Chinese diet
There are many variations of the "Chinese diet". They are united by one thing - they all imply strict restrictions on the composition and calorie content of the diet. However, this does not prevent such a power supply system from being popular, since it provides a good result.
The most common 7-, 14- and 21-day options. The 7 and 14 day diets are based on the same foods. The 21-day diet is vastly different from other options.
The rules of the "Chinese diet":
- you cannot change products, their quantity and the menu of certain days;
- snacks are not allowed between main meals; if you feel hungry, you should drink a glass of water;
- dinner should be no later than 3 hours before bedtime;
- meat and fish can only be boiled, steamed or grilled;
- you need to drink at least 1.5 liters of clean water daily.
A 2 week diet preparation is essential. During this period, every morning you need to drink 200-300 ml of water on an empty stomach and gradually reduce the amount of baked goods, animal fats, sugar and salt in the diet.
The "Chinese diet" requires getting out of it right in order to avoid rapid weight gain. To do this, after completing the diet, you must continue to drink green tea daily, drink 1.5 liters of water per day, maintain small portion sizes and at least 3 meals a day. It is advisable to quench the feeling of hunger in the intervals between meals with a glass of water, and if you do have snacks, then only with healthy and low-calorie food. High-calorie foods are allowed on the menu no more than 1 time per week.

Advantages of the "Chinese diet"
The "Chinese diet" is characterized by a high rate of weight loss - it helps to get rid of 4-6 kg per week.
Thanks to the large amount of water and fiber, the intestines are cleansed of harmful substances, it starts to work better, which has a positive effect on the state of health in general.
Disadvantages and contraindications of the "Chinese diet"
The daily calorie content of the diet is low, which can cause weakness, irritability, drowsiness, or, conversely, insomnia.
The 21-day diet is highly unbalanced and can negatively impact your health. Such a diet is contraindicated for people with any chronic diseases.
A significant disadvantage is the agonizing feeling of hunger (especially at the beginning of the diet), which is difficult to drown out with a glass of water. This can lead to a breakdown.
Even a short "Chinese diet" (7, 14 days) is contraindicated for people with diseases of the digestive tract, hypertension, metabolic disorders, as well as for pregnant and lactating mothers, children, adolescents, weakened and elderly people.
What foods are allowed?
The list of permitted foods for the 7- and 14-Day Chinese Diet includes:
- lean beef, chicken fillet;
- eggs;
- a fish;
- vegetables fruits;
- lemon juice;
- olive oil.
Drinks allowed water, skim milk, kefir, coffee, green, black and herbal tea, tomato juice and compote.
The 21 Day Chinese Diet Food List includes:
- eggs;
- fruits (oranges are especially useful);
- vegetables;
- cereals (with the exception of semolina and pearl barley).
Besides pure water, you can drink coffee, green and black tea.
What foods are prohibited?
During the "Chinese diet" it is forbidden to eat all products that are not included in the list of permitted products, especially sugar and confectionery. Salt is also prohibited.
Chinese Diet Menu
Chinese diet menu for 7 days:
First day |
Breakfast: black coffee. Lunch: cabbage salad, 2 eggs in a bag, tomato. Dinner: cabbage salad dressed with vegetable oil, salmon steak. |
Second day |
Breakfast: black coffee. Lunch: baked fish with cabbage garnish. Dinner: boiled beef, kefir. |
Third day |
Breakfast: milk. Lunch: boiled carrot salad, omelet. Dinner: pears and apples. |
Fourth day |
Breakfast: black coffee or tea. Lunch: parsnip root fried in olive oil, apples. Dinner: boiled beef with cabbage, scrambled eggs. |
The fifth day |
Breakfast: grated raw carrots, seasoned with lemon juice. Lunch: a large portion of fried or baked fish, tomato juice. Dinner: baked fish with cabbage garnish. |
Sixth day |
Breakfast: black coffee. Lunch: assorted vegetables, chicken fillet. Dinner: raw carrots, scrambled eggs. |
Seventh day |
Breakfast: green or herbal tea. Lunch: lean meat, assorted fruits. Dinner: repeat any option you like. |
For the 14-day "Chinese diet" you can use the 7-day menu. In this case, the menu of the 8th day corresponds to the menu of the 1st day, and then everything repeats in the specified order. Those who want to diversify their diet somewhat are encouraged to first use the 7-day diet menu, and from the 8th to the 14th day, stick to this option:
Eighth day |
Breakfast: black coffee. Lunch: boiled beef, fruit salad. Dinner: repeat any option you like. |
Ninth day |
Breakfast: black coffee. Lunch: baked chicken with a vegetable side dish. Dinner: salad of carrots and seaweed, omelet. |
Tenth day |
Breakfast: carrot salad. Lunch: baked or stewed trout, tomato juice. Dinner: mix of fruits. |
Eleventh day |
Breakfast: compote. Lunch: stewed vegetables, an egg, a slice of cheese. Dinner: fresh fruit. |
Twelfth day |
Breakfast: black, green or herbal tea. Lunch: toast, stewed zucchini, apples. Dinner: boiled beef, kefir. |
Thirteenth day |
Breakfast: black coffee. Lunch: stewed cabbage or cabbage salad, tomato juice. Dinner: a portion of baked fish. |
Fourteenth day |
Breakfast: kefir. Lunch: fish, vegetable garnish. Dinner: boiled beef, kefir. |
The 21-Day Chinese Diet Menu:
First week | 1 egg and 1 orange per meal. Only 3 doses per day - morning, afternoon and evening. |
Second week | During the day - porridge cooked in water. For 1 day, you should eat one type of porridge. |
Third week | Fruits and vegetables, raw or cooked in a gentle way. |
Useful Tips
Tip 1: If there is a sharp deterioration in well-being during the 21-day diet, it should be abandoned in favor of a less rigid option.
Tip 2: You can use any cabbage, including sea cabbage.
Diet characteristic | final grade |
Duration: 7, 14, 21 days |
3.5 out of 5 The Chinese diet is unbalanced and tough, but it is the strict restrictions that make it so effective. The risk of losing weight returning soon after completing the diet is quite high. |
Recommended frequency: 1-2 times a year | |
Weight loss rate: | |
Safety: | |
Variety of products: |
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