BUCH diet

BUCH diet (protein-carbohydrate alternation) is a nutritional system consisting of microcycles with alternating days of protein and carbohydrate nutrition, aimed at burning subcutaneous fat with maximum preservation of muscle mass. Initially, the BUCH diet was developed for athletes, but recently it has become more and more popular among people who want to effectively lose weight.
BUCH diet: features of the nutritional system, rules for building microcycles
The BEACH diet, or protein-carbohydrate alternation, is a combination of the best qualities of protein diets to help maintain and grow muscle mass, and carbohydrate nutrition systems to help burn fat.
The main benefits of the BUCH diet are:
- No need to count calories. BUCH diet is based on the ratio of proteins and carbohydrates in a microcycle without a strict limitation in the amount of food consumed;
- Due to the balance of the diet in the microcycle, the BUCH diet avoids side effects from the nervous system: if the BUCH diet is observed, brain activity does not decrease, working capacity is maintained, there is no lethargy, depression, fatigue, apathy, depression, aggressiveness and irritability;
- The BUCH diet offers enough carbohydrates to restore glycogen balance and maintain serotonin levels;
- If you follow the BUCH diet, there is no physical and emotional exhaustion of the body, which allows you to reduce weight without compromising physical activity and performance;
- Acceleration of metabolic processes in the body.
Like any other nutritional system aimed at losing weight, the BUCH diet is guided by standard dietary principles:
- Moderate food intake, however, at least 1200 calories per day. With the BUCH diet, periods of fasting should be avoided;
- The daily calorie content of protein, carbohydrate and mixed food should be the same;
- Compliance with the diet;
- Exclusion of "harmful" products.
When talking about the BEACH diet, you should give preference to the right foods. So, cheese is rich in protein, but this product contains a large amount of fat, which the body, in conditions of energy deficiency, will transform into triglycerides (fats).
Butch diet works as follows. The main goal of the nutrition system is to trigger the body's fat burning as a result of an artificially created energy deficit. Due to the alternation of protein and carbohydrate nutrition during the BECH diet, the body does not have time to adapt to a particular diet, which increases the efficiency of the system. During the days of protein nutrition, the body depletes its glycogen stores (storage carbohydrate of the body, the main form of glucose storage in cells, which creates an energy reserve). By the end of the period of protein nutrition, the body's burning of fatty deposits to replenish energy costs reaches a maximum. As a result of carbohydrate starvation, the body can start burning muscle mass as an alternative energy source. It is for this that the BUCH diet provides days of carbohydrate nutrition,allowing to replenish glycogen stores. The final day of the cycle is a mixed day, when the diet includes equal amounts of both proteins and carbohydrates. On this day, the restoration of glycogen continues, and the body is also preparing for the next protein cycle.
There are many variations of the BEACH diet. However, it should be understood that it is impossible to get rid of the excess weight accumulated over the years in a week. The optimal period for observing the BUCH diet is 28 days, including 7 microcycles for 4 days. The effectiveness of 4-day microcycles has been proven in practice. In this mode, the body undergoes optimal transformations. Correct construction of a microcycle according to the BUCH diet:
- 2 days of protein nutrition;
- 1 day high-carb meal
- 1 day of mixed meals.
BUCH diet: menu and its variations, dietary rules

If you follow the BUCH diet, the menu and its correct compilation is the main task. The correct calculation of proteins and carbohydrates contributes to effective weight loss.
During protein days of nutrition, the amount of protein in the diet should reach 3-4 g / kg of weight. The complete elimination of carbohydrates from the diet is not possible, since the balance of nutrients, equally necessary for the body for healthy functioning, will be significantly disturbed. Accordingly, the amount of carbohydrates in the protein cycle should not exceed 1.5 g / kg of body weight.
During the period of high-carbohydrate nutrition, the amount of carbohydrates in the diet increases to 6 g / kg of human body weight, proteins, respectively, decrease to 1.5 g / kg of body weight. A balanced diet day involves eating equal amounts of protein and carbohydrates, which is approximately 2-3 g / kg.
If you follow the BUCH diet, the menu may look like this:
- Protein days - cottage cheese, beef, turkey, chicken, tuna, squid, shrimp, eggs. The menu may include salads, a small amount of whole grain bread;
- Carbohydrate days - oatmeal, buckwheat porridge, rice, fresh and stewed vegetables, dairy products;
- A mixed meal day suggests carbohydrates for breakfast (cereals, fruits, milk, carbohydrates), proteins for lunch (rice, vegetables, meat or fish) and proteins for dinner (cottage cheese, boiled meat).
BUCH diet: results and effectiveness of the nutritional system
The effectiveness of the BEACH diet has been confirmed by professional athletes who, following this diet, burn fat mass without harming muscle tissue. With the BUCH diet, the results will differ at each of the periods of the cycle. So, on the days of protein nutrition, the maximum weight loss occurs (up to 1 kg per day). On the days of carbohydrate nutrition and protein-carbohydrate balance, weight will increase, however, this increase in weight is due to the replenishment of carbohydrate reserves that retain water in the body. At the beginning of the next 4-day microcycle, the weight will steadily decrease by 1-2 kg. With each subsequent microcycle, the same weight loss will be observed, which allows you to calculate the exact weight loss results with the BUCH diet.
BUCH diet: reviews and recommendations
Today the BUCH diet is gaining more and more popularity due to a balanced diet, the absence of psychological and physical stress for the body, effective weight loss due to the burning of subcutaneous fat. The BUCH diet, reviews of which position it as an effective way to lose weight, is used not only as a diet, but also as a permanent nutrition system, which requires consultation with a nutritionist and the correct calculation of the energy value of the diet. Compliance with the BUCH diet as a permanent diet requires an increase in the calorie content of food in accordance with the daily energy expenditure of a person. BUCH diet, reviews of which allow to determine its effectiveness, is a proven method of weight loss without stress for the body.
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