: when you inhale, the abdomen moves forward (filled with air), when you exhale, it is pulled back. The head is kept straight, the neck and spine form a straight line. Depending on the type of qigong exercises, there are:
- "Breath of Fire". Rhythmic diaphragmatic breathing, in which exhalation is carried out due to a sharp retraction of the abdomen (inhalation is passive, exhalation is active). It is used in dynamic qigong exercises;
- Deep slow breathing, where both inhalation and exhalation are equal in intensity. It is used in static exercises and has a cleansing and relaxing effect.
The main aspects of qigong breathing exercises:
- Deep belly breathing;
- Breathing only through the nose (unless otherwise noted);
- Correct body posture (straightened upper body).
Spine qigong gymnastics
The complex of Chinese gymnastics qigong consists of special exercises that work with the spine and the energy zones located in it. Spine qigong gymnastics is available for everyone: it does not require special physical training and can be performed even by weakened people.
Recommendations for the implementation of therapeutic exercises qigong gymnastics:
- Exercises must be performed slowly, smoothly, without jerking;
- Each of the tasks must be repeated 8-10 times;
- Press your lower back and back firmly to the floor.
In order for the following qigong gymnastics exercises to be effective, each of them must be performed in strict sequence.
- The starting position is standing. We tilt the back, while pressing the chin to the jugular notch, continue to bend slowly and smoothly;
- The starting position is standing. We spread our arms at shoulder level. We carry out a turn with the shoulder to one side, without affecting the spine, then slowly repeat the movement on the other side. The exercise is similar to the movement element in belly dancing;
- Starting position - standing, with arms raised. Slowly bend forward at an angle of 90 degrees. We fix the body in this position for 5-10 seconds;
- The starting position is standing. We straighten our arms forward at shoulder level. We are trying to reach the floor with our hands and return to the starting position;
- The starting position is standing. We bend one leg at the knee and pull it up, you can hold it with your hand. Change your leg in a few seconds;
- Starting position - standing, arms at shoulder level are extended to the sides. Raise the leg with a swing, trying to reach the hand with the toe. We change the leg.
The basis of qigong gymnastics for the spine is the correct "belly breathing" - otherwise qigong turns into ordinary aerobics.

Gymnastics qigong for weight loss
The approach of qigong gymnastics for losing weight is fundamentally different from Western methods: aerobics, fitness, running. Chinese medicine does not consider the forced burning of calories, as well as limiting their intake with food (diet), as concepts of a healthy lifestyle.
The basis of qigong gymnastics for weight loss is three exercises:
- Frog. Sit on a chair with your feet shoulder-width apart at right angles. Clench the fingers of your left hand into a fist, wrapping your right hand around it. Tilt your torso forward, resting your elbows on your knees. Lower your head to your hands and relax your abdominal muscles. Breathe in deeply, contracting your abdomen so that it puffs out like a ball. Exercise is good for reducing appetite;
- Wave. Lie on your back and bend your knees at right angles, keeping your feet flat on the floor. Place one hand on your stomach and the other on your chest. As you inhale, draw in your chest and inflate your stomach. Repeat the exercise 20-30 times. It is recommended to do it only when you are experiencing severe hunger;
- Lotus. Exercise that stimulates the metabolism. Sit in the lotus position, close your eyes. For five minutes, alternate even, deep breaths with similar exhalations. Your state should resemble falling asleep. The duration of the exercise is 10-15 minutes.
According to Chinese doctors, the problem of excess weight lies in the imbalance of the body's yin-yang: by restoring the harmony of Qi flows in one's own body, a person can eat without strict restrictions, while maintaining a slender figure.
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